Prof. Zygmunt Szymański, PhD, DSc |
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Doctoral thesis
1979 | Gęstość obsadzeń poziomów wzbudzonych i temperatura elektronów w naddźwiękowym strumieniu plazmy
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Habilitation thesis
1993 | Badania spektroskopowe i modelowanie numeryczne plazmy podtrzymywanej laserem |
2008-06-30 | Title of professor |
Supervision of doctoral theses
1. | 2018-01-25 | Chrzanowska-Giżyńska Justyna | Cienkie warstwy z borków wolframu osadzane impulsem laserowym i metodą rozpylania magnetronowego - wpływ parametrów procesu na osadzane warstwy | 1303![]() | ||
2. | 2008-06-05 | Jedyński Marcin | Wpływ gazu otaczającego na osadzanie impulsem laserowym hydroksyapatytu na podkładach ze stopu tytanu | 610![]() | ||
3. | 2007-02-20 | Mościcki Tomasz | Badanie właściwości fizycznych obłoku plazmowego powstającego przy spawaniu laserowym stali | 600![]() | ||
4. | 2001 | Hoffman Jacek | Oddziaływanie wiązki lasera CO2 z kanałem parowym w procesie spawania metali |
Recent publications
1. | Kaczmarek A., Hoffman J., Morgiel J.♦, Mościcki T., Stobiński L.♦, Szymański Z., Małolepszy A.♦, Luminescent carbon dots synthesized by the laser ablation of graphite in polyethylenimine and ethylenediamine, Materials, ISSN: 1996-1944, DOI: 10.3390/ma14040729, Vol.14, No.4, pp.729-1-13, 2021![]() Abstract: Fluorescent carbon dots (CDs) synthesized by pulsed laser ablation in liquid (PLAL) are still interesting materials due to their possible applications. However, unlike CDs produced by the hydrothermal method, CDs produced the synthesis products by the PLAL method were never separated by dialysis, which differentiates the synthesis products and allows the identification of the main source of fluorescence. In this work, the synthesis of fluorescent carbon dots (CDs) was performed by nanosecond laser ablation of a graphite target immersed in polyethyleneimine (PEI) and ethylenediamine (EDA), and the synthesis products were separated by dialysis. The results of optical measurements showed that the main source of luminescence of the obtained nanostructures are fluorescent particles or quasi-molecular fluorophores created in the ablation process. In the case of ablation in PEI, most of the produced molecular fluorophores are associated with carbogenic nanostructures, while in the case of EDA, free fluorescent molecules dominate. Keywords:carbon dots, photoluminescence, laser ablation Affiliations:
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2. | Chrzanowska-Giżyńska J., Denis P., Giżyński M.♦, Kurpaska Ł.♦, Mihailescu I.♦, Ristoscu C.♦, Szymański Z., Mościcki T., Thin WBx and WyTi1−yBx films deposited by combined magnetron sputtering and pulsed laser deposition technique, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ISSN: 0169-4332, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.02.006, Vol.478, pp.505-513, 2019![]() Abstract: The coatings of tungsten borides (WBx) and tungsten borides doped with titanium (WyTi1−yBx) were deposited by using combined magnetron sputtering - pulsed laser deposition technique. In the case of WBx coatings, pure tungsten target was evaporated by a laser pulse at 1064 nm wavelength and pure boron target was sputtered by a magnetron. In the case of WyTi1−yBx coatings, the W2B5 target was sputtered by the magnetron and titanium target was evaporated by the laser pulse at 1064 nm wavelength. The content of titanium dopant changed from 1.1 to 5.5 at.%. The microstructure, chemical and phase composition of deposited coatings were investigated by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffractometry, respectively. The Vickers hardness and Young's modulus were determined by using the nanoindentation test. Nanocrystalline WB coatings with dominant WB2 phase were obtained at a substrate temperature of 520 °C. The coatings were superhard with a hardness of 47–50 GPa and the mean value of surface roughness was <6 nm. The WBx coatings doped with 5.5 at.% Ti had hardness similar to the coatings sputtered by magnetron from W2B5 target. Keywords:The superhard WyBx thin films was deposited with hybrid laser-magnetron technology, The MS-PLD method allows for the deposition of ternary borides such as WyTi1−yBx, The MS-PLD method enables to control the chemical and phase composition of films, The deposited films are smooth with hardness above 50 GPa, Crystalline films were deposited only on a substrate kept an elevated temperature Affiliations:
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3. | Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Laser ablation in an ambient gas: Modelling and experiment, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0021-8979, DOI: 10.1063/1.5010413, Vol.123, pp.083305-1-8, 2018![]() Abstract: The laser ablation of graphite in ambient argon is studied both experimentally and theoretically in conditions corresponding to the initial conditions of carbon nanotube synthesis by the laser vaporization method. The results of the experiment show that the maximum plasma temperature of 24 000 K is reached 25 ns after the beginning of the laser pulse and decreases to about 4000–4500 K after 10 μs. The maximum electron density of 8 × 1025 m−3 is reached 15 ns from the beginning of the laser pulse. The hydrodynamic model applied shows comparable plasma temperatures and electron densities. The model also replicates well a shock wave and plume confinement—intrinsic features of supersonic flow of the ablated plume in an ambient gas. The results show that the theoretical model can be used to simulate nanosecond laser ablation in an ambient gas from the beginning of the process up to several microseconds. Affiliations:
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4. | Chrzanowska-Giżyńska J., Denis P., Hoffman J., Giżyński M.♦, Mościcki T., Garbiec D.♦, Szymański Z., Tungsten borides layers deposited by a nanosecond laser pulse, SURFACE AND COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, ISSN: 0257-8972, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.12.040, Vol.335, pp.181-187, 2018![]() Abstract: Tungsten borides belong to the group of potentially superhard materials which hardness could be compared to cubic boron nitride and diamond. However, difficulty in fabrication of single phase material using conventional methods is the main drawback of this group of ceramics. In order to overcome this problem material can be deposited as a thin layer e.g. in the pulsed laser deposition process. In this paper, the effect of laser wavelength and energy density of nanosecond Nd:YAG laser on the WBx-type layers were analyzed using wavelengths 355 and 1064 nm with the energy density of laser beam from 1.7 to 5 J/cm2 and from 1.7 to 9.3 J/cm2, respectively. The WB2.5 and WB4.5 targets synthesized in Spark Plasma Sintering process were used and the layers were deposited onto Si (100) substrate heated to a temperature of 570 °C. Layers' microstructure were analyzed using X-ray Diffraction and scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. Change of laser wavelength and energy density resulted in variations of the chemical composition and morphology of deposited layers. Finally, W2B-βWB, αWB-WB-WB3 and WB3, and boron layers were deposited wherein WB3 structure is formed in a wide range of laser fluences and at both investigated wavelength. Next, WB3 layers were investigated in the indentation test at a load of 5–30 mN and its hardness was up to 50 ± 10 GPa Keywords:Pulsed laser deposition, Super-hard materials, Tungsten borides, Tungsten triboride Affiliations:
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5. | Małolepszy A.♦, Błoński S., Chrzanowska-Giżyńska J., Wojasiński M.♦, Płociński T.♦, Stobiński L.♦, Szymański Z., Fluorescent carbon and graphene oxide nanoparticles synthesized by the laser ablation in liquid, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0947-8396, DOI: 10.1007/s00339-018-1711-5, Vol.124, pp.282-1-7, 2018![]() Abstract: The results of synthesis of the fluorescent carbon dots (CDots) from graphite target and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanoparticles performed by the nanosecond laser ablation in polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG200) are shown. Two-step laser irradiation (first graphite target, next achieved suspension) revealed a very effective production of CDots. However, the ablation in PEG appeared to be effective with 1064 nm laser pulse in contrast to the ablation with 355 nm laser pulse. In the case of rGO nanoparticles similar laser irradiation procedure was less efficient. In both cases, received nanoparticles exhibited strong, broadband photoluminescence with a maximum dependent on the excitation wavelength. The size distribution for obtained CDots was evaluated using the DLS technique and HRTEM images. The results from both methods show quite good agreement in nanoparticle size estimation although the DLS method slightly overestimates nanoparticle's diameter Affiliations:
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6. | Hoffman J., Chrzanowska J., Mościcki T., Radziejewska J., Stobiński L.♦, Szymański Z., Plasma generated during underwater pulsed laser processing, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ISSN: 0169-4332, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.01.185, Vol.417, pp.130-135, 2017![]() Abstract: The plasma induced during underwater pulsed laser ablation of graphite is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The results of the experiment show that the maximum plasma temperature of 25000 K is reached 20 ns from the beginning of the laser pulse and decreases to 6500 K after 1000 ns. The observed OH absorption band shows that the plasma plume is surrounded by the thin layer of dissociated water vapour at a temperature around 5500 K. The hydrodynamic model applied shows similar maximum plasma temperature at delay times between 14 ns and 30 ns. The calculations show also that already at 14th ns, the plasma electron density reaches 0.97·1027 m−3, which is the critical density for 1064 nm radiation. At the same time the plasma pressure is 2 GPa, which is consisted with earlier measurements of the peak pressure exerted on a target in similar conditions. Keywords:underwater laser processing, pulsed laser ablation in liquid, laser induced plasma, numerical modelling Affiliations:
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7. | Chrzanowska J., Kurpaska Ł.♦, Giżyński M.♦, Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Mościcki T., Fabrication and characterization of superhard tungsten boride layers deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, ISSN: 0272-8842, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2016.04.166, Vol.42, No.10, pp.12221-12230, 2016![]() Abstract: The most promising areas of research of new super-hard materials are transition metal borides. These materials are one of the candidates for future superhard layers that will be competitive to DLC and c-BN layers. In this paper MoB-type tungsten boride (WB) layers were examined. WB layers have been deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering on Silicon (100), 304 stainless steel (SS 304) and Inconel 601 substrates. Measured thickness of herein prepared layers was about 1 µm, and all studied samples were dense, uniform and smooth. Surface investigation was performed by using an optical profilometer, atomic force microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The structure analysis was examined by using X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. Results from the XRD and TEM analysis showed that WB layers were dominated by (101) reflection and indicated a fine grain structure with a grain size of 20–40 nm. The effect of target sputtering power and ambient gas pressure was investigated. The hardness of WB layers deposited on silicon substrate was compared under the load from 1 mN to 5 mN. The hardness of WB layers deposited on SS 304 and Inconel was measured up to 50 mN. All layers of WB revealed excellent hardness exceeding 40 GPa. Keywords:Borides, Nanohardness, RF magnetron sputtering, Superhard layers, Tungsten boride Affiliations:
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8. | Kamińska A.♦, Hoffman J., Vacher D.♦, Dudeck M.♦, Szymański Z., Electrical and plasma flow characteristics of a segmented plasmatron operating with mixture of gases, PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ISSN: 0963-0252, DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/24/5/055007, Vol.24, pp.055007-1-13, 2015![]() Abstract: The electric characteristics of a segmented plasmatron and the results of optical emission spectroscopy of Ar-air, N2, and N2–CO2 are presented. The main working gas forming the plasma stream was fed near the cathode into the arc region and another additional gas was injected into the plasma stream beyond the arc. It is shown that the gas injected into the plasma stream is drawn to the arc area due to arc spot movement and cyclic arc shrinking and expanding due to the power supply pulsation. It was found that when the anode spot moves upstream, the additional gas is retracted into the arc region, changing the operating conditions of the plasmatron. The retraction mechanism depends on the gas type and is different in argon and molecular plasmas. The results of the plasma emission spectroscopy show differences in the electron excitation and rotational temperatures for the plasmas studied and are used to explain the mechanism of functioning of a segmented plasmatron. Keywords:segmented plasmatron, electric properties, optical emission Affiliations:
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9. | Mościcki T., Radziejewska J., Hoffman J., Chrzanowska J., Levintant-Zayonts N., Garbiec D.♦, Szymański Z., WB2 to WB3 phase change during reactive spark plasma sintering and pulsed laser ablation/deposition processes, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, ISSN: 0272-8842, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.03.042, Vol.41, pp.8273-8281, 2015![]() Abstract: Reactive spark plasma sintering (SPS) of WB2/WB3 ceramics from elements is studied; the sintering pressure dependence of the ratio of WB3 to WB2 in samples produced by SPS is discussed. Regardless of the sintering pressure, the obtained samples are very hard ~20 GPa. WB3 superhard films prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) from selected SPS targets are presented. Films, Tungsten borides, SPS – sintering, Pulsed laser ablation/deposition Affiliations:
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10. | Chrzanowska J., Hoffman J., Małolepszy A.♦, Mazurkiewicz M.♦, Kowalewski T.A., Szymański Z., Stobiński L.♦, Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by the laser ablation method: Effect of laser wavelength, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, ISSN: 0370-1972, DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201451614, Vol.252, No.8, pp.1860-1867, 2015![]() Abstract: The effect of laser wavelength on single-wall carbon nanotubes synthesis yield and their properties was studied. A double-pulse Nd:YAG laser, working at a wavelength of 355 or 1064 nm, was used for carbon nanotubes production. The synthesized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were investigated using the SEM/STEM microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The results show that the useful range of UV laser radiation fluence is narrower and the properties of synthesized CNTs depend much more on the laser fluence than in the case of infrared laser radiation. Keywords:carbon nanotubes, laser radiation fluence, pulsed laser vaporization, Raman spectra Affiliations:
