Dominik Bogucki, MSc

Department of Intelligent Technologies (ZTI)
position: PhD Student
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.: 160
room: 028
e-mail: dbogucki

Recent publications
1.Niedzielewski K., Bartczuk R., Bielczyk N., Bogucki D. J., Dreger F., Dudziuk G., Górski Ł., Gruziel-Słomka M., Haman J., Kaczorek A., Kisielewski J., Krupa B., Moszyński A., Nowosielski J., Radwan M., Semeniuk M., Tymoszuk U., Zieliński J., Rakowski F., Forecasting SARS-CoV-2 epidemic dynamic in Poland with the pDyn agent-based model, Epidemics, ISSN: 1755-4365, DOI: 10.1016/j.epidem.2024.100801, Vol.49, No.100801, pp.1-31, 2024

We employ pDyn (derived from ‘‘pandemics dynamics’’), an agent-based epidemiological model, to forecast the fourth wave of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, primarily driven by the Delta variant, in Polish society. The model captures spatiotemporal dynamics of the epidemic spread, predicting disease-related states based on pathogen properties and behavioral factors. We assess pDyn’s validity, encompassing pathogen variant succession, immunization level, and the proportion of vaccinated among confirmed cases. We evaluate its predictive capacity for pandemic dynamics, including wave peak timing, magnitude, and duration for confirmed cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths, nationally and regionally in Poland. Validation involves comparing pDyn’s estimates with real-world data (excluding data used for calibration) to evaluate whether pDyn accurately reproduced the epidemic dynamics up to the simulation time. To assess the accuracy of pDyn’s predictions, we compared simulation results with real-world data acquired after the simulation date. The findings affirm pDyn’s accuracy in forecasting and enhancing our understanding of epidemic mechanisms.


Epidemic dynamics , Epidemiology, Agent-based model, COVID-19

Niedzielewski K.-other affiliation
Bartczuk R.-other affiliation
Bielczyk N.-other affiliation
Bogucki D. J.-IPPT PAN
Dreger F.-other affiliation
Dudziuk G.-other affiliation
Górski Ł.-other affiliation
Gruziel-Słomka M.-other affiliation
Haman J.-other affiliation
Kaczorek A.-other affiliation
Kisielewski J.-other affiliation
Krupa B.-other affiliation
Moszyński A.-other affiliation
Nowosielski J.-other affiliation
Radwan M.-other affiliation
Semeniuk M.-other affiliation
Tymoszuk U.-other affiliation
Zieliński J.-Heller Consult sp. z o. o. (PL)
Rakowski F.-other affiliation