National Science Centre (NCN) supports fundamental research by funding research projects carried out by individual researchers and research teams, both on the domestic and international level, as well as doctoral fellowships and post-doctoral internships.

NCN announces calls for proposals four times a year. The NCN grantee must be employed at a Polish host institution.

In May 2017, National Science Centre has approved and subsidized seven projects from IPPT PAN:

I. OPUS 12 (research proposals submitted under this funding scheme may include the purchase or construction of research equipment)

  • „Optimization of microstructure in heterogeneous materials - micromechanical and numerical modelling in non-linear regime”.
    Project coordinator: Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska, Ph.D., Dr Habil, Eng.
  • „Methods for determining new ultrasonic parameters of tumor tissue. Their physical interpretation and evaluation of the usefulness in the diagnosis of breast cancer”.
    Project coordinator: prof. Jerzy Litniewski
  • „The use of collagen for surface functionalization using chemical methods of polycaprolactone nanofibers formed by electrospinning technique”.
    Project coordinator: prof. Paweł Sajkiewicz

II. SONATA 12 (PhD holder grants)

  • „New functional core-shell composite nanomaterials with iron-cobalt and iron-nickel cores: preparation, properties and influence of oxidizing atmosphere and temperature on the shell growth”.
    Project coordinator: Marcin Krajewski, Ph. D., Eng.

III. PRELUDIUM 12 (pre-doctoral grants)

  • „Elastic nonwovens witch poly(glycerol sebacate) obtained by electrospinning method”.
    Project coordinator: Piotr Denis
  • „Gum Metal under compressive loading - interdisciplinary investigation of an innovative Ti-based superalloy”.
    Project coordinator: Karol Golasiński
  • „Detecting origins of signalling aberrations in cancer cells”.
    Project coordinator: Karol Nienałtowski