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11. | Nalepka K.T., Hoffman J., Kret S.♦, Nalepka P.♦, Szymański Z., Laser-deposited Cu/α–Al2O3 nanocomposite: experiment and modeling, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0947-8396, DOI: 10.1007/s00339-014-8317-3, Vol.117, pp.169-173, 2014![]() Abstract: A Nd:YAG laser operating at a wavelength of 266 or 355 nm is used to deposit a thin layer of copper on the (0 0 0 1)α-Al2O3 surface. The formation process is precisely controlled by identification of time distribution of two characteristics: energy and flux density of particles incident on the substrate. For this purpose, the Cu-plasma expansion is described by means of an analytical hydrodynamic model whose self-similar solutions are fitted to the experimental plasma images and time-of-flight spectra. The obtained nanocomposite is examined by the aberration-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (Cs-HRTEM) method. The results reveal that copper crystals assume one main orientation relative to the substrate (1 1 1)[2 −1 −1]Cu∥ (0 0 0 1)[−1 −1 2 0]α–Al2O3 and the formed interface has a specific microstructure. To reconstruct the phase boundary region, molecular dynamic (MD) and static (MS) simulations are carried out. The results show that strong bonding between copper and sapphire induces structural changes in the (1 1 1) Cu layer nearest the substrate and leads to formation of the system of partially dissociated dislocations in the next layer. In consequence, the Cu/α–Al2O3 interface becomes the semicoherent system. The lattice matching regions of the individual Cu layers are significantly lowered, which results in strong deformations along the closed packed planes. The reconstructed interface is used for Cs-HRTEM image simulation. A good accordance with the experimental results indicates that the MD model correctly maps the microstructure at the phase boundary of the synthesized nanocomposite. Affiliations:
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12. | Hoffman J., Chrzanowska J., Kucharski S., Mościcki T., Mihailescu I.N.♦, Ristoscu C.♦, Szymański Z., The effect of laser wavelength on the ablation rate of carbon, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0947-8396, DOI: 10.1007/s00339-014-8506-0, Vol.117, pp.395-400, 2014![]() Abstract: The ablation of graphite is studied as a function of laser fluence for 355, 532 and 1,064 nm wavelength generated by a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser. It has been found that in the case of lower wavelengths, the transition from the thermal ablation to the phase explosion takes place at lower laser fluences. The change of crater shape due to the effect of deep drilling in the proximity of the phase explosion threshold was observed. The calculations of plasma radiation flux to the target surface were made, and the considerable increase of absorbed energy density was found in the case of 355 nm wavelength. Keywords:laser ablation, ablation rate, carbon Affiliations:
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13. | Kamińska A.♦, Dudeck M.♦, Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Gouy P.A.♦, Vacher D.♦, A plasma jet produced in a segmented plasmatron: modelling and experiment, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, ISSN: 0031-8949, DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/2014/T161/014072, Vol.T161, pp.014072-1-4, 2014![]() Abstract: Nitrogen and argon plasmas with a small admixture of air produced in a segmented plasmatron are studied both experimentally and theoretically. A two-temperature hydrodynamic model is used to simulate the plasma flow inside the plasmatron. The calculated plasma temperature and electron density are in reasonable agreement with the experimental values obtained from emission spectroscopy. The electron temperatures are several thousand kelvins higher than the atom temperatures, showing that the plasmas produced in the segmented plasmatron are in non-equilibrium. Keywords:segmented plasmatron, plasma expansion, emission spectroscopy Affiliations:
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14. | Babou Y.♦, Lequang D.♦, Chazot O.♦, Surzhikov S.T.♦, Dikaljuk A.S.♦, Panarese A.♦, Cicala G.♦, Longo S.♦, Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Kamińska A.♦, Dudeck M.♦, Vacher D.♦, Thermodynamic Characterization of High-Speed and High-Enthalpy Plasma Flows, The Open Plasma Physics Journal, ISSN: 1876-5343, DOI: 10.2174/1876534301407010155, Vol.7, pp.155-172, 2014![]() Abstract: This contribution proposes a description of selected experimental activities conducted in aerospace sciences and dedicated to generate experimental data to assess atmospheric entry plasma models. In order to provide comprehensive set of experimental data, high enthalpy shock tube facilities have been developed to generate plasma representative of entry plasma for broad range of trajectory entry conditions. The shock-heated plasma is obtained through adiabatic compression and the resulting post-shock plasma flow exhibits thermodynamic state analogous to actual entry plasma. However, significant insight can be obtained through experiments conducted also with non-equilibrium plasma flows obtained with other methods. The typical methodologies adopted to provide experimental data of interest to enhance entry plasma modeling are sketched for four distinct non-equilibrium plasma kinds produced respectively by four specific ground facilities. The contribution firstly will consider experimental campaigns conducted with a high enthalpy shock tube in order to document in absolute radiance the radiative signature in the UV spectral range of an Earth entry plasma. Then, the investigations of the interaction between a shock wave and an electrical discharge will be described. These investigations were performed to identify the role of the internal degrees of freedom of molecular gases on the propagation of the shock. Also, the contribution covers investigations devoted to the thermodynamic state characterizations by means of spectroscopic diagnostics in the cases of the non-equilibrium plasmas flows generated by plasma wind tunnels. The examination of the Saha-Boltzmann equilibrium is proposed in the case of a subsonic plasma flow. And at last, the characterization methods of air supersonic plasma jet are presented and the 2D distributions of the subsequently measured plasma properties are documented for a straight comparisons with non-equilibrium plasma jet computations. Keywords:Abel transform, multi-temperature model optical emission spectroscopy, non-equilibrium plasma, particle in cell - Monte Carlo computation, plasma wind tunnel, Saha balance, shock tube, supersonic plasma Affiliations:
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15. | Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., The effect of laser wavelength on laser-induced carbon plasma, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0021-8979, DOI: 10.1063/1.4819892, Vol.114, pp.083306-1-6, 2013![]() Abstract: The effect of laser wavelength on parameters of laser-ablated carbon plume is studied. A theoretical model is applied, which describes the target heating and formation of the plasma and its expansion, and calculations are made for the fundamental and third harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser. The calculated distributions of plasma temperature and electron density in the early phase of expansion show that plasma temperatures are higher in the case of 1064 nm but the electron densities are higher in the case of 355 nm, which is in agreement with experimental findings. It has been shown that while a higher plasma temperature in the case of 1064 nm is the result of stronger plasma absorption, the greater ablation rate in the case of 355 nm results in larger mass density of the ablated plume and hence, in higher electron densities. An additional consequence of a higher ablation rate is slower expansion and smaller dimensions of the plume. Keywords:Plasma temperature, Laser ablation, Laser beams, Absorption coefficient, Carbon Affiliations:
