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Current Research Activities:
- Development of computational techniques for solid and structural mechanics applications.
- Modelling and finite element analysis of metal forming processes (deep drawing, extrusion, forging).
- Parameter sensitivity and optimization of nonlinear systems.
- Fire safety engineering.
- Multicriterion and reliabillity-based optimization.
- Hybrid reasoning techniques in qualitative analysis of physical systems.
- Expert systems.
- Development of nonlinear multi-dimentional first-order optics formalism.
- Nonspecular theory of light interaction with nonlinear structures.
- Variational and numerical analysis of optical soliton excitation and propagation.
- Nonlinear spatio-temporal coupling and pulse compression.
- Mechanics, thermodynamics and electrodynamics:
- constitutive modelling of materials with finite speed of heat propagation; second sound phenomena,
- interfacial phenomena in continuum thermodynamics,
- theory of dielectric waveguides and optoelectronic devices.
- Analysis of inelastic bar and surface structures under extreme and repeated variable loads:
- limit analysis, shakedown and incremental collapse of structures,
- post-yielding behaviour of composite slabs, under restrained ustable flexure,
- reliability oriented optimization and analysis of sensitivity of inelastic structures,
- analysis of elastic-plasic plates.
- Mathematic physics:
- shock and acceleration wave propagation in dissipative materials,
- analysis of quasi-linear hyperbolic systems of balance laws in continuum thermo-mechanics and electro-dynamics,
- resonant interaction on nonlinear waves.
- Computer vision, image analysis and artificial intelligence:
- method of mathematical morphology, fuzzy image analysis, random fields, astronomical image analysis, analysis of mammograms, detection of surface defects, analysis of microstructures,
- computer-assisted analysis of medical images,
- fuzzy inference systems in classification and approximation problems, genetic algorithms.
- Structural optimization with continuous and discrete design variables.
- Seismoscopy.
Key Words:
- nonlinear mechanics, finite element method, optimization, reliability, adaptive structures, qualitative modelling, diagrammatic reasoning, nonlinear optics, photonics, planar nonlinear structures, propagation;
- thermodynamics, interfacial phenomena, heat propagation, dissipative materials, shock waves, waveguides, opto-electronic devices, nonlinear waves, stereopsis;
- structural mechanics, historical constructions, structural optimization, nonlinear programming, discrete programming, graphs, waves, smart materials and structures, structural control;
- inelastic structures, limit analysis, shakedown, inadaptation, post-yield behaviour, optimization, incremental collapse, safety, reliability.