- Mission
- Structure
- Board of Directors
- Scientific Council
- Scientific Units
- Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
- Department of Information and Computational Science
- Department of Mechanics of Materials
- Department of Intelligent Technologies
- Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
- Department of Ultrasound
- Department of Experimental Mechanics
- Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
- International Advisory Board
- National Contact Point
- Trade Unions
- Organization Chart
- Contact
- History
- Consortiums
- Contact

International Advisory Boardy
Dietmar GROSS (Darmstadt University of Technology)
Bhushan KARIHALOO (Cardiff University)
Anton van STEENHOVEN (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
Piero TORTOLI (Firenze University)
Agenda of the meeting 2007r.
Minutes of the meeting 2007r