Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, conducts intensive scientific activity pursuing the goal of performing best quality research in the fields of contemporary global interests.

The inseparable part of the Institute’s strategy and internationalization is inviting academics from various scientific centres abroad. The aim of organising visits at IPPT PAN is to facilitate the exchange of scientific ideas, development of joint research, and they also help to deepen studies on particular research areas. The visits also facilitate cooperation on granted projects or publications and they enable academics to organize lectures, seminars, to develop experimental techniques, access laboratory apparatuses and our library resources.

Every year, our Institute is visited by dozens of foreign guests, many of whom are outstanding scientists of the most prestigious science centres from around the world. The Institute promotes such visits further, among its Polish scientific partners, so that the knowledge and experience of IPPT PAN renown visitors can parallelly serve researchers from other academic institutions, which, in turn, fosters the integration of the Polish scientific community.

Scientific visits at IPPT PAN are organized under:

  • bilateral agreements,
  • international research programmes, including those offered by the European Commission,
  • international exchange programmes for students and researchers, such as NAWA, ERASMUS+, etc.
  • scholarships and fellowships
  • personal invitations

NameParent institution
Duration of stayHost departmentRemarks
Volodymyr GrinchenkoGeneral Energy Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Dept. of Power Efficiency Forecasting and Perspective Fuel-Energy Balances, Ukraine (UA), 172, Antonovycha St., Kyiv, 031502024-12-04
ZTIrealizacja polsko-ukraińskiego projektu badawczego
Monika MichalskaDepartment of Chemistry and Physio-Chemical Processes, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic (CZ), 17. listopadu 2172/15, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba2024-11-24
ZMMpobyt badawczy, realizacja projektu Visegrad Group (V4) - Japan Joint Research Program on Advanced Materials- AtomDeC
Jeng-Yu LinDept. of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tunghai University, Taiwan, Provice of China (TW), No. 1727, Sec.4, Taiwan Blvd, Xitun District, Taichung City 4072242024-11-23
ZMMrealizacja projektu badawczego w ramach współpracy PAN-NSTC
Miku NakanishiNagoya University, Japan (JP), Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-86012024-11-12
SPPiBstaż badawczy
Jiri KozlikDepartment of Physics of Materials Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Czech Republic (CZ), Ke Karlovu 52024-11-12
ZMMwspółpraca naukowa
Krzysztof KuczeraChemistry and Molecular Biosciences, University of Kansas, United States of America (US), 1450 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 660452024-10-18
ZBiMMwspółpraca naukowa, seminarium
Volodymyr GrinchenkoGeneral Energy Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine (UA), 172, Antonovycha St., Kyiv, 031502024-10-13
ZTIrealizacja polsko-ukraińskiego projektu badawczego
