Publications in journals ranked by Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 
Publications in other journals ranked by Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Conference publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection
Publications in other journals and conference proceedings
Affiliation to IPPT PAN

1.Kulus D., Tymoszuk A., Gościnna K., Osial M., Enhancing Germination and Growth of Chrysanthemum Synthetic Seeds Through Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Indole-3-Acetic Acid: Impact of Treatment Duration on Metabolic Activity and Genetic Stability, Nanotechnology, Science and Applications, ISSN: 1177-8903, DOI: 10.2147/NSA.S503868, Vol.18, pp.139-155, 2025
Kulus D., Tymoszuk A., Gościnna K., Osial M., Enhancing Germination and Growth of Chrysanthemum Synthetic Seeds Through Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Indole-3-Acetic Acid: Impact of Treatment Duration on Metabolic Activity and Genetic Stability, Nanotechnology, Science and Applications, ISSN: 1177-8903, DOI: 10.2147/NSA.S503868, Vol.18, pp.139-155, 2025

antioxidant capacity, Chrysanthemum × morifolium /Ramat./ Hemsl., molecular markers, nanotechnology, polyphenols, SCoT

2.Nwaji N., Fikadu B. B., Osial M., Warczak M., Moazzami Goudarzi Z., Gniadek M., Asgaran S., Lee J., Giersig M., Advanced Functional NiCo 2 S4 @CoMo2 S4 Heterojunction Couple as Electrode for Hydrogen Production via Energy-Saving Urea Oxidation, Small, ISSN: 1613-6810, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202410848, Vol.2410848, pp.1-13, 2025
Nwaji N., Fikadu B. B., Osial M., Warczak M., Moazzami Goudarzi Z., Gniadek M., Asgaran S., Lee J., Giersig M., Advanced Functional NiCo 2 S4 @CoMo2 S4 Heterojunction Couple as Electrode for Hydrogen Production via Energy-Saving Urea Oxidation, Small, ISSN: 1613-6810, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202410848, Vol.2410848, pp.1-13, 2025

The urea oxidation reaction (UOR) is characterized by a lower overpotential compared to the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) during electrolysis, which facilitates the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at the cathode. Charge
distribution, which can be modulated by the introduction of a heterostructure, plays a key role in enhancing the adsorption and cleavage of chemical groups within urea molecules. Herein, a facile all-room temperature synthesis of functional heterojunction NiCo2 S4 /CoMo 2 S4 grown on carbon cloth (CC) is presented, and the as-prepared electrode served as a catalyst for simultaneous hydrogen evolution and urea oxidation reaction. The Density
Functional Theory (DFT) study reveals spontaneous transfer of charge at the heterointerface of NiCo 2 S4 /CoMo 2 S4 , which triggers the formation of localized electrophilic/nucleophilic regions and facilitates the adsorption of electron donating/electron withdrawing group in urea molecules during the UOR. The NiCo2 S4 /CoMo 2 S4 // NiCo 2 S4 /CoMo 2 S4 electrode pair required only a cell voltage of 1.17 and 1.18 V to deliver a current density of 10 and 100 mA cm−2 respectively in urea electrolysis cell and display very good stability. Tests performed in real urine samples show similar catalytic performance to urea electrolytes, making the work one of the best transition
metal-based catalysts for UOR applications, promising both efficient hydrogen production and urea decomposition.

3.Boka Fikadu B., Mahendra G., Nwaji N., Juyoung G., Gicha B., Hyojin K., Asgaran S., Hee-Joon C., Lee J., Defect Engineered Ru-CoMOF@MoS2 HeterointerfaceFacilitate Water Oxidation Process, Chemistry Europe, ISSN: 1864-564X, DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202402533, pp.1-12, 2025
Boka Fikadu B., Mahendra G., Nwaji N., Juyoung G., Gicha B., Hyojin K., Asgaran S., Hee-Joon C., Lee J., Defect Engineered Ru-CoMOF@MoS2 HeterointerfaceFacilitate Water Oxidation Process, Chemistry Europe, ISSN: 1864-564X, DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202402533, pp.1-12, 2025

