On 31st of July 2017, the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland granted a patent for a team from IPPT PAN, IMDiK PAN and WUM: Jarosław Andrychowski, Ph.D., Dr. Habil. , Prof. Małgorzata Frontczak-Baniewicz, Prof. Zbigniew Czernicki, Dorota Gołąbek-Sulejczak, Ph.D., Dr. Habil., Tomasz Kowalczyk, Ph.D., and Prof. Tomasz A. Kowalewski. The invention title: "Use of polymer insulation mesh made from polymer nanofibers to prevent scarring after neurosurgery."

IPPT PAN offered two educational programs at the 21. Science Picnic. A large number of visitors took part in them.

In July 2017, Fundation for Polish Science (FNP) has approved and subsidized three projects at IPPT PAN (the FIRST TEAM and HOMING programmes). Grants winners are young talented researchers at IPPT PAN: Piotr Korczyk Ph.D., Dr Habil., Michał Komorowski Ph.D. and Izabela K. Piechocka Ph.D.

On 31st of May 2017, the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland granted a patent for a team from IPPT PAN, IMDiK PAN and WUM. The invention title is "Application of electrospinning nanofibres as neuroprotective dressings for use in the prevention of post-traumatic changes in the brain."

Karol Golasiński has been awarded a scholarship by the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service) for presentation entitled ,,Unique mechanical performance of an innovative Ti-based superalloy Gum Metal under compression".

In May 2017, National Science Centre (NCN) has approved and subsidized seven projects at IPPT PAN.

In July 2017, European Comission, in the frame of the call MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION STAFF EXCHANGE (MSCA RISE) has granted the project QUANTIFY "Unraveling the role of anisotropy in material failure". The project is coordinated by the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) and one of the project beneficiaries is IPPT PAN.

On May 12, 2017, the General Assembly of The European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) has elected Professor the President General of ECCOMAS. This is a great honor to Prof. Kleiber, confirming his high international recognition and scientific position. This is also a high appreciation for the entire Polish scientific community of information science, applied mathematics and mechanics, as well as for our Institute.

IPPT PAN have started research work in the project "Application of the AIA concept (Adaptive Impact Absorption) in aeronautical and space engineering, AIA-AERO" within the programme "TANGO 2" (NCBiR). This is the second edition of the only initiative in Poland that supports the practical application of fundamental research results.

We are pleased to announce a monograph "PROJEKTOWANIE I BADANIE ADAPTACYJNY PNEUMATYCZNYCH ABSORBERÓW ENERGII UDERZENIA" (in English: Designing and Investigation of Pneumatic Adaptive Absorbers), by Rafał Wiszowaty (IPPT Reports 3/2016).