Jacek Widłaszewski, PhD |
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Doctoral thesis
2009-09-24 | Modelowanie i badania doświadczalne termo-plastycznych deformacji aktuatora dwumostkowego ![]()
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Recent publications
1. | Widłaszewski J., Nowak Z., Kurp P.♦, Effect of pre-stress on laser-induced thermoplastic deformation of Inconel 718 beams, Materials, ISSN: 1996-1944, DOI: 10.3390/ma14081847, Vol.14, No.8, pp.1847-1-18, 2021![]() Abstract: Laser thermal forming is an application of laser heating without any intentional use of external forces. Force-assisted laser bending and laser-assisted bending are hybrid techniques, which combine the use of external forces and local heating to increase the effectiveness of forming. A quantitative description of bending deformation induced by concurrent laser heating and mechanical loading is proposed in this study. Mechanical loading is expressed by the bending moment while the curvature is used to describe the resulting deformation. The contribution of a relatively less known mechanism of laser thermal bending in the hybrid process is identified. The mechanism is able to produce the so-called convex deformation, i.e., bending away from the incident laser beam. Experimental and numerical analysis is performed with thin-walled beams made of Inconel 718 nickel-based superalloy in the factory-annealed state. The Johnson–Cook constitutive material model is used in numerical simulations validated by experimental results. Keywords:laser bending, laser-assisted bending, Inconel 718, Johnson–Cook model, curvature Affiliations:
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2. | Nowak Z., Nowak M., Pęcherski R.B., Wiśniewski K., Widłaszewski J., Kurp P.♦, Computational modeling of thermoplastic behavior of inconel 718 in application to laser-assisted bending of thin-walled tubes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR MULTISCALE COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1543-1649, DOI: 10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.2019029858, Vol.17, No.3, pp.317-338, 2019![]() Abstract: Laser-assisted tube bending is a promising manufacturing process which enables production of forms and shapes that cannot be obtained by purely mechanical bending. It is particularly suitable for high hardness and brittle materials, such as nickel alloys, ceramics and cast iron. In the current paper, mechanical loading and simultaneous heating by a moving laser beam are used in a controlled manner to obtain the required deformation. Experimental investigation of the Inconel 718 (IN718) alloy provides the basis for identification of parameters of two constitutive models, which encompass softening phenomena and the coupling of temperature and strains. Numerical simulations are conducted to provide more insight into the laser-assisted bending process of the IN718 thin-walled tubes. Temperature, stress and deformation fields are determined in sequentially coupled thermomechanical analyses using the FE code ABAQUS. Laser beam is modeled as a surface heat flux using the dedicated DFLUX procedure. The temperature field is used as a thermal load in the static general step, together with an external mechanical load. The process of tube bending is controlled by the displacement of the piston rod of the actuator, while the thrust force is the resulting value. Keywords:laser-assisted bending of tubes, identification of material parameters, numerical simulations Affiliations:
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3. | Widłaszewski J., Nowak M., Nowak Z., Kurp P.♦, Laser-assisted thermomechanical bending of tube profiles, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, DOI: 10.24425/amm.2019.126268, Vol.64, No.1, pp.421-430, 2019![]() Abstract: The subject of the work is the analysis of thermomechanical bending process of a thin-walled tube made of X5CrNi18-10 stainless steel. The deformation is produced at elevated temperature generated with a laser beam in a specially designed experimental setup. The tube bending process consists of local heating of the tube by a moving laser beam and simultaneous kinematic enforcement of deformation with an actuator and a rotating bending arm. During experimental investigations, the resultant force of the actuator and temperature at the laser spot are recorded. In addition to experimental tests, the bending process of the tube was modelled using the finite element method in the ABAQUS program. For this purpose, the tube deformation process was divided into two sequentially coupled numerical simulations. The first one was the heat transfer analysis for a laser beam moving longitudinally over the tube surface. The second simulation described the process of mechanical bending with the time-varying temperature field obtained in the first simulation. The force and temperature recorded during experiments were used to verify the proposed numerical model. The final stress state and the deformation of the tube after the bending process were analyzed using the numerical solution. The results indicate that the proposed bending method can be successfully used in forming of the thin-walled profiles, in particular, when large bending angles and a small spring-back effect are of interest. Keywords:laser forming, laser-assisted bending, numerical modelling Affiliations:
