Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, attaches great importance to popularizing research results because the dissemination of science doubtless contributes to the social and economic development of our country. This dissemination means sharing our employees’ passion for science and passing valuable information to larger audiences in order for them to discover the fascinating world of science and foster creative thinking and acting.
We mainly address to the society (at various age groups), the media, the government, industry and business.
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Taking part in various public events constitutes an important part of IPPT dissemination activities. This includes large-scale events such as science festivals, science picnics, exhibitions, fairs, shows. Moreover, the Institute creates its own popularizing programmes which serve to promote and exchange knowledge and technology, develop innovation, interdisciplinarity, and also conducts and supports educational activities for the versatile development and improvement of public education.
IPPT PAN co-organizes these events with other institution.
Science Festival
Every year, our employees prepare an offer of tailored educational meetings for the festival. These are often club meetings for adults, festival lessons for schoolchildren and students, and weekend meetings dedicated to families. At the festival, IPPT PAN employees present their research in a manner that is easy to understand for audiences of all ages. They show scientific experiments made with the Institute research equipment and encourage conversations with scientists. Festival lessons for schoolchildren and students are specifically aimed at raising their interest in learning and discovering and at presenting potential possibilities of using science in their everyday life. Children also get to learn if intelligent technologies are able to protect us from catastrophes, what use the world of tiny polymer crystals can have, what is the role of micro-, macro- and nanolayers, how to use ultrasounds in medicine, and observe the invisible world through the scanning electron microscope.
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More: The Science Festival 2019.
The Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre
The Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre is the biggest in Europe outdoor event dedicated to science. It attracts thousands of people every year. IPPT PAN shows at the Festival are generally created for families, as they visit our stand on a mass scale. We adjust our presentations and experiments to audiences of all ages and we choose topics related to the general theme of the event in a particular year. The participants learn about fundamental technological problems, take part in experiments and learn about their applications in everyday life. They also broaden their knowledge on modern materials. We aim to awaken the passion for technology, foster everyone’s independent search for knowledge, encourage posing the right questions.
Visit the photo gallery: The Science Picnic 2019 to see pictures from the latest event.
The Science Picnic of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn
The Science Picnic of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn is organized by PAS institutes led by IRZiBŻ PAN (the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research). IPPT PAN uses demonstrators, as well as various interactive exhibits for the presentations of intelligent technologies. The picnic takes place at Rynek Starego Miasta (Olsztyn Old Town Square) under the general theme of “Art of Science!”, drawing the audience’s attention to the fact that artists and scientists have much in common – the passion to create, to experiment, their imagination and open-mindedness.
Visit the photo gallery: Olsztyn - The Science Picnic 2019 to see pictures from the latest science picnic in Olsztyn.
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Exhibitions and conferences for the general public
IPPT PAN takes great pleasure in participating in scientific exhibitions. The exhibitions usually accompany conference meetings. Our employees have a considerable experience in co-organizing such events. To name some, recent “CePT – Platform for Innovative Medicine” Conferences were accompanied by scientific exhibitions co-organized by IPPT PAN. Our employees also take part in international exhibitions such as the exhibition accompanying The IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium in Tours, France.
Public debates, discussion panels
Incorporating IPPT PAN scientific research results into the public debate and sharing vast knowledge about scientific developments and dilemmas in Poland and abroad has been one of the most important objectives pursued at IPPT PAN to support the development of our country. Moreover, our employees are always eager to share their tremendous didactic experience, at various levels of education – both nationally and internationally. Implementing knowledge is difficult, but extremely important and essential for the creation of educational programmes and didactic methods.
Our employees also take part in professional fairs, where they can present their scientific achievements. We have recently participated in the International EuroLab 2019 Fair of Analytical and Measurement Techniques. Additionally, the Institute often takes part in student job fairs organized in various cities of Poland, where it presents job offers for young people, for instance those offered by Doctoral Schools located at our Institute, or those directly related to a specific IPPT PAN project.
