1. | Stocki R., Kolanek K., Knabel J., Tauzowski P., FE based structural reliability analysis using STAND environment, COMPUTER ASSISTED METHODS IN ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, ISSN: 2299-3649, Vol.16, pp.35-58, 2009 Streszczenie: An assessment of structural reliability requires multiple evaluations of the limit state function for various realizations of random parameters of the structural system. In the majority of industrial applications the limit state functions cannot be expressed explicitly in terms of the random parameters but they are specified using selected outcomes of the FE analysis. In consequence, in order to be useful in practice, a structural reliability analysis program should be closely integrated with a FE module or it should be interfaced with an advanced external FE program. When the FE source code is not available, which is usually the case, the only option is to establish a communication between the reliability analysis program and an external FE software through the batch mechanism of data modification, job submission and results extraction. The main subject of this article is to present the reliability analysis capabilities of STAND software, which is being developed in the Institute of Fundamental Tech no logical Research of Polish Academy of Sciences. A special emphasis is put on the issues related to it s interfacing with external general purpose FE codes. It is shown that when shape type random variables are used, leading to modifications of the FE mesh, or when the limit state function contains numerical noise, standard algorithms for localizing the design point often fail to converge and a special method based on some response surface approximation is needed. A proposition of such a strategy that employs an adaptive response surface approximation of the limit state function is presented in this article. Development of a reliability analysis program is a challenging project and calls for such a code organization, which would facilitate a simultaneous work of many programmers and allow for easy maintenance and modifications. The so-called object-oriented programming seems to provide a convenient framework to realize these objectives. The object-oriented approach is used in STAND development. The advantages of this programming paradigm and a short description of the STAND’s class hierarchy are presented in the text. The study is concluded with two numerical examples of interfacing STAND with state of the art commercial FE programs. Słowa kluczowe: Reliability, optimization software Afiliacje autorów: Stocki R. | - | IPPT PAN | Kolanek K. | - | IPPT PAN | Knabel J. | - | IPPT PAN | Tauzowski P. | - | IPPT PAN |
|  | 6p. |