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4. | Kurp P.♦, Widłaszewski J., Mucha Z.♦, Laserowo-mechaniczne formowanie elementów cienkościennych, MECHANIK, ISSN: 0025-6552, DOI: 10.17814/mechanik.2018.2.30, Vol.91, No.2, pp.148-151, 2018![]() Abstract: W niniejszym artykule autorzy przedstawiają założenia oraz wstępne wyniki badań doświadczalnych i symulacji numerycznych procesu formowania elementów cienkościennych z wykorzystaniem wiązki laserowej i obciążenia mechanicznego. Na podstawie założeń zaprojektowano i wykonano stanowisko do gięcia cienkościennych rur i dyfuzorów stożkowych stosowanych w budowie silników lotniczych. Metoda i stanowisko kształtowania, przetestowane w warunkach laboratoryjnych, a także wyniki analizy numerycznej procesu pokazują nowe możliwości formowania elementów cienkościennych Keywords:kształtowanie laserowe, obróbka laserowa, elementy cienkościenne, stopy niklu, metoda elementów skończonych Affiliations:
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5. | Widłaszewski J., Nowak M., Nowak Z., Kurp P.♦, Laser-assisted forming of thin-walled profiles, Metal Forming, ISSN: 0867-2628, Vol.XXVIII, No.3, pp.183-198, 2017![]() Abstract: Forming processes assisted by localised laser heating are studied in recent years. Heating is used to make it possible or facilitate forming of materials, which exhibit such adverse properties as: brittleness, effects of high work-hardening or a high elastic springback. The hereby presented investigations concern the hybrid thermo-mechanical forming of thin-walled parts using local heating of the material by the laser beam. The research is aimed at forming of parts from materials used in the aviation industry, such as the nickel-base super-alloys Inconel 625, Inconel 718, and also martensitic superalloys AISI 410 and AISI 325. Preliminary investigations are conducted using X5CrNil8-10 (1.4301) stainless steel. Experimental study and numerical simulations cover the behaviour of thin beams 1 mm thick, subjected to mechanical load in the cantilever arrangement and heated by the CO2 laser beam moving from the free end of the sample towards its fixture. The possibility of obtaining large bending deformations relatively easily due to the application of laser beam is demonstrated experimentally. Experimentally verified finite element numerical simulations show the intense plastic flow of the material layer heated by the laser beam. It is accompanied by a shift of the cross-section neutral axis of the beam. Bending of thin-walled tubes in a specially designed device is studied in the next step. It allows introducing mechanical loading in a controlled manner, heating the material by a moving laser beam and forcing the required deformation according to the kinematic scheme of the device. Keywords:laser-assisted forming, finite element method, thin-walled structure Affiliations:
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6. | Widłaszewski J., Dwukierunkowe mikrogięcie laserowe dla układów MOEMS, MECHANIK, ISSN: 0025-6552, DOI: 10.17814/mechanik.2016.12.572, Vol.89, No.12, pp.1824-1830, 2016![]() Abstract: Bezdotykowa laserowa metoda mikropozycjonowania pozwala omijać ograniczenia tradycyjnych technik mechanicznych stosowanych przy montażu mikroukładów elektromechanicznych (micro-electro-mechanical systems, MEMS) oraz optoelektromechanicznych (micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems, MOEMS). Przedstawiono badania doświadczalne i symulacje numeryczne mechanizmu termicznego mikrogięcia, który pozwala uzyskiwać deformacje dwukierunkowe, to jest w kierunku do lub od padającej wiązki laserowej, w zależności od przyjętych parametrów obróbki. Zweryfikowany doświadczalnie model numeryczny umożliwił wyjaśnienie zachowania małych belek wysięgnikowych wykonanych ze stali nierdzewnej, poddawanych nagrzewaniu impulsem lasera Nd:YAG. Przy ustalonej długości impulsu kierunek gięcia zależy od mocy wiązki laserowej. Ujawniony mechanizm gięcia charakteryzuje się występowaniem znacznego dodatniego plastycznego odkształcenia wzdłużnego w obszarach brzegowych nagrzewanej belki. Deformacja wynika z dużego gradientu temperatury na szerokości belki, z pewnym udziałem gradientu na kierunku grubości. Zastosowanie tego mechanizmu otwiera nowe możliwości przed laserową technologią mikropozycjonowania, zwłaszcza gdy obrabiany element jest dostępny tylko z jednej strony. Keywords:kształtowanie laserowe, gięcie laserowe, laserowe mikropozycjonowanie, mikroukłady optoelektromechaniczne Affiliations:
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7. | Radziejewska J.♦, Widłaszewski J., Wpływ strategii powierzchniowej obróbki laserowej na jej efektywność, MECHANIK, ISSN: 0025-6552, Vol.1, pp.23-28, 2015![]() Abstract: Przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych procesu hartowania laserowego stali 45. Do badań wykorzystano laser Nd:YAG pracujący w trybie ciągłym. Przeprowadzono analizę wpływu strategii obróbki na jej efektywność. Energochłonność procesu analizowano na podstawie wielkości strefy zahartowaniej uzyskanej w wyniku zastosowania pojedynczego przejścia wiązki laserowej, skanowania powierzchni i obróbki z oscylacyjnym ruchem wiązki względem materiału. Stwierdzono znaczące zwiększenie efektywności procesu w warunkach nagrzewania oscylacyjnego. Keywords:obróbka laserowa, hartowanie powierzchniowe, oscylacje Affiliations:
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8. | Mucha Z.♦, Widłaszewski J., Laserowe formowanie powłok o zadanym kształcie powierzchni rozwijalnej, MECHANIK, ISSN: 0025-6552, Vol.2, pp.85-90, 2015![]() Abstract: Przedstawiono metodę laserowego kształtowania powłok o powierzchniach rozwijalnych. Materiałem wyjściowym była blacha lub płyta bez naprężeń własnych. W pracy omówiono wyznaczanie rozkładu ścieżek laserowych na powierzchni materiału w ten sposób, aby po jednej sekwencji skanowania płyta przyjęła pożądany kształt. Opisano przykłady planowania dla powłok o powierzchniach rozwijalnych z kierownicami: paraboliczną, eliptyczną, kołową i wielomianową. Dobór parametrów laserowej obróbki zapewnia spełnienie warunku nieprzekraczania zadanej temperatury materiału, np. unikanie nadtapiania powierzchni Keywords:kształtowanie laserowe, gięcie laserowe, gięcie termiczne, powierzchnia rozwijalna, kształtowanie powłok Affiliations:
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9. | Widłaszewski J., The effects of design parameters on the laser-induced in-plane deformation of two-bridge actuators, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, ISSN: 0890-6955, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2014.03.001, Vol.80-81, pp.30-38, 2014![]() Abstract: Laser-based non-contact micro-adjustment method is a way of going beyond limits of traditional mechanical techniques applied for precise alignment during assembly of miniature opto-electro-mechanical devices. The two-bridge actuator is an on-board structure that allows for adjustments with micrometer, sub-micrometer or sub-miliradian accuracy. Successful industrial application of the method requires a thorough understanding of mechanics of the laser-induced deformation process. The effects of two fundamental design parameters, i.e., the width and the distance between the bridges, on in-plane plastic deformation of the actuator are examined in this work. Experimentally validated theoretical model explains how design parameters, material data and laser pulse parameters affect the final deformation angle of the actuator. The derived mathematical formulae show dependence of the constraint ratio, thermal stresses and thermally-induced plastic deformation on the design parameters of the structure. The proposed solution can be used for optimization of two-bridge actuators. Keywords:Laser forming, Two-bridge actuator, Non-contact adjustment, Laser thermal adjustment, Thermo-mechanical constraint ratio, Analytical modeling Affiliations:
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10. | Widłaszewski J., Analiza laserowo indukowanych deformacji plastycznych siłownika dwumostkowego, PRACE NAUKOWE POLITECHNIKI WARSZAWSKIEJ, SERIA: MECHANIKA, ISSN: 0137-2335, Vol.217, pp.475-480, 2006![]() Abstract: Two-bridge actuators are applied in precise positioning during assembly of micro-opto-electro-mechanic systems (MOEMS). Numerical simulation with the Finite Element Method and experimental measurements of laser-induced plastic deformation of the two-bridge actuator model are presented. Results give insight into mechanism of deformation of the structure. In particular, simulation reveals influence of thermally generated bending moment in the heated segment on stress and strain fields. Described modeling procedure can be applied in analysis of other thermal actuators. Keywords:laser forming, microadjustment, MOEMS, two-bridge actuator, numerical modelling Affiliations:
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List of chapters in recent monographs
1. 591 | Kurp. P.♦, Widłaszewski J., Mucha Z.♦, Monografie, Studia, Rozprawy, Wybrane zagadnienia w inżynierii mechanicznej, rozdział: Laserowo-mechaniczne formowanie elementów cienkościennych, Politechnika Świętokrzyska, Kielce, pp.134-142, 2018 | |
2. 551 | Mucha Z.♦, Widłaszewski J., Monografie, studia, rozprawy, rozdział: Badania kształtowania laserowego w CLTM PSk i PAN, Politechnika Świętokrzyska, Kielce, pp.75-97, 2017 | |
3. 28 | Mucha Z.♦, Widłaszewski J., Gradoń R.♦, Trela P.♦, Inżynieria powierzchni. Wybrane zagadnienia., rozdział: Kształtowanie laserowe powłok o powierzchniach rozwijalnych, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Świętokrzyskiej, Bogdan Antoszewski (Ed.), 1, pp.81-90, 2011 | |
