Institute of Fundamental Technological Research takes great interest in various forms of industrial cooperation. Our scientific research has resulted in creating a vast number of modern technologies with a great potential of implementation, a significant number of unique measuring and diagnostic devices (both engineering and medical) and a great number of innovative computer programs.
IPPT PAN offer in selected industrials sectors:
Medicine / Transport / Electrical Engineering and Energy Industry / Conctruction Industry
Detailed offer of IPPT PAN selected units for external clients:
Department of Intelligent Technologies
Centre of Excellence and Innovation of Composite Materials
Department of Experimental Mechanics
Department of Information and Computational Science
Laboratory of Professional Electronics
For the prospective industrial cooperation, please contact:
Assoc. Prof. Piotr Kowalczyk, Deputy Director for Innovation, Development and Cooperation
dyrinn@ippt.pan.pl; +48 22 826 89 11 / +48 22 826 12 81 ext. 112
Cweti Czyżycka, Director’s Representative for Commercialization and Technological Development
czyzycka@ippt.pan.pl; +48 22 826 12 81 ext. 220