The Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences - the largest engineering sciences institute of the Academy – has the ambition to increase its international recognition as an excellent institution creating favourable conditions for research and researchers.

The Institute regularly undertakes systemic measures to stimulate excellence in its performance, such as creation of favourable working environment, annual assessment of the quality of research and continuous monitoring of Human Resources Strategy for Researchers.

In 2016 IPPT PAN conducted the process of internal analysis regarding the compliance with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, as laid down in the Recommendation of the European Commission 2005/251/EC.

The process and conclusions from the internal analysis as well as steps forward, specified in the Action Plan, were presented in the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) of 2016.

The activities, achievements and plans of the Institute were acknowledged by the European Commission who in December 2016 granted to IPPT PAN HR Excellence in Research award.

Following the requirements of the European Commission, in 2018 the process of Internal Review of 2-years implementation of HRS4R was launched. Its findings are presented in the Internal Review form, which is one of the key elements of the Revised Strategy. On the basis of Internal Review the Revised HRS4R and Action Plan were developed.

European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers,2005
Declaration of commitment to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers,2016
HRS4R - Gap Analysis and Action Plan,2016
HRS4R - Gap Analysis and Action Plan,2016 – ANNEX
Revised HRS4R and Action Plan, 2019
Internal Review, 2019
OTM-R Checklist, 2019