4. 36 | Widłaszewski J., Selected Problems of Modeling and Control in Mechanics, rozdział: Applications of laser forming in micro technologies, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Świętokrzyskiej w Kielcach, M19, pp.96-106, 2011 | |
5. 58 | Antoszewski B.♦, Widłaszewski J., Monografie, studia, rozprawy. Inżynieria powierzchni. Wybrane zagadnienia, rozdział: Laserowe teksturowanie powierzchni pierścieni z węglika krzemu, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Świętokrzyskiej, Bogdan Antoszewski (Ed.), M17, pp.60-69, 2011 | |
6. 186 | Widłaszewski J., Proceedings of the IWOTE'08, International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion, rozdział: Analysis of deformations induced by a laser beam pulse, Bremer Institute für angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH (BIAS), Strahltechnik Volume 31, BIAS Verlag, Bremen, Vollertsen F., Sakkiettibutra J. (Eds.), 31, pp.365-374, 2008 | |
7. 187 | Widłaszewski J., Proceedings of the LANE 2007 (Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 5, International Conference, rozdział: Numerical modeling of the thermal upsetting mechanism in a two-bridge actuator, Meisenbach-Verlag Bamberg, Geiger M., Otto A., Schmidt M. (Eds.), pp.631-644, 2007 | |
8. 185 | Widłaszewski J., Proceedings of the IWOTE'05, 1st International Workshop on Thermal Forming, rozdział: Micro Adjustment by Thermal Upsetting. Thermal Forming, Bremer Institute für angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH (BIAS), Vollertsen F., Seefeld T. (Eds.), pp.93-109, 2005 | |
9. 234 | Widłaszewski J., Seminarium Szkoleniowe "Oceny stopnia degradacji materiałów i laserowe obróbki materiałów", rozdział: Modelowanie termo-sprężysto-plastycznych deformacji termicznego siłownika dwumostkowego, IPPT PAN, Centrum Doskonałości LAPROMAT, pp.279-310, 2005 |
Editor of monographs
1. 743 | Kowalewski Z.L., Kopeć M., Rudnik D., Widłaszewski J., Book of Abstracts - 40th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPPT PAN), pp.1-242, 2024 |
2. 687 | Kowalewski Z. L., Kopeć M., Rudnik D., Widłaszewski J., Book of Abstracts. 19th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pp.1-380, 2022 |
Conference papers
1. | Widłaszewski J., Laser micro bendign mechanism for high-precision adjustment in mechatronic systems, EACS 2022, 7th European Conference on Structural Control, 2022-07-10/07-13, Warszawa (PL), pp.262-269, 2022![]() Abstract: The laser-based non-contact micro-adjustment method is widely applied in manufacturing and assembly of micro-electro-mechanical and micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS and MOEMS). Due to miniaturization requirements and design considerations the access to these devices is frequently possible from one side only. This creates difficulties when laser-induced two-way micro-bending is needed – both towards, as well as away from the applied laser beam. Presented paper reports experimental and numerical investigations of a thermal micro-bending mechanism, which enables such adjustments, dependent on the applied processing parameters and using simple prismatic bar. A 3D finite element method (FEM) model has been developed to study the behaviour of a cantilever stainless steel beam heated with a stationary laser beam. Experimentally-validated numerical model allowed an analysis of temperature, strain and stress fields during the heating and cooling cycle to explain the mechanism of laser-induced micro-deformation. Keywords:laser forming, laser bending, non-contact adjustment, micro-adjustment, applied thermomechanics Affiliations:
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2. | Widłaszewski J., Nowak M., Nowak Z., Kurp P.♦, Curvature Change in Laser-Assisted Bending of Inconel 718, Physical Science Forum, ISSN: 2673-9984, DOI: 10.3390/psf2022004026, Vol.4, No.1, pp.26-1-8, 2022![]() Abstract: Laser heating is industrially applied to facilitate plastic shaping, especially for materials difficult to form due to their high hardness or brittleness. The effects of thermal softening and thermal forming in the total plastic deformation of pre-stressed beams are investigated in the study. Laser-assisted bending experiments were performed using the moving CO2 laser beam and cantilever thin beams made of the factory-annealed Inconel 718 nickel-based superalloy. The deformation process is simulated numerically using the Finite Element Method and the Johnson–Cook constitutive material model. Curvature changes in thermo-mechanical bending are calculated numerically. Phenomenological moment–curvature relations for the laser-assisted bending process are formulated. The curvature in hybrid bending can be estimated as a sum of components resulting from the elastic deformation and inelastic deformations due to the pure thermal bending and thermally enhanced mechanical bending. For the effective hybrid bending, the external mechanical load should be applied consistently with the deformation effect of the heat source alone. Keywords:thermomechanics, curvature, laser-assisted bending, Johnson–Cook model, Inconel 718 Affiliations:
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3. | Nowak Z., Nowak M., Widłaszewski J., Kurp P.♦, Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Laser-Assisted Bending of Pre-Loaded Metal Plate, CMM 2017, 22nd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 2017-09-13/09-16, Lublin (PL), DOI: 10.1063/1.5019148, Vol.1922, pp.140006-1-7, 2018![]() Abstract: The laser forming technique has an important disadvantage, which is the limitation of plastic deformation generated by a single laser beam pass. To increase the plastic deformation it is possible to apply external forces in the laser forming process. In this paper, we investigate the influence of external pre-loads on the laser bending of steel plate. The pre-loads investigated generate bending towards the laser beam. The thermal, elastic-plastic analysis is performed using the commercial nonlinear finite element analysis package ABAQUS. The focus of the paper is to identify how this pattern of the pre-load influence the final bend angle of the plate Keywords:Laser forming, Force-assisted laser forming, Laser-assisted bending, Thermo-mechanical simulations, Finite element analysis Affiliations:
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4. | Mucha Z.♦, Widłaszewski J., Kurp P.♦, Mulczyk K.♦, Mechanically assisted laser forming of thin beams, Proceedings of SPIE, ISSN: 0277-786X, DOI: 10.1117/12.2262114, Vol.10159, pp.10159 0U-1-10, 2016![]() Abstract: Laser-assisted forming techniques have been developed in recent years to aid plastic working of materials, which are difficult in processing at normal temperatures due to a high brittleness, effects of high work-hardening or a high spring-back phenomenon. This paper reports initial experimental investigations and numerical simulations of a mechanically-assisted laser forming process. The research is aimed at facilitating plastic shaping of thin-walled parts made of high temperature resistant alloys. Stainless steel plate, 1 mm thick, 20 mm wide, was mounted in the cantilever arrangement and a gravitational load was applied to its free end. A CO2 laser beam with rectangular cross-section traversed along the plate, towards the fixed edge. Laser spot covered the whole width of the plate. Experiments and simulations using the finite element method were performed for different values of mechanical load and with constant laser processing parameters. Experimentally validated numerical model allowed analysis of plastic deformation mechanism under the hybrid thermo-mechanical processing. The revealed mechanism of deformation consists in intense material plastic flow near the laser heated surface. This behavior results mainly from the tension state close to the heated surface and the decrease of material yield stress at elevated temperature. Stress state near the side edges of the processed plate favored more intense plastic deformation and the involved residual stress in this region. © (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only. Keywords:laser forming, laser-assisted forming, FEA, thin-walled structure Affiliations:
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5. | Widłaszewski J., Modelowanie laserowego indukowania deformacji plastycznych stosowanych w mikropozycjonowaniu, 9. Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej, 2009-09-21/09-25, Świnoujście (PL), pp.1-5, 2009![]() Abstract: Postępująca miniaturyzacja i rozwój technologii układów mikro-opto-elektro-mechanicznych (MOEMS) wymaga stosowania nowych metod wytwarzania, które pozwalają przezwyciężać ograniczenia związane z manipulacjami mechanicznymi przy produkcji mikroelementów. Wytwarzanie nowoczesnych podzespołów optoelektronicznych i elektromechanicznych wymaga zachowywania wąskich tolerancji wykonawczych, szczególnie podczas montażu i pozycjonowania. Przy stosowaniu tradycyjnych metod kształtowania mechanicznego występuje zjawisko nawrotu sprężystego, które utrudnia proces precyzyjnego pozycjonowania elementów, zwiększa jego czasochłonność i pogarsza dokładność. Konieczne jest używanie kosztownego oprzyrządowania. MOEMS, aktuator dwumostkowy, mikropozycjonowanie, laserowe kształtowanie, modelowanie analityczne Affiliations:
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6. | Mucha Z.♦, Widłaszewski J., Badanie wpływu początkowej temperatury materiału na proces gięcia laserowego, 9. Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej, 2009-09-21/09-25, Świnoujście (PL), pp.1-10, 2009![]() Abstract: Kształtowaniem termicznym nazywamy procesy prowadzące do celowej zmiany kształtu przedmiotu z wykorzystaniem zjawiska rozszerzalności termicznej. Poprzez lokalne ogrzewanie materiału wykazującego rozszerzalność termiczną i zdolnego do deformacji plastycznej można w sposób bezdotykowy realizować proces obróbki plastycznej, bez użycia sił zewnętrznych. Precyzyjnym i łatwym do sterowania nośnikiem ciepła dla procesów kształtowania termicznego jest wiązka laserowa, skąd wywodzi się nazwa kształtowanie laserowe. W przypadku deformacji giętnej zachodzącej w jednej płaszczyźnie stosuje się termin gięcie laserowe. W literaturze przedmiotu znane są dwa mechanizmy gięcia laserowego (gradientowy i wyboczeniowy) oraz jeden mechanizm termicznego spęczania blach i płyt. kształtowanie laserowe, modelowanie analityczne, temperatura krytyczna Affiliations:
