1. | Chrzanowska-Giżyńska J., Denis P., Giżyński M.♦, Kurpaska Ł.♦, Mihailescu I.♦, Ristoscu C.♦, Szymański Z., Mościcki T., Thin WBx and WyTi1−yBx films deposited by combined magnetron sputtering and pulsed laser deposition technique, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ISSN: 0169-4332, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.02.006, Vol.478, pp.505-513, 2019 Abstract:The coatings of tungsten borides (WBx) and tungsten borides doped with titanium (WyTi1−yBx) were deposited by using combined magnetron sputtering - pulsed laser deposition technique. In the case of WBx coatings, pure tungsten target was evaporated by a laser pulse at 1064 nm wavelength and pure boron target was sputtered by a magnetron. In the case of WyTi1−yBx coatings, the W2B5 target was sputtered by the magnetron and titanium target was evaporated by the laser pulse at 1064 nm wavelength. The content of titanium dopant changed from 1.1 to 5.5 at.%. The microstructure, chemical and phase composition of deposited coatings were investigated by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffractometry, respectively. The Vickers hardness and Young's modulus were determined by using the nanoindentation test. Nanocrystalline WB coatings with dominant WB2 phase were obtained at a substrate temperature of 520 °C. The coatings were superhard with a hardness of 47–50 GPa and the mean value of surface roughness was <6 nm. The WBx coatings doped with 5.5 at.% Ti had hardness similar to the coatings sputtered by magnetron from W2B5 target. Keywords:The superhard WyBx thin films was deposited with hybrid laser-magnetron technology, The MS-PLD method allows for the deposition of ternary borides such as WyTi1−yBx, The MS-PLD method enables to control the chemical and phase composition of films, The deposited films are smooth with hardness above 50 GPa, Crystalline films were deposited only on a substrate kept an elevated temperature Affiliations:Chrzanowska-Giżyńska J. | - | IPPT PAN | Denis P. | - | IPPT PAN | Giżyński M. | - | Warsaw University of Technology (PL) | Kurpaska Ł. | - | National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL) | Mihailescu I. | - | National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics (RO) | Ristoscu C. | - | National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics (RO) | Szymański Z. | - | IPPT PAN | Mościcki T. | - | IPPT PAN |
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2. | Hoffman J., Chrzanowska J., Kucharski S., Mościcki T., Mihailescu I.N.♦, Ristoscu C.♦, Szymański Z., The effect of laser wavelength on the ablation rate of carbon, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0947-8396, DOI: 10.1007/s00339-014-8506-0, Vol.117, pp.395-400, 2014 Abstract:The ablation of graphite is studied as a function of laser fluence for 355, 532 and 1,064 nm wavelength generated by a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser. It has been found that in the case of lower wavelengths, the transition from the thermal ablation to the phase explosion takes place at lower laser fluences. The change of crater shape due to the effect of deep drilling in the proximity of the phase explosion threshold was observed. The calculations of plasma radiation flux to the target surface were made, and the considerable increase of absorbed energy density was found in the case of 355 nm wavelength. Keywords:laser ablation, ablation rate, carbon Affiliations:Hoffman J. | - | IPPT PAN | Chrzanowska J. | - | IPPT PAN | Kucharski S. | - | IPPT PAN | Mościcki T. | - | IPPT PAN | Mihailescu I.N. | - | National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics (RO) | Ristoscu C. | - | National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics (RO) | Szymański Z. | - | IPPT PAN |
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