1. | Morbidi F.♦, Pisarski D., Practical and accurate generation of energy-optimal trajectories for a planar quadrotor, ICRA 202, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021-05-30/06-05, Xi'an (CN), pp.1-7, 2021 Abstract:Motivated by the limited flight time of battery-powered multi-rotor UAVs, in this paper we address the problem of generating energy-optimal trajectories for a planar quadrotor. More specifically, by considering an accurate electrical model for the brushless DC motors and rest-to-rest maneuvers between two predefined boundary states, we explicitly compute the minimum-energy curves by adopting a free and a fixed end-time optimal control formulation. The numerical solution of these optimal control problems hinges upon a simple yet effective indirect projected gradient method. Simulation experiments illustrate the theory in a variety of realistic flight scenarios. Affiliations:Morbidi F. | - | other affiliation | Pisarski D. | - | IPPT PAN |
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