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7. | Mucha Z.♦, Widłaszewski J., Kształtowanie laserowe materiałów w podwyższonych tempetraturach, IX Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna TEROTECHNOLOGIA, 2015-10-15/10-16, Kielce (PL), pp.302-309, 2009![]() Abstract: W artykule zaprezentowano badania nad bezdotykowym kształtowaniem blach i płyt poprzez ogrzewanie wiązką laserową. Przedstawiono model analityczny gięcia z wykorzystaniem gradientu temperatury na grubości materiału. Kąt zgięcia został wyrażony za pomocą trzech parametrów bezwymiarowych: liczby Fouriera, średnicy wiązki odniesionej do grubości materiału i temperatury powierzchni pod wiązką odniesionej do temperatury, przy której materiał traci własności sprężyste. Zbadano wpływ początkowej temperatury materiału na wielkość otrzymywanego kąta zgięcia. Wyniki teoretyczne potwierdzone badaniami doświadczalnymi wykazały, że przy ustalonych parametrach obróbki zależność kąta zgięcia od temperatury początkowej posiada maksimum. Keywords:kształtowanie laserowe, gięcie laserowe, modelowanie analityczne Affiliations:
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8. | Widłaszewski J., Analysis of deformations induced by a laser beam pulse, IWOTE, International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion, 2008-04-22/04-23, Bremen (GE), Vol.31, pp.365-374, 2008![]() Abstract: Pulsed laser heating is industrially applied in manufacturing processes to produce precise deformation of metal objects. Research on deformations resulting from heating the metal with a stationary heat source is of fundamental importance to comprehend and control thermal forming with a moving heat source. Deformations of a cantilever beam due to pulsed laser heating are experimentally and numerically analyzed in the paper. Samples made of 18-8 type stainless steel were heated with Nd:YAG laser beam. Transient and permanent angular deformation of samples was measured optically with a laser scan micrometer. Uncoupled thermal-mechanical analysis was performed using a three-dimensional finite element method model. Experimentally validated simulations revealed mixed mechanism of deformation consisting of the upsetting mechanism with a contribution of the temperature gradient mechanism. Keywords:laser forming, laser bending, micropositioning, numerical modelling, thermo-elastic-plastic deformation Affiliations:
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9. | Widłaszewski J., Numerical modelling of the thermal upsetting mechanism in a two-bridge actuator, LANE 2007, 5th Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering, 2007-09-25/09-28, Erlangen (GE), pp.631-644, 2007![]() Abstract: Angular deformation of the two-bridge actuator heated by a single laser pulse is analysed using finite element method. Experimentally validated numerical model allows deeper understanding of deformation mechanism, in particular the role of thermally generated bending load in the actuator. Prediction of laser-induced micro deformations requires determination of energy absorption and dissipation parameters with high accuracy. Experimental-numerical procedure was applied to find emissivity and coefficients of absorption and convection, using two-colour pyrometer and FEM simulations. The need for precise thermoplastic material data is demonstrated by means of a series of numerical simulations and the critical temperature concept. Keywords:laser forming, two-bridge actuator, numerical modelling Affiliations:
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10. | Widłaszewski J., Badania doświadczalne i modelowanie siłownika termicznego dwumostkowego, X Krajowa Konferencja Wytrzymałości i Badania Materiałów, 2006-09-20/09-22, Kudowa Zdrój (PL), pp.154-161, 2006![]() Abstract: Two-bridge actuators are applied in micro-opto-electro-mechanic systems (MOEMS). The paper presents experimental investigation results and numerical modeling of actuators with the Finite Element Method. Precise measurements of laser-induced deformations allow establishing threshold processing parameters to produce required deformation of the structure. Numerical modeling of such small deformations necessitates the application of adequately accurate material data. Keywords:MOEMS, laser forming, micropositioning, two-bridge actuator, numerical modelling, thermo-elastic-plastic deformation Affiliations:
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11. | Widłaszewski J., Micro adjustment by thermal upsetting, International Workshop on Thermal Forming, 2005-04-13/04-14, Bremen (GE), Vol.1, pp.1-28, 2005![]() Abstract: Thermal strain produced by local heating of miniature metal components is already applied for adjustment in mass production in the electronic industry. Non-contact and forceless adjustment, alignment or trimming of sub-assemblies by use of a well-defined heat source, like the laser beam, allows for product miniaturisation and automation of manufacturing. However, the implemented procedures of adjustment by thermal forming are based on experimental investigations and numerical simulations, what makes it difficult to perform optimisation of the component design and processing parameters. The paper presents analytical-numerical modelling of thermal deformations induced to small metal frame structure. Experimental verification was performed using Nd:YAG laser beam. Theoretical model is based on one-dimensional heat flow solution. Thermo-elastic and thermo-plastic deformations are described. Derived formulae allow for optimisation of the considered structure and of the adjustment process. Keywords:micropositioning, touch-less positioning, laser forming, analytical modelling, two-bridge actuator Affiliations:
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12. | Widłaszewski J., Modelowanie termo-sprężysto-plastycznych deformacji termicznego siłownika dwumostkowego, Seminarium szkoleniowe LAPROMAT, 2005-12-05/12-08, Zakopane (PL), Vol.3, pp.279-310, 2005![]() Abstract: Constrained thermal deformation of the material is applied in thermal forming processes. Touch-less precise positioning is performed in industry using the laser beam as a heat source. Experimental and theoretical investigation of laser-induced deformations of the two-bridge actuators made of a low-carbon steel and 18/8 type stainless steel is presented. The described model is based on the one-dimensional heat conduction model. Thermo-elastic-plastic deformations of the structure under consideration are calculated using thermal deformation and stress analysis, as well as conditions of material yield. Deformations are calculated in dependence on thermal processing, geometry and material parameters. Modelling methods of thermoplastic behavior of metals are presented as tools to achieve possibly accurate description of plastic deformation. Keywords:thermal forming, laser forming, two-bridge actuator, analytical modelling Affiliations:
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Conference abstracts
1. | Widłaszewski J., Nowak M., Nowak Z., Kurp P.♦, MOMENT-CURVATURE RELATION FOR LASER-ASSISTED BENDING OF THIN INCONEL 718 BEAM, DAS 2024, 40th DANUBIA-ADRIA SYMPOSIUM on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 2024-09-24/09-27, Gdańsk (PL), pp.169-170, 2024 | ![]() | ||||||||||||
2. | Widłaszewski J., Laser micro bendign mechanism for high-precision adjustment in mechatronic systems, EACS 2022, 7th European Conference on Structural Control, 2022-07-10/07-13, Warszawa (PL), pp.157-158, 2022 | ![]() | ||||||||||||
3. | Widłaszewski J., Nowak M., Nowak Z., Kurp P.♦, Curvature Change in Laser-Assisted Bending of Inconel 718, ICEM, 19th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2022-07-17/07-21, Kraków (PL), pp.68-69, 2022 | ![]() | ||||||||||||
4. | Widłaszewski J., Nowak M., Nowak Z., Kurp P.♦, Termomechaniczne kształtowanie profili rurowych wspomagane laserowo, PLASTMET, 11 KONFERENCJA ZINTEGROWANE STUDIA PODSTAW DEFORMACJI PLASTYCZNEJ METALI, 2018-11-27/11-30, Łańcut (PL), pp.162-163, 2018 | ![]() | ||||||||||||
5. | Nowak Z., Nowak M., Widłaszewski J., Kurp P.♦, Symulacje numeryczne laserowo wspomaganego gięcia materiałów wykorzystywanych w przemyśle lotniczym, PLASTMET, 11 KONFERENCJA ZINTEGROWANE STUDIA PODSTAW DEFORMACJI PLASTYCZNEJ METALI, 2018-11-27/11-30, Łańcut (PL), pp.97-98, 2018 | ![]() | ||||||||||||
6. | Libura T., Nowak Z., Kowalewski Z.L., Widłaszewski J., Behaviour of inconel 718 aerospace alloy thin sheets under in-plane tension-compression, SME, XXVIII Symposium On Experimental Mechanics of Solids in memory of prof. Jacek Stupnicki, 2018-10-17/10-20, Jachranka (PL), pp.42-42, 2018 | ![]() | ||||||||||||
7. | Nowak Z., Nowak M., Widłaszewski J., Kurp P.♦, Experimental and numerical investigation on laser-assisted bending of pre-loaded inconel 718 beams, SolMech 2018, 41st SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2018-08-27/08-31, Warszawa (PL), pp.282-283, 2018 | ![]() | ||||||||||||
8. | Nowak Z., Nowak M., Pęcherski R.B., Wiśniewski K., Widłaszewski J., Kurp P.♦, Computational Modelling of Thermoplastic Behaviour of Inconel 718 in Application to Laser-Assisted Bending of Thin-Walled Alloy Tubes, WCCM2018, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2018-07-22/07-27, Nowy Jork (US), pp.1, 2018 | ![]() | ||||||||||||