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16. | Kamińska A.♦, Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Dudeck M.♦, Plasmatron for Simulation of Re-entry Conditions in a Planetary Atmosphere, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, ISSN: 1070-9878, DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2013.6633690, Vol.20, No.5, pp.1607-1615, 2013![]() Abstract: The characteristics of segmented plasmatron are presented. The arc is sustained in argon plasma and in plasma stream, argon, nitrogen and carbon-dioxide are introduced. The numerical simulation of argon electric arc and plasma stream is carried out and the temperatures and densities of electron and heavy particles are presented. Experimental and theoretical investigations determine and explain the influence of natural gas and flow rate injected into plasma stream on working plasmatron conditions. The anode voltage drop analysis shows that in plasmatron working at a current between 40 and 340 A, gas flow rate between 0.4 and 2 g/s and pressure from 5 to 100 kPa, this drop changes from negative to positive, influencing arc voltage value. The gas injection into plasma stream results in anode spot dynamic. Electric breakdowns accompanied by high voltage fluctuations are observed when argon or nitrogen is introduced while carbon dioxide eliminates this type of breakdown reducing the voltage fluctuations and ablation of electrodes. Keywords:segmented plasmatron, re-entry in planetary atmosphere, plasma jet Affiliations:
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17. | Hoffman J., Mościcki T., Szymański Z., Acceleration and distribution of laser-ablated carbon ions near the target surface, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0022-3727, DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/45/2/025201, Vol.45, No.2, pp.025201-1-8, 2012![]() Abstract: The plasma plume induced during laser ablation of graphite is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The hydrodynamic model applied shows that the high velocities of the plume observed in the experiment result from the large pressure gradient built up during laser–plume interaction. This means that at a low laser intensity of ∼109 W cm−2 the acceleration mechanism is rather gasdynamical than electrostatic. The calculated temporal profiles of plasma temperature and electron density in the early phase of expansion are in reasonable agreement with experimental profiles obtained from emission spectroscopy. The effect of evolution of the plasma temperature on time-of-flight signals is presented. It has been shown that the appearance of ions with higher charge prior to ions with lower charge often ascribed to the effect of the induced electric field can be explained by the evolution of the plume temperature. Keywords:carbon, laser ablation, plasma plume acceleration, hydrodynamic model Affiliations:
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18. | Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Laser ablated carbon plume: experiment and modelling, NUKLEONIKA. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR RESEARCH, ISSN: 0029-5922, Vol.57, No.2, pp.283-286, 2012![]() Abstract: Laser ablation of graphite is studied both theoretically and experimentally. Plasma temperature and electron density in the early phase of expansion into vacuum are measured as a function of distance from the target. The experimental results agree well with the theoretical simulations. The simulation of ablation shows that plasma plume considerably affects the ablation rate Keywords:laser ablation, plasma plume Affiliations:
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19. | Hoffman J., Mościcki T., Szymański Z., The effect of laser wavelength on heating of ablated carbon plume, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0947-8396, DOI: 10.1007/s00339-011-6420-2, Vol.104, pp.815-819, 2011![]() Abstract: The effect of laser wavelength on heating of the ablated carbon plume is studied. The plasma absorption coefficients are calculated in order to analyze the results and an experiment is conducted using the first, second, and third harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser. Plasma temperature and electron density in the early phase of expansion in vacuum are studied as a function of distance from the target. The calculations show that the ratio between absorption coefficients for 1064, 532, and 355 nm is approximately 9:2:1. The experimental results do not agree well with the theoretical predictions. Indeed, the plasma temperatures are highest in the case of 1064 nm but no clear differences between 532 nm and 355 nm have been found. Keywords:plasma plume absorption, PLD, carbon, laser wavelength dependence Affiliations:
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20. | Słowicka A.M., Walenta Z.A., Szymański Z., Expansion of a multi-component laser-ablated plume, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 1286-0042, DOI: 10.1051/epjap/2011110056, Vol.56, pp.11101-p1-8, 2011![]() Abstract: The expansion of a plume generated during laser ablation is studied with the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method. The plume is a mixture of four disparate molecular mass components and expands in vacuum or into ambient gas. The time dependence of deposition rate is studied and the transition from an initial vacuum-like to a diffusion-like regime of expansion in ambient gas is shown. The lack of stoichiometry increases with the ratio of molecular masses of ablated particles and at disparate masses the stoichiometry is seriously affected. Ambient gas worsens the stoichiometry unless it supplies particles compensating the backward and sideward flows of plume constituents. Keywords:laser deposition, plume expansion, DSMC Affiliations:
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21. | Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Modelling of plasma formation during nanosecond laser ablation, ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.63, No.2, pp.99-116, 2011![]() Abstract: The interaction of laser beam with a target and next with the evaporated material is studied theoretically. In the case of a nanosecond laser pulse with 1064 nm wavelength, the ablation is thermal and therefore the interaction of the laser beam with a target is studied with the use of thermal model. The model which describes both the target heating, formation of the plasma and its expansion consists of equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy and is solved with the use of Fluent software package. The calculations show a sharp increase of the plume temperature and pressure after plasma formation and following it, a considerable increase of the velocity of plasma plume. Maximum plasma pressure of 2 × 108 Pa, temperature of 61 500 K and front velocity of 3.8 × 104 m · s−1 have been found. The results show that the Mie absorption cannot be neglected in the phase of plasma formation. The shape of the plume and plasma front velocity obtained from the model are close to that observed in the experiment carried out in similar conditions. Keywords:laser ablation, plasma formation, plasma expansion Affiliations:
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22. | Jedyński M., Hoffman J., Mościcki T., Mróz W.♦, Burdyńska S.♦, Diduszko R.♦, Kołodziejczak P.♦, Szymański Z., Deposition of thin hydroxyapatite films by 335 nm Nd:YAG laser ablation, MATERIALS SCIENCE-POLAND, ISSN: 2083-1331, Vol.28, No.3, pp.693-702, 2010![]() Abstract: The characteristics of hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) thin films deposited by the pulsed laser deposition technique have been describrd. The laser used was a Nd:YAG, operating at the wavelength of 355 nm. All films were deposited at room temperature, either in ambient water vapour or in vacuum, and were annealed, after deposition in air, at 600 °C. Next, they were examined with the use of an X-ray diffractometer, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, atomic force microscope, micro scratch tester and scanning electron microscope. The analyses showed that crystalline films exhibiting very strong pulsed laser deposition, hydroxyapatite, biomaterials Affiliations:
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23. | Wołowski J.♦, Gąsior P.♦, Hoffman J., Kubkowska M.♦, Rosiński M.♦, Szymański Z., Study of laser-induced removal of co-deposits from tokamak plasma-facing components using ion diagnostics and optical spectroscopy, RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS, ISSN: 1042-0150, Vol.165, No.6, pp.434-440, 2010![]() Abstract: The paper presents studies of the application of ion diagnostics and optical spectroscopy for on-line measurement of the amount and characteristics of co-deposits from the laser-ablated surface of the plasmafacing components (e.g. graphite tiles). For removal of the co-deposit layer a repetitive Nd:YAG laser was used. Determination of the characteristics of ions emitted from the laser-illuminated targets was performed using ion collectors (on the basis of a time-of-flight method) and an optical spectrometer. The main ion stream parameters and spectral lines of deuterium and carbon or tungsten ions were measured depending on laser pulse parameters. The research proved that optical spectroscopy could be a convenient method for on-line observation of the co-deposited layer removal by means of laser ablation. In combination with the investigation of collected co-deposit dust, the performed study made it possible to state that laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy can be useful as a diagnostic method for the ablative co-deposited layer removal and the wall conditioning. The properties of modified surfaces of samples and collected dust (evaporated co-deposit) were determined using different measuring methods. Keywords:laser ablation, laser-induced co-deposit removal, ion diagnostics and optical spectroscopy Affiliations:
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24. | Hoffman J., Mróz W.♦, Prokopiuk A.♦, Szymański Z., Plasma plume induced during laser ablation of graphite, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0947-8396, DOI: 10.1007/s00339-008-4559-2, Vol.92, pp.921-926, 2008![]() Abstract: The plasma plume induced during ArF laser ablation of a graphite target is studied. Velocities of the plasma expansion front are determined by the optical time of flight method. Mass center velocities of the emitting atoms and ions are constant and amount to 1.7×104 and 3.8×104 m s−1, respectively. Higher velocities of ions result probably from their acceleration in electrostatic field created by electron emission prior to ion emission. The emission spectroscopy of the plasma plume is used to determine the electron densities and temperatures at various distances from the target. The electron density is determined from the Stark broadening of the Ca II and Ca I lines. It reaches a maximum of ∼9.5×1023 m−3 30 ns from the beginning of the laser pulse at the distance of 1.2 mm from the target and next decreases to ∼1.2×1022 m−3 at the distance of 7.6 mm from the target. The electron temperature is determined from the ratio of intensities of ionic and atomic lines. Close to the target the electron temperature of ∼30 kK is found but it decreases quickly to 11.5 kK 4 mm from the target. Affiliations:
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25. | Jedyński M., Hoffman J., Mróz W.♦, Szymański Z., Plasma plume induced during ArF laser ablation of hydroxyapatite, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ISSN: 0169-4332, Vol.255, pp.2230-2236, 2008![]() Abstract: Plasma plume induced by ArF excimer laser ablation of a hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) target was studied during expansion into a vacuum or water vapour. The ArF laser operated at a wavelength of 193 nm with a pulse energy of 300–350 mJ and a 20 ns pulse duration. The emission spectra of the plasma plume were registered with the use of a spectrograph and an ICCD camera. The expansion of the plasma plume was studied using the time of flight method. The time-dependent radiation of the Ca I and Ca II lines was registered with the use of a monochromator and photomultiplier at various distances from the target. The dynamics of the plasma plume was also imaged by means of fast photography. It was found that during expansion into a vacuum, the plasma front moved with a constant velocity of 1.75x10^4 m/s, while in thecase of ambient water vapour at a pressure of 20 Pa, velocities of 1.75x10^4–1.5x10^3 m/s were found depending on the distance from the target. Electron densities of 1.2x10^24–4.5x10^21 1/m3 were determined from the Stark broadening of the Ca II and Ca I lines at distances of 1–25 mm from the target. Laser ablation, Hydroxyapatite, Plasma plume Affiliations:
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26. | Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Net emission coefficients of low temperature thermal iron-helium plasma, OPTICA APPLICATA, ISSN: 0078-5466, Vol.38, pp.365-373, 2008![]() Abstract: Net emission coefficients of low temperature thermal iron-helium plasma mixture at atmospheric pressure are presented. The calculations are made assuming the plasma is in the local thermodynamic equilibrium at a pressure of 0.1 MPa. The results are presented for several values of helium mass fraction in the mixture (between 0 and 1), for a temperature range 3000–25000 K and three characteristic plasma dimensions; 0 – corresponding to the optically thin case, and 1 mm and 10 mm. The values of net emission coefficients allow the estimations of total radiation losses in iron-helium plasmas. Keywords:net emission coefficients, iron-helium plasma Affiliations:
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27. | Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Modelling of plasma plume induced during laser welding, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0022-3727, DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/39/4/014, Vol.39, No.4, pp.685-692, 2006![]() Abstract: A theoretical modelling of the plasma plume induced during welding of iron sheets with CO2 laser is presented. The set of equations consists of the equations of conservation of mass, energy, momentum and the diffusion equation and is solved with the use of the commercially available program Fluent 6.1. The computations are made for a laser power of 1700 W and for two shielding gases—argon and helium. The results show a significant difference between these two cases. When helium is used as the shielding gas, the plasma is much smaller and burns only where the metal vapour is slightly diluted by helium. In the case when argon is the shielding gas, there are actually two plasmas: argon plasma and metal plasma. The flowfield shows that the velocity increases in the hot region but only part of the mass flux enters the plasma core. In the case when argon is used as the shielding gas, the total absorption of the laser radiation amounts to 18–33% of the laser power depending on argon and iron vapour velocities. In the case of helium the total absorption is much lower and amounts to ~5% of the laser power. Keywords:laser welding, CFD, numerical model Affiliations:
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28. | Gąsior P.♦, Czarnecka A.♦, Parys P.♦, Rosiński M.♦, Wołowski J.♦, Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Phillips V.♦, Rubel M.♦, Effective laser induced removal of co-deposited layers from plasma facing components in tokamak, CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, ISSN: 0011-4626, Vol.56, pp.B67-B72, 2006![]() Abstract: An experimental set–up and spectroscopy diagnostic method for laser–induced fuel removal and decomposition of co–deposited layers on plasma–facing components from tokamaks are described. For irradiation of a graphite limiter tile from the TEXTOR tokamak Nd:YAG 3.5-ns pulse laser with a repetition rate of 10 Hz and single pulse energy of up to 0,8 J at 1,06 µm has been used. The spectroscopy system allowed recording of spectra in the visible wavelength range including CII and Dα spectral lines. The evolution of CII and Dα spectral lines was observed pulse–by–pulse during the co–deposit removal. The efficient ablation of the 45 µm thick co–deposit occured after approximately 50 laser pulses. Keywords:tokamaks, laser ablation, spectroscopy, co–deposit removal Affiliations:
