1. | Ranachowski Z., Pawełek A.♦, Jasieński Z.♦, Piątkowski A.♦, Kúdela Jr S.♦, Lewandowski M., Mazuruk P.♦, Durability and wear of engine parts – new methods of testing of alloys and composites, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE / AKADEMIA MORSKA W SZCZECINIE, ISSN: 1733-8670, Vol.35, No.107, pp.125-131, 2013 Abstract:The paper deals with the problems related to the diagnostics of selected parts of modern Diesel engines. The evolution of mechanical properties of four alloys of Mg-Li-Al system and four composites made on the base of the alloys mentioned above, caused by variation of its composition was presented. The Acoustic Emission (AE) method applied to monitoring of degradation of mechanical properties of the alloys and composites was described. Moreover, the results of the investigation of failures occurring in the injectors of Common Rail Diesel engines per formed with the application of AE method were also reported. Keywords:Diesel engines diagnostics, light alloys and composites, Common Rail fuel system, Acoustic Emission method Affiliations:Ranachowski Z. | - | IPPT PAN | Pawełek A. | - | other affiliation | Jasieński Z. | - | Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (PL) | Piątkowski A. | - | Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (PL) | Kúdela Jr S. | - | Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK) | Lewandowski M. | - | IPPT PAN | Mazuruk P. | - | other affiliation |
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2. | Pawełek A.♦, Kúdela S.♦, Piątkowski A.♦, Jasieński Z.♦, Ranachowski Z., Kúdela Jr S.♦, Mechanical and acoustic emission behavior in channel-die compressed Mg9Li alloys before and after treatment by HPT method, INŻYNIERIA MATERIAŁOWA, ISSN: 0208-6247, Vol.3, pp.579-581, 2010 | |
3. | Jasieński Z.♦, Pawełek A.♦, Piątkowski A.♦, Ranachowski Z., Twinning and shear band formation in channel - die compressed silver single crystals identified by acoustic emission method, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, Vol.54, No.1, pp.29-33, 2009 |  |
4. | Pawełek A.♦, Kuśnierz J.♦, Jasieński Z.♦, Ranachowski Z., Bogucka J.♦, Acoustic emission and the Portevin - Le Chatelier effect in tensile tested Al. alloys before and after processing by accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) technique, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, Vol.54, No.1, pp.83-88, 2009 |  |
5. | Ranachowski Z., Ranachowski P., Rejmund F., Pawełek A.♦, Piątkowski A.♦, Jasieński Z.♦, The study of influence of high pressure torsion process on acoustic emission activity of compressed Mg - Li alloys, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, ISSN: 0137-5075, Vol.32, No.4S, pp.123-128, 2008 |  |
6. | Pawełek A.♦, Ranachowski Z., Piątkowski A.♦, Kúdela S.♦, Jasieński Z.♦, Kúdela Jr S.♦, Acoustic emission and strain mechanisms during compression at elevated temperature of b phase containing Mg-Li-Al composites reinforced with ceramic fibres, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, Vol.52, No.1, pp.41-48, 2007 |  |
7. | Pawełek A.♦, Piątkowski A.♦, Kuśnierz J.♦, Bogucka J.♦, Jasieński Z.♦, Ranachowski Z., Ranachowski P., Mizera J.♦, Kúdela S.♦, Kúdela Jr S.♦, Acoustic emission in compressed Mg - Li and Al. alloys processed by ECAP, HPT and ARB methods, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, ISSN: 0137-5075, Vol.32, No.4, pp.88-94, 2007 |  |
8. | Pawełek A.♦, Kuśnierz J.♦, Bogucka J.♦, Jasieński Z.♦, Ranachowski Z., Ranachowski P., Rejmund F., Dębowski T., Acoustic emission and the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in tensile tested Al processed by ARB technique, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, ISSN: 0137-5075, Vol.32, No.4, pp.955-962, 2007 Abstract:The paper presents the investigations of the relation between the acoustic emission (AE) and the Porte vin-Le Chatelier (PL) phenomena occurring in tensile tested two kinds of aluminium alloys: not-predeformed and predeformed earlier using the technique of accumulative rolling banding (ARB). There have been found essential correlations between AE and PL effects in ARB not-predeformed alloys. The tensile tests for ARB predeformed alloys were performed on a series of samples of various degree of work hardening and it has been observed that the correlations between the AE and PL effects are not so pronounced as in the case of ARB not-predeformed alloys. The results of AE measurements obtained using a new software allowed additionally to carry out the spectral analysis of AE signals and, in consequence, to determine the acoustic maps (acoustograms) and the spectral characteristics which are very useful in the discussion of the relations between the non-homogeneous strain mechanisms of the PL effect and the mechanisms of AE events generation. The results are discussed in the context of the existing dislocation models of the PL effect and the theoretical concepts of AE sources Keywords:acoustic emission (AE), Portevin-Le Chatelier (PL) effect, tensile test, dislocations, strain mechanism, nanocrystalline and/or ultra fine-grained structure, accumulative rollbonding (ARB) Affiliations:Pawełek A. | - | other affiliation | Kuśnierz J. | - | other affiliation | Bogucka J. | - | other affiliation | Jasieński Z. | - | Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (PL) | Ranachowski Z. | - | IPPT PAN | Ranachowski P. | - | IPPT PAN | Rejmund F. | - | IPPT PAN | Dębowski T. | - | IPPT PAN |
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9. | Pawełek A.♦, Kuśnierz J.♦, Ranachowski Z., Jasieński Z.♦, Anisotropy of acoustic emission and-Portevin-Le Chatelier phenomena in polycrystalline aluminium alloys subjected to tensile tests, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, ISSN: 0137-5075, Vol.31, No.4, pp.75-81, 2006 |  |
10. | Ranachowski Z., Piątkowski A.♦, Pawełek A.♦, Jasieński Z.♦, Spectral analysis of acoustic emission signals generated by twinning and shear band formation in silver single crystals subjected to channel-die compression tests, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, ISSN: 0137-5075, Vol.31, No.4, pp.91-97, 2006 |  |