9. | Nowak Z., Nowak M., Widłaszewski J., Kurp P.♦, Experimental and numerical investigation on laser-assisted bending of pre-loaded metal plate, CMM 2017, 22nd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 2017-09-13/09-16, Lublin (PL), pp.MS13-37-38, 2017![]() Abstract: The laser forming technique has an important disadvantage, which is the limitation of plastic deformation generated by a single laser beam pass. In order to increase the plastic deformation one has to repeat the process several times or use the alternative method. To increase the plastic deformation it is possible to add external forces during the laser forming process. In this paper, we investigate the influence of external pre-loads on the laser bending of steel plate. The pre-loads investigated generate bending towards the laser beam. The thermal, elastic-plastic analysis is performed using the commercial nonlinear finite element analysis package ABAQUS. The focus of the paper is to identify how this pattern of the pre-load influence the final bend angle of the plate. Keywords:laser forming, force-assisted laser bending, thermo-mechanical simulations, FEA Affiliations:
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10. | Mucha Z.♦, Widłaszewski J., Kurp P.♦, Mulczyk K.♦, Laserowe kształtowanie cienkościennych płaskowników wspomagane mechanicznie, STL 2016, XI Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej, 2016-09-27/09-30, Jastarnia (PL), pp.41, 2016 | ![]() | ||||||||||||
11. | Widłaszewski J., Mechanism of bi-direction laser bending for micro systems, PCM-CMM 2015, 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics and 21st Computer Methods in Mechanics, 2015-09-08/09-11, Gdańsk (PL), pp.819-820, 2015![]() Abstract: Laser-based non-contact micro-adjustment method is a way of going beyond limits of traditional mechanical techniques applied for precise alignment during assembly of miniature opto-electro-mechanical devices. This paper presents experimental and numerical investigation of thermal micro-bending mechanism, which enables bi-directional deformation, i.e. either towards or away from the laser beam, dependent on the applied processing parameters. Experimentally validated numerical model explains behaviour of a stainless steel cantilever beam subject to the Nd:YAG laser pulse. With constant pulse duration, direction of bending depends on the laser beam power. The revealed mechanism of bending involves significant positive longitudinal plastic strain in certain material regions. The deformation results from a considerable temperature gradient across the width of the cantilever beam, with some contribution of the temperature gradient in the thickness direction. Application of the mechanism opens up new opportunities for the laser-based micro-adjustment technology. Keywords:laser forming, laser bending, laser micro-adjustment, thermo-elastic-plastic deformation Affiliations:
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12. | Widłaszewski J., Application of the inherent strain method in modeling of laser thermal forming, SolMech 2014, 39th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2014-09-01/09-05, Zakopane (PL), pp.147-148, 2014![]() Abstract: Processes of controlled producing plastic deformation of metal and non-metal objects by local heating are considered in the paper. Even with the current performance of computer systems and commercially available software packages, the full 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of industry-relevant thermo-elastic-plastic problems often requires too much time and cost. Therefore, simplified modeling methods are needed, that would enable effective process analysis, planning and optimisation. The inherent strain method basically consists in estimation of thermoplastic deformation of a structure using the solution of the elastic problem with imposed plastic strain, which is produced in the heated zone (the inherent strain). A short review of applications of the inherent strain approach for estimation of welding distortions, flame forming by line heating and laser bending is presented in the article. Almost entirely analytical solution for laser adjustment using the twobridge actuator is described. The formulae derived due to the application of the inherent strain approach explicitly show the role of actuator design parameters, processing parameters (laser power and heating duration) and material data in thermo-elastic-plastic response of the structure to the laser pulse. Keywords:inherent strain, critical temperature, flame forming, line heating, laser bending, laser forming, analytical modelling, two-bridge actuator Affiliations:
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Filing No./Date Filing Publication | Autor(s) Title Protection Area, Applicant Name | Patent Number Date of Grant | |
394452 2011-04-05 BUP 22/2011 2011-10-24 | Mucha Z.♦, Widłaszewski J., Gradoń R.♦, Trela P.♦Sposób i układ do kształtowania laserowego płyt lub blach według zadanego kształtu powierzchni rozwijalnej o tworzących równoległychPL, Politechnika Świętokrzyska, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN | 214214 WUP 06/2013 2013-06-28 | ![]() ![]() |