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29. | Hoffman J., Mościcki T., Szymański Z., Modelling of time dependent plasma plume induced during laser welding, CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, ISSN: 0011-4626, Vol.56, pp.B938-B943, 2006![]() Abstract: Theoretical modelling of the plasma plume induced during welding of iron sheets with CO2 laser are presented. The set of equations consists of equation of conservation of mass,energy, momentum and the diffusion equation and is solved with the use of commercially available program Fluent 6.1. The computations are made for the laser power of 1700 W and shielding gas argon. Two solutions are taken into account stationary and non–stationary. The results show significant difference between these two cases. Keywords:laser welding, simulations, plasma Affiliations:
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30. | Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Time-dependent spectroscopy of plasma plume under laser welding conditions, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0022-3727, DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/37/13/010, Vol.37, pp.1792-1799, 2004![]() Abstract: Momentary emission spectra of iron and argon lines were measured in a plasma plume induced during welding with a continuous wave CO2 laser. Time-dependent spectra were registered using a fast gate, lens coupled microchannel plate image intensifier placed between a spectrograph and a 1254 silicon intensified target detector connected to an optical multichannel analyser. The results, together with the analysis of the colour images from a fast camera, show that in the case when argon is the shielding gas, two plasmas exist: the argon plasma and the iron plasma. It has been found that during strong bursts the plasma plume over the keyhole consists mainly of metal vapour, not being diluted by the shielding gas. No apparent mixing of the metal vapour and the shielding gas has been observed. The space-averaged electron densities determined from the Stark broadening of the 7503.87, 7514.65 Å Ar I lines amounts to (0.75–1.05) × 1023 m−3 depending on the distance from the surface. Assuming that argon is not mixed with the metal vapour and is in local thermodynamic equilibrium these electron densities correspond to the temperatures of 12–13 kK. At the peaks of strong vapour bursts the space-averaged electron densities determined from the Stark broadening of the 5383.37 Å Fe I line are (0.6–1) × 1023 m−3. Numerical simulations showed that the maximum densities in the plasma centre are considerably higher and amount to ~1.8 × 1023 m−3 and ~2.45 × 1023 m−3 in the case of the argon and metal plasma, respectively. Consequently the absorption of the laser beam in the plasma plume amounts to ~5% of the beam power in the case of argon and 10% in the case of metal plasma. Affiliations:
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31. | Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Emission coefficients of low temperature thermal iron plasma, CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, ISSN: 0011-4626, Vol.54, pp.C677-C682, 2004![]() Abstract: Iron plasma appears during material processing with laser, electric arc etc., and has considerable influence on the processing conditions. In this paper emission coefficients of low temperature thermal iron plasma at atmospheric pressure are presented. Net emission coefficients εN have been calculated for pure iron plasma as well as for Fe–Ar and Fe–He plasma mixtures. To calculate the recombination radiation the knowledge of the Biberman factors ξz fb(Te, λ) is necessary and they have been calculated from the iron photo–ionization cross sections. The calculations allow estimation of energy losses, energy radiated by plasma plume and its comparison with the energy absorbed from laser beam. Keywords:absorption coefficient, plasma emission, Biberman factor Affiliations:
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32. | Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Dynamics of the plasma plume induced during laser welding, OPTICA APPLICATA, ISSN: 0078-5466, Vol.33, No.2-3, pp.433-443, 2003![]() Abstract: The dynamics of the plasma plume produced during laserwelding is quite complex. The keyhole wall oscillates and this results in oscillations of the plasma plume over the keyhole mouth. The metal vapour, which appears in irregular bursts, interacts with the shielding gas flowing from the opposite direction. In the present work, temporary electron densities and temperatures are determined in the peaks of plasma bursts during welding with a continuous wave CO2 laser. It has been found that during strong bursts the plasma plume over the keyhole consists of metal vapour only, without being diluted by the shielding gas. The results, together with the analysis of the colour pictures from sreak camera, allow interpretation of the dynamics of the plasma plume. No apparent mixing of metal vapour and the shielding gas has been observed. In typical bursts the electron density determined from the Stark broadening of Ar I lines varies from 0.9x1023 m-3 near the metal surface to 0.5x1023 m-3 at a distance of 1.5 mm from the surface. Assuming that argon is not mixed with the metal vapour and is in local thermal equilibrium these electron densities correspond to temperatures 12.7 kK and 11.5 kK, respectively. In strong bursts the electron density varies, along the same distance, from 1.6x1023 m-3 to 0.6x1023 m-3, which corresponds to the temperatures of 14.2 kK, respectively. Keywords:laser welding, plasma diagnostics Affiliations:
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33. | Kalita W., Kołodziejczak P.♦, Hoffman J., Mościcki T., Szymański Z., Spawanie stopu magnezu AM20 laserem CO2, PRZEGLĄD MECHANICZNY, ISSN: 0033-2259, Vol.7-8, pp.48-51, 2003 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
34. | Szymański Z., Hoffman J., Kurzyna J., Plasma plume oscillations during welding of thin metal sheets with a CW CO2 laser, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0022-3727, Vol.34, pp.189-199, 2001![]() Abstract: An analysis is presented of the oscillations of keyhole pressure and plasma radiation emitted during welding with a continuous wave (CW) CO2 laser. Welding was done with a CW CO2 laser, Photon Sources VFA 2500, operating at the power of 1.75 kW. The welded materials were mild and stainless steel sheets, 0.8–2 mm thick. The shielding gas was argon or helium. Oscillations of plasma radiation were registered in monochromatic or broad band radiation with the use of a photomultiplier or photodiode and pressure variations with a microphone in the frequency range of 20–2 × 104 Hz. It has been found that the optical signal from the plasma plume is closely connected with the acoustic signal and that the source of the acoustic signal is the pulsating movement of the plasma plume. Spectral analysis of the measured oscillations shows differences in power spectra depending on the welding conditions. Generally, two intrinsic frequency peaks in the range of 0.5–4 kHz are always present but the amplitude, frequency and width of the peaks depend on the material and welding conditions. The results show that the optical and acoustic signals emitted during the welding process can be useful for process monitoring. The behaviour of the observed oscillations is characteristic for deterministic chaos. Considerable regularization of the process was observed as an effect of modulation of the laser beam. The modulation factor (Pmax−Pmin)/Pmax was equal to 0.2 and the modulation frequency was 2 kHz. In this case, the intense peak corresponding to the modulation frequency was observed in the power spectrum together with smaller peaks corresponding to the harmonic frequencies. Affiliations:
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35. | Szymański Z., Peradzyński Z., Kurzyna J., Hoffman J., Dudeck M.♦, de Graaf M.♦, Lago V.♦, Spectroscopic study of a supersonic jet of laser-heated argon plasma, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0022-3727, DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/30/6/013, Vol.30, No.6, pp.998, 1997![]() Abstract: A spectroscopic study of a low-pressure supersonic jet of laser-heated argon plasma is presented. The experimental set-up consisted of a high-pressure convergent nozzle and a supersonic nozzle. The supersonic nozzle was placed just behind the convergent nozzle and was connected to a low-pressure chamber. A continuous wave laser with output power of 2 kW was used to maintain the plasma in the stream of argon gas flowing from the convergent nozzle. The plasma then expanded through the supersonic nozzle. Emission spectra from the laser-sustained plasma and supersonic jet were measured with a 1.3 m focal length spectrograph and 1254 silicon intensified target (SIT) detector connected to an EG&G PARC optical multichannel analyser (OMA) III. We found that the supersonic stream of argon plasma had an electron density of - and a temperature of 6 - 7 kK. Affiliations:
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36. | Szymański Z., Peradzyński Z., Kurzyna J., Free burning laser-sustained plasma in a forced flow, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0022-3727, DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/27/10/014, Vol.27, No.10, pp.2074, 1994![]() Abstract: The boundaries of the existence of a laser-sustained argon plasma in forced convective flow were investigated experimentally and numerically. The plasma was maintained by a cw CO2 laser with an output power of 2.5 kW and burnt in free space at atmospheric pressure. Flow velocities changed from 2.3 m s-1 to 8 m s-1. The f number was 8.8. The results show that a quasi-2D model in which the axial flow is given by the relation rho u= rho 0u0( rho / rho 0)12/, where rho 0 and u0 are the density and velocity of the cold gas respectively, describes the observed phenomena fairly well. Affiliations:
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37. | Szymański Z., Effects of beam intensity profile and optics on laser-sustained argon plasma, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0022-3727, DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/25/3/011, Vol.25, No.3, pp.413, 1992![]() Abstract: A laser-sustained argon plasma at atmospheric pressure was investigated numerically at low convection velocities. The plasma temperature distributions and power absorption were calculated for a laser power of 2 kW and for four different f number values 1.06-8.4. The results show that the plasma shape and power absorption strongly depend on the focusing geometry. Total absorption increases with f number from 55% to 83.2% of the laser power. On the other hand, the plasma shape and power absorption are not very sensitive to the intensity distribution of the laser beam and size of the focus spot. Affiliations:
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38. | Szymański Z., Filipkowski S., Nonstationary laser‐sustained plasma, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0021-8979, DOI: 10.1063/1.348488, Vol.69, No.6, pp.3480-3484, 1991![]() Abstract: Decay and recovery of laser‐sustained argon plasma have been studied both experimentally and theoretically. Temperature distributions at various phases of the discharge were determined experimentally from the continuum emission coefficient. A quasi‐two‐dimensional cylindrical model has been employed to describe the observed plasma evolution. It was found that the model well described plasma evolution that was observed in the experiment. Affiliations:
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39. | Szymański Z., Badanie spektroskopowe i modelowanie numeryczne plazmy podtrzymywanej laserem (Praca habilitacyjna), Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.30, pp.1-73, 1991 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40. | Szymański Z., Temperature Determination from the Continuous Emission of a Dense Argon Plasma, Contributions to Plasma Physics, ISSN: 0863-1042, DOI: 10.1002/ctpp.2150290207, Vol.29, No.2, pp.173-179, 1989![]() Abstract: The temperature of the laser sustained plasma has been determined from the continuum emission coefficient at different wavelengths. The experiments were performed in an argon plasma at the pressure of 10 atm. The spurious continuum resulting from merging of spectral lines was investigated numerically. Its influence on the measured emission coefficient in the red region has been found to be considerable. Affiliations:
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41. | Szymański Z., Badania spektroskopowe plazmy CWO, Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.34, pp.1-32, 1988 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
42. | Szymański Z., Pomiary spektroskopowe w tokamakach, Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.35, pp.1-46, 1987 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
43. | Dembiński M., Kurzyna J., Szymański Z., Decay of optical discharge plasma, Physica B+C, ISSN: 0378-4363, DOI: 10.1016/0378-4363(83)90076-1, Vol.121, No.3, pp.441-449, 1983![]() Abstract: The decay of the high pressure (7, 19 bar) optical discharge argon plasma is studied experimentally and theoretically. Time resolved spatial distributions of electron temperature and density have been measured spectroscopically giving the maximum values Te ≈ 1500 and Ne ≈ 8 × 1017 cm-3. The characteristic time of the decay is of the order of 10-4s. The experimental results are compared with the calculations based on the solution of the simplified energy equation in the spherically symmetric case. The kinematic and diffusion terms are neglected in the energy balance. It is found that radiation and thermal conduction are the dominant energy loss mechanisms during the decay process. Affiliations:
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44. | Szymański Z., Determination of the electron temperature from partial LTE populations in a mercury plasma flow, JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY AND RADIATIVE TRANSFER, ISSN: 0022-4073, DOI: 10.1016/0022-4073(79)90046-3, Vol.22, No.6, pp.577-583, 1979![]() Abstract: Population densities of excited levels of mercury atoms were measured in a supersonic plasma flow. Existence of partial LTE permitted determination of the electron temperature from the slope of the Boltzmann plot. Affiliations:
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45. | Kurzyna J., Szymański Z., Sonda elektryczna w naddźwiękowym strumieniu zjonizowanej pary rtęci, Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.74, pp.1-31, 1979 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
46. | Szymański Z., Tarczyński M.♦, Spektroskopowy pomiar temperatury elektronów w naddźwiękowym strumieniu zjonizowanej pary rtęci, Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.50, pp.1-15, 1976 |
Conference papers
1. | Kamińska A.♦, Szymański Z., Hoffman J., Vacher D.♦, Menecier S.♦, Dudeck M.♦, Écoulements ionisés dans des plasmatrons pour la simulation des conditions d’entrée en atmosphéres planétaires, Conference on Modelisation : Atomes, Molécules, Plasmas et Systèmes Dynamiques, 2013-05-23/05-24, Bourges (FR), pp.75-86, 2013![]() Abstract: Deux plasmatrons a arc non transferes sont utilises pour simuler les proprietes du gaz ionise entourant une sonde d'exploration planetaire. Le plasmatron de I'IEPE (Poznan) d'une puissance maximale de 25 kW fonctionne a pression atmospherique et a pression reduite (p>1 kPa) avec de l'argon, de l'azote et des melanges CO2-N2. La source a arc non transfere du LAEPT (Clermont-Ferrand) d'une puissance applicable maximale de 100 kW fonctionne a pression atmospherique avec de nombreux melanges gazeux dont les melanges N2-O2 et CO2-N2. Une modelisation fluide du plasmatron de I'IEPE est presentee pour de l'argon en tenant compte d'un desequilibre thermique Te-T. Des mesures de temperature par spectroscopie d'emission ont ete realisees dans les jets de plasma obtenus avec les deux plasmatrons. La temperature d'excitation de l'azote atomique et la temperature de vibration de la molecule CN ont ete determinees (IEPE). Les temperatures d'un plasma d'air et d'un plasma de CO2-N2 ont ete determinees a partir de l'emission du cuivre (LAEPT) Affiliations:
