Partner: Grzegorz Wysocki

Railway Research Institute (PL)

Lista rozdziałów w ostatnich monografiach
Konowrocki R., Chojnacki A., Wysocki G., Challenges for the market of production, operation and maintenance of rail vehicles, rozdział: Longitudinal dynamics of freight trains – experimental and theoretical investigations, Wydawnictwo PK, pp.22-31, 2021

Prace konferencyjne
1.Konowrocki R., Chojnacki A., Wysocki G., Longitudinal dynamics of freight trains - experimental and theoretical investigations, RAIL VEHICLES 2021, XXIV “RAIL VEHICLES 2021” Conference, 2021-09-12/09-15, Arłamów (PL), No.4, pp.23-31, 2021


When freight rolling stock operators optimize their own costs and profits, one of many steps is to increase the number of wagons. As the freight trains become longer, the dynamics of individual freight wagons in the longitudinal direction becomes important in terms of safety. In this case, the forces involved between the wagons have a key influence on safety against derailment. The derailments of wagons of long freight trains frequently occurred around the world, which caused tremendous losses. The presented in the paper approach to the results obtain from experimental tests carried out on real objects (freight train - test track) to validate a theoretical model are used. Thus, as a result of these numerical investigations by use of the theoretical model, a tool based on multi-body simulations has been developed to provide longitudinal behaviour of freight wagon passing through S-curves of varying curvatures.

Słowa kluczowe:

longitudinal dynamics, experimental investigations, theoretical investigations, freight trains, railway dynamic

Afiliacje autorów:

Konowrocki R.-IPPT PAN
Chojnacki A.-Railway Research Institute (PL)
Wysocki G.-Railway Research Institute (PL)

Abstrakty konferencyjne
1.Chojnacki A., Konowrocki R., Wysocki G., Longitudinal dynamics of freight trains - experimental and theoretical investigations, RAIL VEHICLES 2020 , The 24th scientific conference RAIL VEHICLES 2020 , 2020-10-25/10-28, Arłamów - Ustrzyki Dolne/ Poland (PL), No.1, pp.41-42, 2020


Safe operation and efficient of trains require assessment of its running behaviour. When freight rolling stock operators optimize their own costs and profits, one of many steps is to increase the number of wagons. As the freight trains become longer, the dynamics of individual freight wagons in the longitudinal direction becomes important in terms of in-service behaviour. In this case, the forces involved between the wagons have a key influence on safety against derailment. Safety against derailment is one of primary criteria for assessing the reliability of rail vehicle operation. The derailments of wagons of long freight trains frequently occurred around the world, which caused tremendous losses. Statistics from Australia, Canada, China revealed that the freight trains account for the vast majority of mainline derailments.

Słowa kluczowe:

longitudinal dynamics, freight trains, experimental and theoretical investigations, trains dynamics, wheel-rail interaction

Afiliacje autorów:

Chojnacki A.-Railway Research Institute (PL)
Konowrocki R.-IPPT PAN
Wysocki G.-Railway Research Institute (PL)

Numer/data zgłoszenia patentowego
Ogłoszenie o zgłoszeniu patentowym
Twórca / twórcy
Kraj i Nazwa uprawnionego z patentu
Numer patentu
Ogłoszenie o udzieleniu patentu
BUP 36/2021
Konowrocki R., Wysocki G.
Sposób badania unoszenia się koła, zwłaszcza pojazdów szynowych i urządzenie do badania unoszenia się koła, zwłaszcza pojazdów szynowych
PL, Instytut Kolejnictwa
WUP 30/2022
BUP 30/2022
Konowrocki R., Wysocki G.
Sposób badania unoszenia się koła, zwłaszcza pojazdów szynowych i urządzenie do badania unoszenia się koła, zwłaszcza pojazdów szynowych
PL, Instytut Kolejnictwa
WUP 48/2022
BUP 26/2020
Wysocki G., Konowrocki R.
Urządzenie do badania tłumienia obciążeń udarowych przekładek podszynowych
PL, Instytut Kolejnictwa
WUP 30/2021