Our employees often give lectures disseminating science outside of the Institute, at the invitation of other institutions such as universities, technical colleges or national or international associations. They also cooperate with the media, give interviews, publish their papers, take part in popular science programmes broadcast on the regional TVP3 television or radio shows. Furthermore, all scientific achievements of our scientists and partnered achievements are published in press releases in section “News” on our website.
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The programme carried out at the Institute encompasses:
Meetings with students
We organize meetings for students to introduce them to the Institute current offer of trainings and dissertations and present laboratories, show laboratory apparatuses and other equipment. Our scientists give talks in order to familiarize students with the Institute current scientific activities.
Science Days
The celebrations of Science Days at IPPT PAN usually cover the same days as everywhere else in the world. Their aim is to draw the public attention to challenges facing contemporary science, increase support for the scientific achievements and show solidarity with other institutions in promoting science in Europe and the world. IPPT PAN celebrations are particularly aimed at disseminating the areas of science specified in the mission of the Institute, supporting the development of international cooperation and scientific exchange with other science centers and presenting IPPT PAN contribution to research and development of global advanced technologies. As part of the Science Days, we celebrate: International Day of Medical Physics, Technology Day, Mathematics Day and International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
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Educational workshops and engineer and technological trainings
The trainings are dedicated to those who are interested in improving their knowledge in specific aspects of science and technology. The objective is mainly oriented towards the development of analytical skills and abilities to draw the right conclusions from experiments findings. Each workshop is proceeded by an introductory seminar. During the workshops, all participants work in research groups on the assignments provided by the Institute researchers. Students work independently based on teaching aids and demonstrators specifically designed for the given course. Workshops end with a final seminar of assignment tutors, during which every research group shortly presents their achievements and answers questions from the audience.
Laboratory visits and educational classes
The Institute opens its doors to visitors of small groups of about 12-15 persons. During such visits the participants can attend a half-an-hour lecture on the research carried out in selected places. Classes have to be planned in advance and justified by the Applicant. Such measures have to be taken due to the fact that our scientists have to interrupt their work for the time of visits and prepare to adapt their tremendous knowledge on very complicated, painstaking research carried out during hours of laborious scientific work to the needs of visitors, their knowledge and perception. Please, e-mail your applications to: Ms Katarzyna Parkitna at: kparkitna[at]ippt.pan.pl. Please note that sending the application is not synonymous with the acceptance of your visit at IPPT PAN.
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Educational paths for schoolchildren
One of the most rewarding activity in disseminating IPPT PAN science is supporting school education, even at the lowest levels. The youngest of our visitors discover the fascinating world of technology through many activities and games which help them understand how important technology is in today’s world. To organize a trip around the Institute, please contact Ms. Katarzyna Partkitna at: kparkitna[at]ippt.pan.pl. Please note that we have a limited number of possible visits (only a couple of groups a year) due to the fact that every visit has to be coordinated with our scientists’ specific character of work and their scheduled laboratory experiments.
Lectures and occasional speeches at IPPT PAN
Occasional popular science lectures are mainly organized at IPPT PAN building and are open to public. They are mostly organized on the occasion of other events, such as: Conferment Ceremonies which take place at IPPT PAN every year in June, jubilee celebrations and other special events organized by IPPT PAN. Admission is always free.
Popular science competitions
Contest for the Best Popular Science Article - the aim of the contest is to award best contestants or teams of contestants who will write the most interesting popular science article. - more: www
IPPT PAN employees take part and achieve successes in various popular science competitions (i.e. 1st place to Karolina Nowak, MD for the project carried out at IPPT PAN in the FameLab Competition, 3rd place to Dr Łukasz Nowak, DSc, from our Department of Intelligent Technologies).
The Institute also coordinates and organizes competitions which are dedicated to both – adults and young people. Competitions for younger contestants are aimed at encouraging them to actively acquire knowledge, promote IPPT PAN research and develop their own imagination and ideas.
For more detailed information on IPPT PAN dissemination activities, please contact Ms. Katarzyna Parkitna at: kparkitna[at]ippt.pan.pl.