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2. | Słowicka A.M., Walenta Z.A., Szymański Z., Structure of the plume emitted during laser ablation of materials, ISSW28, 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, 2011-07-17/07-22, Manchester (GB), pp.777-782, 2012![]() Keywords: laser ablation, plume expansion, DSMC Affiliations:
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Conference abstracts
1. | Kaczmarek A., Małolepszy A.♦, Hoffman J., Chrzanowska-Giżyńska J., Błoński S., Szymański Z., Mościcki T., Functionalization of carbon nanodots in liquids using laser ablation method, CNM 2019, 6th CONFERENCE ON NANO- AND MICROMECHANICS, 2019-07-03/07-05, Rzeszów (PL), pp.1-3, 2019![]() Keywords: carbon nanoparticles, C-dots, laser ablation in liquid, photoluminescence Affiliations:
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2. | Chrzanowska-Giżyńska J., Denis P., Psiuk R., Słomińska H., Mihailescu I.♦, Ristoscu C.♦, Mościcki T., Szymański Z., Thin WBx and WXTi1-xB2 films deposited by combined magnetron sputtering and pulsed laser deposition technique, ICPEPA-11, 11th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, 2018-09-10/09-14, Vilnius (LT), No.P2, pp.113-113, 2018 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||
3. | Chrzanowska J., Hoffman J., Mościcki T., Denis P., Szymański Z., Comparison of tungsten boride layers deposite by laser pulse, magnetron sputtering and combined magnetron sputtering-pulsed laser deposition, COLA 2017, International Conference on Laser Ablation, 2017-09-03/09-08, Marseille (FR), pp.202-202, 2017 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||
4. | Chrzanowska J., Błoński S., Hoffman J., Małolepszy A.G.♦, Stobiński L.A.♦, Trykowski G.♦, Szymański Z., Carbon nanoparticles synthesized by the laser ablation in liquid, COLA 2017, International Conference on Laser Ablation, 2017-09-03/09-08, Marseille (FR), pp.286-286, 2017 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||
5. | Chrzanowska J., Garbiec D.♦, Kurpaska Ł.♦, Denis P., Hoffman J., Mościcki T., Szymański Z., The effect of substrate temperature on the properties of tungsten boride layers deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering and pulsed laser deposition, EYEC, 6th European Young Engineers Conference, 2017-04-24/04-26, Warszawa (PL), pp.240-240, 2017![]() Keywords: RF magnetron sputtering, hard materials, PLD, tungsten boride Affiliations:
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6. | Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Expansion of laser-ablated carbon plume to ambient argon, PLASMA-2017, International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, 2017-09-18/09-22, Warszawa (PL), pp.50-50, 2017![]() Keywords: laser ablation, plasma plume Affiliations:
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7. | Radziejewska J., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Plasma generated during underwater laser shock processing, ICPEPA-10, 10th International Conference on Photoexcited Processes and Applications, 2016-08-29/09-02, Brasov (RO), pp.147, 2016 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||
8. | Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Modelling of the nanosecond laser ablation with the use of Ansys-Fluent, LPPM3, XIV INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR “MATHEMATICAL MODELS & MODELING IN LASER-PLASMA PROCESSES & ADVANCED SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES, 2016-07-04/07-09, Moscow (RU), pp.58, 2016 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||
9. | Chrzanowska J., Denis P., Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Garbiec D.♦, Frąś L.J., Szymański Z., Characterization of tungsten boride layers deposited in pulsed laser ablation process, SolMech 2016, 40th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2016-08-29/09-02, Warszawa (PL), No.P257, pp.1-2, 2016![]() Abstract: Tungsten boride compounds are very promising new hard and super - hard materials. This kind of materials could be used in production of high-speed tools, durable bearings and nonabrasive surfaces. The hardness of tungsten borides strongly depends on boron content as well as material microstructure. For example hardness of W2B is about 12.4 GPa, WB hardness is 18 – 36 GPa, WB2 hardness is 28.5–39.7 GPa and WB3 hardness is 28.6 – 36.9 GPa. Moreover production of tungsten borides in the form of layers or nano -grained structured increase its hardness even above 40 GPa. Although the properties of tungsten boride structures are known from theoretical calculations, the data concerning structures produced experimentally are scare. Therefore, the properties of tungsten boride layers deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) process are investigated in this paper. Layers were deposited using two types of targets: with boron to tungsten ratio of 2.5:1 and 4.5:1 and with the use of two laser wavelengths: 355 and 1064 nm. Keywords:pulsed laser deposition, tungsten borides Affiliations:
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10. | Słowicka A.M., Walenta Z.A., Szymański Z., Hoffman J., Mościcki T., Structure and expansion of a plume emitted during laser ablation of multi-component materials, ISSW30, 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, 2015-07-19/07-24, Tel-Aviv (IL), pp.562-571, 2015![]() Abstract: Pulsed laser deposition is a method frequently used for creating thin films of various materials on laser ablation, plume expansion, DSMC Affiliations:
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11. | Chrzanowska J., Hoffman J., Kowalewski T.A., Małolepszy A.♦, Mazurkiewicz M.♦, Stobiński L.♦, Szymański Z., Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes by Laser Ablation Method, KKNM, 4th National Conference on Nano- and Micromechanics, 2014-07-08/07-10, Wrocław (PL), pp.117-118, 2014![]() Keywords: laser ablation, graphite, carbon nanotubes Affiliations:
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12. | Kamińska A.♦, Dudeck M.♦, Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Vacher D.♦, Segmented plasmatron for simulation of re-entry conditions in a planetary atmosphere, XXXI ICPIG, XXXI International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, 2013-07-14/07-19, Granada (ES), Vol.1, pp.11-14, 2013![]() Abstract: The experimental studies are carried out to adapt the plasmatron functioning to simulate re-entry conditions in a planetary atmosphere. The plasma flow is produced using argon or nitrogen arc and nitrogen or carbon dioxide is introduced into plasma jet. Although the gas introduced into plasma jet is injected behind the arc it influences the arc characteristics and dynamics of flow. This effect is studied in detail. Emission spectra of atomic nitrogen and ionized molecular nitrogen (N2+) are also recorded and analyzed. The atomic emission is studied in the infra-red region and has allowed the determination of an excitation temperature. The electron density is determined from the continuum radiation, and the rotational and vibrational temperatures are determined from the 1stnegative system of N2+ Affiliations:
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13. | Hoffman J., Mościcki T., Mróz W.♦, Szymański Z., Laser-induced carbon plasma; modelling and experiment, AI30, Acoustical Imaging 30, 2009-03-01/03-04, Monterey (US), pp.1-2, 2012 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||
14. | Hoffman J., Małolepszy A.♦, Mazurkiewicz M.♦, Stobiński L.♦, Szymański Z., Carbon nanotubes synthesis by the Nd: YAG laser ablation process, III National Conference of Nano and Micromechanics, 2012-07-04/07-06, Warszawa (PL), pp.121-122, 2012 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||
15. | Maździarz M., Nalepka K.T., Szymański Z., Hoffman J., Kret S.♦, Kucharski S., Nalepka P.♦, Atomistic Model of Decohesion of Copper-Corundum Interface, SolMech 2012, 38th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2012-08-27/08-31, Warszawa (PL), pp.204-205, 2012 | ![]() |