Błachowski Bartłomiej, PhD, DSc |
Department of Intelligent Technologies
position: Associate Professor
room: 419 |
e-mail: bblach
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/bblach
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.192
Błoński Sławomir, PhD |
Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
position: Specialist
room: 312 |
e-mail: sblonski
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/sblonski
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.413
Bochenek Kamil, PhD |
Department of Mechanics of Materials
position: Assistant Professor
room: 145 |
e-mail: kboch
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/kboch
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.439
Bogucki Dominik, MSc |
Department of Intelligent Technologies
position: PhD Student
room: 028 |
e-mail: dbogucki
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/dbogucki
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.160
 | Prof.
Borkowski Adam, PhD, DSc |
Department of Intelligent Technologies
position: retiree
room: 434 |
e-mail: abork
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/abork
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.313
telephone: (+48) 22 826 58 27
Brachaczek Aneta, PhD |
Department of Experimental Mechanics
position: Assistant Professor
room: 331 |
e-mail: aneta.brachaczek
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/aneta.brachaczek
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.310
 | Prof.
Brandt Andrzej, PhD, DSc |
Department of Experimental Mechanics
position: retiree
room: 332 |
e-mail: abrandt
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/abrandt
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.217
telephone: (+48) 22 826 31 43
Brodecki Adam, MSc |
Department of Experimental Mechanics
position: Senior Specialist
room: 035 |
e-mail: abrodec
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/abrodec
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.262
Broniszewska-Wojdat Paula, MSc |
Department of Intelligent Technologies
position: Specialist
room: 429 |
e-mail: pbronisz
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/pbronisz
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.153
Bucholc Bartosz, MSc |
Department of Mechanics of Materials
position: PhD Student
room: 140 |
e-mail: bbucholc
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/bbucholc
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.453