Head of the IPPT PAN Library, International Exchange of Publications, Bibliographic Databases and Bibliometrics, Classification and Cataloging: Bogusława Lewandowska-Gruszka, Ph.D., contact: room 45, tel. +48 22 8267410 or +48 22 8261281 ext. 247, e-mail: Boguslawa.Lewandowska
Reading and Lending Room, Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery, Digitization of Library Resources: Monika Kalińska, Krzysztof Szczygielski, M.A., contact: room 44, tel. +48 22 8267410 or +48 22 8261281 ext. 201, 202, e-mail: library
Stock of the IPPT PAN Library:
- bound volumes: above 85 500
- current periodicals: 200
The Witold Nowacki Library of the IPPT PAN Library is gathering the collection in: nanotechnology, nanomaterials, nonlinear mechanics, mathematical and physical foundations of the theory of solid media and materials, mechanics of solids and fluids, analytical mechanics, statistical physics, finite element method, optimization, reliability, adaptative structures, quantum mechanis, strength, fatigue and fracture of materials, physics of plasma, biomechanics, theory and mechanics of structures, rheology, theory of mechanical systems, civil engineering, ecology in civil engineering, electrodynamics of continua, theory of electromagnetic waves, physics of polimers, materials engineering, automatics and robotics, informatics, nondestructive testing of materials and structures, physical acoustics, aeroacoustics, acoustoelectronics, vibrations and noise, noise control, acoustics of speech and musics, psychoacoustics, acoustics of environment, acoustics in urbanistic and civil engineering, hydroacoustics, quantum acoustics, nonlinear acoustics, acoustic emission, ultrasounds in biology, medicine and industry, acoustic experimental equipments.
The Witold Nowacki Library of the IPPT PAN is open to readers weekdays 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Activities of the Library:
Making available to scientists, Ph.D. candidates and students the own collections of books, periodicals and basic reference works in technological and engineering relations as well as the collections of another scientific libraries by acting within the existing framework of interlibrary lending.
Continuously gathering the components of library collections and simultaneously recording the current purchases and donations (with including the cases of interchanging between libraries) for the library collections, the recording process consists in giving merits shape to each new component of the collections. The Scientific Committee (the head of the Commitee - Prof. Ryszard Pęcherski, Ph.D., D.Sc.) is responsible for purchasing decisions on books and serials.
Making a system base of data supported by automatic integrated library system Horizon. Scientific information. Inducing the situation and conditions favouring the integration process of the society of creators and consumers of scientific information as well as is promoting the idea of information society.
Bibliographical information available online which is offered:
catalog of the Consortium of the Polish Academy of Sciences Libraries
catalog of the IPPT PAN Library
Interchanging of publications between scientific organizations and institutions both native and foreign.
Our offer of exchange publications including the following titles:
CAMES (Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences)