Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
The Polish Academy of Sciences (Polish: Polska Akademia Nauk, PAN) is a Polish state-sponsored institution of higher learning. It is responsible for spearheading the development of science across the country by a society of distinguished scholars and a network of research institutes. It was established in 1951, following World War II. The headquarters of the Polish Academy of Sciences are located at Pałac Kultury i Nauki, pl. Defilad 1, Warszawa. The basic scientific unit of the Academy is the research institute; 69 institutes are currently in operation. The heads of the research institutes together comprise a Council of Directors. Most PAS Institutes rank as leading institutions in their scientific or R&D activity, as is evidenced by the high marks they receive from the Evaluation Committee of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. IPPT PAN has proudly received the A+ classification, a cherished prize of Polish science.
Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland)
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Polish: Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego - MNiSW) in Poland was opened on 5 May 2006 by the Minister of Science and Higher Education, in replacement of several parts of the Ministry of Education and Science. The Minister of Science and Higher Education administers governmental activities in science and higher education and has a budget for scientific research provided by State funds. The Rada Nauki (Science Council) acts together with the Minister, in replacement of the Komitet Badań Naukowych (Science Research Council) which was closed in 2005. The headquarters of the ministry are located at ulica Wspólna 1/3, Warszawa.
National Science Centre (Poland)
The National Science Centre (Polish: Narodowe Centrum Nauki, often abbreviated NCN) is a governmental grant-making agency responsible for providing financial support for the conduct of basic science research in Poland and various programs to assist scientists throughout their careers. The NCN was founded in 2010, three years after the foundation of The National Centre for Research and Development. The headquarters of NCN at ulica Królewska 57, Kraków.
National Centre for Research and Development (Poland)
The National Centre for Research and Development (Polish: Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju - NCBR) is an implementing agency in Poland as it is understood according to the Act on Public Finance of 27 August 2009 (Journal of Laws of 2009, no. 157, item 1240 and Journal of Laws of 2010, no. 28, item 146), established to carry out tasks within the state policies on science, innovation as well as science and technology. The NCBR’s mission is to support Polish companies and science units in developing their abilities to create and make use of solutions based on research results. The above is done for the benefit of the society and to provide a developmental impulse to the Polish economy. The headquarters of NCBR at ulica Nowogrodzka 47a, Warszawa.
Foundation for Polish Science (Poland)
The Foundation is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit institution which pursues the mission of supporting science. The Foundation realizes its statutory purposes through: support for distinguished scholars and research teams in all fields of inquiry and assisting innovative ventures and commercialization of scientific discoveries and inventions.
The Sejm of the Republic of Poland
The Sejm plays a vital role in the governmental system of Poland. It is the lower house of the Polish parliament. The upper house is called the Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej ("Senate of the Republic of Poland")
The Senate of the Republic of Poland
The Senate is the lower house of the Polish parliament. It examines bills passed by the Sejm.
Search Polish Science database
Polish Science is the oldest database of National Information Processing Institute
National Information Processing Institute
National Information Processing Institute (OPI) gathers, analyzes, and creates information about the Polish R&D sector. Most importantly he pursue interdisciplinary research of practical use. By sharing his expertise with the interested public and commercial partners (including NGOs and ministries), he shape Polish science policy. Together with a community of scholars OPI aims at building a society and the economy that exchange knowledge and foster innovativeness.