1. | Kukla D., Koper J.♦, Methodology for quantitative assessment of basalt fibers obtained in continuous process, Composites Theory and Practice, ISSN: 2084-6096, Vol.20, No.2, pp.78-84, 2020 Abstract:In 2019, the first basalt fiber production line was created in Poland. The fiber is produced in a continuous process, according to the technology developed by Polski Bazalt S.A. In order to assess the microstructure of the manufactured product, a number of tests were carried out, according to previously developed procedures. The presented results relate to the study of the basalt fiber microstructure using light microscopy, electron microscopy and atomic forces. The research was aimed at characterizing the fibers, but also developing research procedures that allow assessment of the basic fiber parameters under post-production conditions. The research was conducted in the field of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the basalt fiber microstructure, its diameter, and the size distribution of this value. In addition, attempts were made to assess the thickness of the sizing (as an impregnation layer) on the fibers obtained employing different parameters of the drawing process and various types of impregnation. Based on the obtained results, measurement and research procedures were implemented in the quality control system of the Polski Bazalt company. Tests carried out as part of these procedures confirm the repeatability in terms of the quality and diameter of the produced fiber. Keywords:basalt fiber, microstructure, SEM, sizing thickness Affiliations:Kukla D. | - | IPPT PAN | Koper J. | - | Polski Bazalt S.A. (PL) |
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