Catalyst design plays a critical role in ensuring sustainable andeffective energy conversion. Electrocatalytic materials need tobe able to control active sites and introduce defects in bothacidic and alkaline electrolytes. Furthermore, producing efficientcatalysts with a distinct surface structure advances ourcomprehension of the mechanism. Here, a defect-engineeredheterointerface of ruthenium doped cobalt metal organic frame(Ru-CoMOF) core confined in MoS2 is reported. A tailored designapproach at room temperature was used to induce defects andform an electron transfer interface that enhanced the electro-catalytic performance. The Ru-CoMOF@MoS2 heterointerfaceobtains a geometrical current density of 10 mA-2 by providinghydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolutionreaction (OER) at small overpotentials of 240 and 289 mV,respectively. Density functional theory simulation shows thatthe Co-site maximizes the evolution of hydrogen intermediateenergy for adsorption and enhances HER, while the Ru-site, onthe other hand, is where OER happens. The heterointerfaceprovides a channel for electron transfer and promotes reactionsat the solid-liquid interface. The Ru-CoMOF@MoS2 modelexhibits improved OER and HER efficiency, indicating that itcould be a valuable material for the production of water-alkaline and acidic catalysts

4.Kulus D., Tymoszuk A., Kulpińska A., Osial M., Synergistic effects of iron oxide nanoparticles and indole-3-acetic acid on the germination and development of cold-stored chrysanthemum synthetic seeds, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), ISSN: 0167-6857, DOI: 10.1007/s11240-024-02955-7, Vol.160, No.18, pp.1-12, 2025
5.Ngoc Tien N., Tien Dat N., Ba Manh N., Thi Thanh Ngan N., Osial M., Pisarek M., Chernyayeva O., Vu Thi T., A simple one-pot approach to prepare composites based on bimetallic metal–organic frameworks M, Ni-BTC (M = Cu, Fe) and carbon nanotubes for electrochemical detection of bisphenol A, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, ISSN: 1388-0764, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-025-06287-1, Vol.27, No.87, pp.1-16, 2025
Ngoc Tien N., Tien Dat N., Ba Manh N., Thi Thanh Ngan N., Osial M., Pisarek M., Chernyayeva O., Vu Thi T., A simple one-pot approach to prepare composites based on bimetallic metal–organic frameworks M, Ni-BTC (M = Cu, Fe) and carbon nanotubes for electrochemical detection of bisphenol A, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, ISSN: 1388-0764, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-025-06287-1, Vol.27, No.87, pp.1-16, 2025

electrochemistry, sensor, bisphenol A, MOF, CNT

6.Grigoryan N., Chudziński P., Tomonaga–Luttinger Liquid Parameters in Multiwalled Nanotubes, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, ISSN: 0370-1972, DOI: 10.1002/pssb.202400524, Vol.2400524, pp.1-10, 2025
Grigoryan N., Chudziński P., Tomonaga–Luttinger Liquid Parameters in Multiwalled Nanotubes, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, ISSN: 0370-1972, DOI: 10.1002/pssb.202400524, Vol.2400524, pp.1-10, 2025

Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid (TLL) theory is a canonical formalism used to describe 1D metals, where the low-energy physics is determined by collective Bosonic excitations. Herein, a theoretical model to compute the parameters of Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid (TLL) in multiwalled nanotubes (MWNTs) is presented. MWNTs introduce additional complexity to the usual Fermionic chains due to interactions and hybridization between their multiple coaxial shells. A model in which conducting paths along the length of the MWNTs are randomly distributed among the shells is considered. Since the valley degree of freedom remains a good quantum number, the TLL description in addition to spin and charge contains also valley degree of freedom and hence four-mode description applies. The values of all four TLL parameters are obtained for this model. A surprising outcome is that the compressibility of the holon mode becomes a universal quantity, while the parameters of neutral modes will depend on the details of intershell coupling. Finally, experiments where predictions can be tested are proposed.