Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, being fully aware of the mutual opportunities and benefits resulting from the cooperation with other scientific institutions, not only in the context of its own profit, but also in the context of the development of the region, country, Europe and the whole world, concentrates its activity on establishing and strengthening ties between the Institute and Polish and foreign scientific and industrial communities.
IPPT PAN partners with national and international institutions (including universities), research and development centres, organizations, as well as companies and industrial plants. The cooperation takes many different paths – we work under cooperation contracts, create consortiums, offer consulting services, carry out projects, provide expertise opinions, commissioned research, analyses, laboratorial testing, we also work under contracts on joint patent ownership, publications, we educate and popularize science.
IPPT PAN scientific cooperation is aimed at the development of science, research, education, promotion of science and integration of the scientific community - all leading to the development of economy and industry. Integrated forces of individual achievements and competences of our partners provide the basis for attractive and innovative solutions and consequently lead to their implementation. This, in turn, increases the effectiveness in the use of public funds allocated to science.
IPPT PAN scientists receive and accept numerous invitations from foreign scientific institutions and they are guest-speakers at numerous seminars. Thus, the scientific cooperation often takes an informal and personal form. It is worth noting that a lot of valuable findings emerge as a result of such informal cooperation, without any biding contract.
Membership in famous Polish and foreign scientific associations and organizing committees of the most important world congresses and conferences, as well as their prestigious awards, reflects well on the recognition of our scientists’ academic achievements.