Institute of Fundamental Technological Research is a Polish Academy of Sciences scientific institution. The Institute acts based on the following documents:
- Resolution of the Polish Academy of Sciences Presidium of 9 December 1952, approved by virtue of the Government Presidium Resolution no 693/53 of 24 September 1953, on the establishment of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (Polish version only).
- Statute of the Polish Academy of Sciences enacted by the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences on 24 November 2010 (Polish version only).
- Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences of 30 April 2010 (Polish version only).
- Statute of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences of 31 March 2011, accepted by PAS Division IV: Engineering Sciences on 4 April 2011 and approved by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences on 6 May 2011. Updated structure as of 14.08.2018 (Polish version only).
- Amendments to the Statute of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences of 28 June 2018, accepted by PAS Division IV: Engineering Sciences on 20 July 2018 and approved by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences on 14 August 2018 (Polish version only).
- Copy of Register of Scientific Institutes (PL: RIN) (Polish version only).
IPPT PAN data table. (Polish version only).
REGON: 000326026
NIP: 525-000-89-79
PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999454439
The Institute`s logo:
IPPT PAN has the right to confer PhD and habilitation degrees in:
Mechanical engineering
Information technologies and telecommunications
- Material engineering
Automation, electronics and electrical engineering