Arkadiusz Mróz, PhD |
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Doctoral thesis
2013-04-25 | Adaptacyjna absorpcja obciążeń od ekstremalnych podmuchów wiatru w turbinach wiatrowych
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Recent publications
1. | Kosik-Kozioł A.♦, Costantini M.♦, Mróz A.♦, Idaszek J.♦, Heljak M.♦, Jaroszewicz J.♦, Kijeńska E.♦, Szöke K.♦, Frerker N.♦, Barbetta A.♦, Brinchmann J.E.♦, Święszkowski W.♦, 3D bioprinted hydrogel model incorporating β-tricalcium phosphate for calcified cartilage tissue engineering, Biofabrication, ISSN: 1758-5082, DOI: 10.1088/1758-5090/ab15cb, Vol.11, No.3, pp.035016-1-29, 2019![]() Abstract: One promising strategy to reconstruct osteochondral defects relies on 3D bioprinted three-zonal structures comprised of hyaline cartilage, calcified cartilage, and subchondral bone. So far, several studies have pursued the regeneration of either hyaline cartilage or bone in vitro while—despite its key role in the osteochondral region—only few of them have targeted the calcified layer. In this work, we present a 3D biomimetic hydrogel scaffold containing β-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) for engineering calcified cartilage through a co-axial needle system implemented in extrusion-based bioprinting process. After a thorough bioink optimization, we showed that 0.5% w/v TCP is the optimal concentration forming stable scaffolds with high shape fidelity and endowed with biological properties relevant for the development of calcified cartilage. In particular, we investigate the effect induced by ceramic nano-particles over the differentiation capacity of bioprinted bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells in hydrogel scaffolds cultured up to 21 d in chondrogenic media. To confirm the potential of the presented approach to generate a functional in vitro model of calcified cartilage tissue, we evaluated quantitatively gene expression of relevant chondrogenic (COL1, COL2, COL10A1, ACAN) and osteogenic (ALPL, BGLAP) gene markers by means of RT-qPCR and qualitatively by means of fluorescence immunocytochemistry. Keywords:alginate, gelatin methacrylate, ß-tricalcium phosphate TCP, bioprinting, coaxial needle, calcified cartilage Affiliations:
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2. | Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Jankowski Ł., Decentralized semi-active damping of free structural vibrations by means of structural nodes with an on/off ability to transmit moments, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, ISSN: 0888-3270, DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2017.08.012, Vol.100, pp.926-939, 2018![]() Abstract: This paper proposes, tests numerically and verifies experimentally a decentralized control algorithm with local feedback for semi-active mitigation of free vibrations in frame structures. The algorithm aims at transferring the vibration energy of low-order, lightly-damped structural modes into high-frequency modes of vibration, where it is quickly damped by natural mechanisms of material damping. Such an approach to mitigation of vibrations, known as the prestress-accumulation release (PAR) strategy, has been earlier applied only in global control schemes to the fundamental vibration mode of a cantilever beam. In contrast, the decentralization and local feedback allows the approach proposed here to be applied to more complex frame structures and vibration patterns, where the global control ceases to be intuitively obvious. The actuators (truss–frame nodes with controllable ability to transmit moments) are essentially unblockable hinges that become unblocked only for very short time periods in order to trigger local modal transfer of energy. The paper proposes a computationally simple model of the controllable nodes, specifies the control performance measure, yields basic characteristics of the optimum control, proposes the control algorithm and then tests it in numerical and experimental examples. Keywords:Damping of vibrations, Smart structures, Semi-active control, Decentralized control, Truss-frame nodes Affiliations:
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3. | Sala D.♦, Motylewski J.♦, Mróz A.♦, Pawłowski P., Vibroacoustic System for Measurement of the Touchdown of a Light Aircraft, Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport, ISSN: 0209-3324, DOI: 10.20858/sjsutst.2017.97.13, No.97, pp.147-156, 2017![]() Abstract: Aircraft touchdown is one of the most difficult and dangerous phases of a flight. The paper presents an aerial light aircraft, prepared and produced by vibroacoustic tests, using an aircraft landing and landing monitoring system (AVI). The concept is based on the use of an ultrasonic transceiver head and vibration transducer, together with an appropriate signal processing and analysis system. The system measures the touchdown speed and altitude of the aircraft in the final phase of the flight and determines the level of load transmitted to the aircraft during the landing. Thanks to data archiving, it allows for better estimation of the wear rate of the structure, which is important in determining the causes of possible malfunction. It can be used with light and ultralight aircraft and, after adaptation, in unmanned aircraft. It can also be used to evaluate the art of piloting during landing. Keywords:aircraft landing, landing monitoring system Affiliations:
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4. | Mróz A.♦, Holnicki-Szulc J., Biczyk J.♦, Prestress Accumulation-Release Technique for Damping of Impact-Born Vibrations: Application to Self-Deployable Structures, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1024-123X, DOI: 10.1155/2015/720236, Vol.2015, pp.720236-1-9, 2015![]() Abstract: A numerical study is presented, which tailors so-called prestress accumulation-release (PAR) strategy to mitigate free vibrations of frame structures. First, the concept of proposed semiactive technique is outlined and possible applications are specified. In the second part of the work a parametric study is discussed, which illustrates the potential of the method for mitigation of free vibrations induced by impact or other initial load scenarios. Special attention is given to the energy balance including all relevant contributions to the total energy of the considered dissipative system. The proposed technique shows a very high potential in mitigation of free vibrations, exceeding 99% of the reference amplitude after 5 cycles of vibration. Affiliations:
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5. | Holnicki-Szulc J., Graczykowski C., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Pawłowski P., Wiszowaty R., Adaptive Impact Absorption - the Concept and Potential Applications, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES, ISSN: 2041-4196, DOI: 10.1260/2041-4196.6.2.357, Vol.6, No.2, pp.357-377, 2015![]() Abstract: Adaptive Impact Absorption focuses on adaptation of energy absorbing structures to actual dynamic loading by using system of sensors detecting and identifying impact in advance and embedded semi-active dissipaters with controllable mechanical properties. Application of such devices allows to modify dynamic characteristics of the structure during the period of impact and to precisely control the process of energy dissipation. The paper presents an overview of research conducted at the Department of Intelligent Technologies of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research dedicated to design and applications of various systems of Adaptive Impact Absorption. Wide range of presented examples covers adaptive hydraulic and pneumatic landing gears, skeletal systems equipped with controllable elements and detachable joints as well as adaptive inflatable structures. Keywords:adaptive impact absorption, safety engineering, smart structures, optimal control Affiliations:
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6. | Kołakowski P.♦, Mróz A.♦, Sala D.♦, Pawłowski P., Sekuła K.♦, Świercz A., Investigation of dynamic response of a railway bridge equipped with a tailored SHM system, KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS, ISSN: 1662-9795, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.569-570.1068, Vol.569-570, pp.1068-1075, 2013![]() Abstract: A railway bridge has been the object of investigation in the context of structural health monitoring (SHM). The current work is focused on utilization of experimental data for refining a numerical model of the structure as well as on tests of dynamic excitations using a controlled hydraulic shaker and passing trains. The numerical model has been matched to experimental measurements using experimental modal analysis - classical and operational. The tailored SHM system for monitoring of the bridge consists of 15 piezoelectric strain sensors taking advantage of wireless communication for data transfer. Experimental responses of the bridge collected by the SHM system are confronted with the ones produced by the FE numerical model of the bridge. The long-term objective of the investigation is to elaborate a method for assessment of structural condition and prediction of remaining lifetime of the bridge. Keywords:Bridge Monitoring, Experimental Measurements, Modal Analysis, Wireless SHM Affiliations:
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7. | Grzędziński J., Mróz A.♦, Gust load reduction concept in wind turbines, WIND ENERGY, ISSN: 1095-4244, DOI: 10.1002/we.384, Vol.13, pp.267-274, 2010![]() Abstract: A concept is presented of gust alleviation in wind turbines by using the blade aerodynamic torsional moment as an actuator for forcing the blade to feather in order to reduce aerodynamic loads. The pitching to feather is implemented through a temporary release of the blade-hub torsional connection after that the blade rotates freely until it reaches the assumed pitch angle. To describe this process, a simple wind turbine model with three elastic blades is formulated and some numerical simulations are performed. The results of the simulations include, among others, the time-history of the out-of-plane blade bending moment in response to the uniform gust, showing that, in this way, it is possible—at least theoretically—to reduce this moment by approximately 2/3 of its peak value. Moreover, the blade pitch angle changes faster than increased by a regular control actuator. Keywords:wind turbine, gust alleviation, load reduction Affiliations:
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8. | Mróz A.♦, Orłowska A., Holnicki-Szulc J., Semi-active damping of vibrations. Prestress Accumulation-Release strategy development, SHOCK AND VIBRATION, ISSN: 1070-9622, DOI: 10.3233/SAV-2010-0502, Vol.17, pp.123-136, 2010![]() Abstract: New method for semi-active control of vibrating structures is introduced. So-called Prestress Accumulation-Release (PAR) strategy aims at releasing of the strain energy accumulated in the structure during its deformation process. The strain energy is converted into kinetic energy of higher modes of vibration which is suppressed with structural damping or by means of a damping device. The adaptation process essentially affects the first mode vibrations by introducing an elastic force that opposes the movement. Numerical simulations as well as experimental results prove that the strategy can be very effective in mitigating of the fundamental mode of a free – vibrating structure. In a numerical example 95% of the vibration amplitude was mitigated after two cycles. An experimental demonstrator shows 85% reduction of the amplitude in a cantilever free- vibrations. In much more complex practical problems smaller portion of total energy can be released from the system in each cycle, nevertheless the strategy could be applied to mitigate the vibrations of, for example, pipeline systems or pedestrian walkways. Affiliations:
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9. | Holnicki-Szulc J., Graczykowski C., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Pawłowski P., Smart technologies for adaptive impact absorption, SOLID STATE PHENOMENA, ISSN: 1012-0394, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.154.187, Vol.154, pp.187-194, 2009![]() Abstract: The article presents a review of recent research carried out in the Department of Intelligent Technologies of Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, dedicated to application of systems for adaptive impact absorption to adaptive aircraft landing gears, novel concept of protective MFM structures, flow-control based airbags, maritime applications of inflatable structures, and development of adaptive wind turbine blade – hub connections. Keywords:Adaptive Impact Absorption, Adaptive Structure, Optimal Control Affiliations:
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10. | Mróz A.♦, Holnicki-Szulc J., Karna T.♦, Mitigation of ice loading on off-shore wind turbines: Feasibility study of a semi-active solution, COMPUTERS AND STRUCTURES, ISSN: 0045-7949, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2007.01.039, Vol.86, pp.217-226, 2008![]() Abstract: This paper focuses on mitigation of dynamic loading induced on off-shore towers by drifting ice. Conical structures attached to off-shore towers at water level are widely used to reduce static and dynamic ice actions. The level of remaining forces is enough to cause severe tower vibrations, therefore a need for an additional device to reduce the remaining actions is recognized. Present study introduces a new, compliant connection between the cone and the tower. Parameters of the connection are controlled semi-actively to optimize the effect. Numerical studies are made to roughly estimate the effectiveness of the new solution. First, contact problem of ice sheet and cone is simulated using simplified material model for ice. Then a numerical model of a wind turbine tower is constructed. Dynamic interaction between cone and tower is simulated and the new solution effectiveness is discussed. Keywords:Impact load mitigation, Semi-active control, Conical structures, Ice loading, Off-shore wind turbine, Structural dynamics Affiliations:
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List of chapters in recent monographs
1. 362 | Kołakowski P., Mróz A.♦, Orłowska A., Pawłowski P., Sala D.♦, Sekuła K.♦, Świercz A., Wiącek D., Wójcicki P., Monitorowanie obciążeń i stanu technicznego konstrukcji mostowych, rozdział: System monitorowania stalowego mostu kolejowego, IPPT Reports on Fundamental Technological Research, pp.85-108, 2014 | |
2. 195 | Mróz A.♦, Orłowska A., Holnicki-Szulc J., Smart technologies for safety engineering, rozdział: Adaptive damping of vibration by the prestress accumulation/release strategy, Wiley, Holnicki-Szulc J. (Ed.), pp.251-267, 2008 |
Conference papers
1. | Mikułowski G., Popławski B., Wiszowaty R., Mróz A.♦, Jankowski Ł., An investigation on a semi-active damping of forced structural vibrations by means of controllable structural nodes, ISMA 2018 / USD 2018, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering / International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2018-09-17/09-19, Leuven (BE), pp.189-201, 2018![]() Abstract: Vibration mitigation in space structures creates a unique class of a technical problem where resistant for outgassing and non-fluidic solutions are preferable. Additionaly, a vibration induced by time-varying excitations needs to be effectively reduced. The vibration mitigation task is speciffically difficult in the case of light, slender and inherently flexible structures of various types, such as supporting structures, deployable structures, modular structures or wide-span skeletal roofing structures. This study presents a concept of a vibration attenuation method based on semi-active joints and dedicated to frame structures under forced vibration excitation. The presented investigation contains an analysis of the problem of the optimal control of a structure fitted with semi-active structural members. Furthermore, an adequate model of the semi-active joints is developed and a numerical example is presented. Finally, the research provides an experimental verification of the developed control algorithms, which is conducted on a test stand in a laboratory environment. Affiliations:
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2. | Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Jankowski Ł., Decentralized algorithm for semi-active damping of forced vibrations using controllable truss-frame nodes, WCSCM, 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 2018-07-22/07-25, Qingdao (CN), pp.582-590, 2018![]() Abstract: Semi-active systems for mitigation of vibrations proved to be effective in many applications. Their prominent advantage is that they combine strong points of passive and active damping systems. Proper design can ensure their reliability, which is what passive systems are praised for. A high effectiveness in vibration damping links them with active systems. At the same time they do not have many deficiencies of active systems. They are adaptive, so they can stay effective in different environmental conditions, which is the factor that eliminates passive systems from many implementations. Their mass and energy consumption is very low, and the controlled structure can stay in the safe configuration even in case of power supply failure, which puts them in contrast to many active systems. The mentioned attributes make them a good choice for many structures subjected to vibrations, especially when there is a strong emphasis on maximization of the efficiency/mass ratio of the damping system. Semi-active damping, Truss-frame nodes, Prestress-Accumulation Release (PAR), Decentralized control Affiliations:
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3. | Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Sekuła K.♦, Jankowski Ł., A decentralized strategy of structural reconfiguration in mitigation of vibrations, Procedia Engineering, ISSN: 1877-7058, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.363, Vol.199, pp.1683-1688, 2017![]() Abstract: This contribution proposes a decentralized closed-loop control algorithm for semi-active mitigation of free vibrations in frame structures. The control uses dedicated dissipative devices, which consist of two controllable structural nodes placed pairwise in both ends of selected structural beams. The nodes are capable of a controlled transition between the standard frame mode of operation (full moment-bearing ability) and the truss mode in which they do not bear any moments and constitute in fact structural hinges. Synchronous switching is equivalent to reconfiguration of the global structure by (dis)allowing the involved beams to transmit moments and to accumulate vibration energy in the form of their bending strain. Upon switching to the truss mode, the accumulated energy is released into high-frequency local vibrations, which undergo quick dissipation by standard mechanisms of material damping. The approach is illustrated in a numerical example and verified in a preliminary experimental test. Keywords:Mitigation of vibrations, Semi-active control, Decentralized control, Structural reconfiguration Affiliations:
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4. | Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Jankowski Ł., Decentralized damping of vibrations in 2D frame structures using controllable nodes, SMART 2017, 8th Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2017-06-05/06-08, Madrid (ES), pp.94-103, 2017![]() Abstract: Extensive research efforts have been recently devoted to semi-active structural control with its paradigms of smart self-adaptivity and low consumption of energy, which is used for local adaptation rather than to generate external control forces. Considered application areas include adaptive landing gears, seismic isolation systems, vehicle-track/span systems, power train electro-mechanical systems, damping of flexible space structures, vehicle crashworthiness, arctic engineering, wind turbines, etc. A part of the research concerns semi-active management of strain energy for damping of structural vibrations. Early works considered truss structures with stiffness-switched bars. They later evolved into either standalone one degree of freedom stiffness-switched dampers and isolators or investigations in triggering modal energy transfer to highly-damped high-order modes. The latter researches seem all to study the fundamental vibration mode of a cantilever beam with two detachable layers and differ mainly in the actuator technologies; the main idea is to employ actuators for a quick release of the vibration-related strain energy. This research extends the problem to general 2D frames. Controllable truss-frame nodes are incorporated into the structure. Thanks to their controllable ability to transmit moments, they allow for a quick transition between truss and frame modes. We propose a new, decentralized, closed-loop control strategy based on local energy measures. Vibration damping is more effective than in the previously studied control scheme based on a global energy measure, especially for higher vibration modes. Mitigation of vibrations will be presented in representative numerical examples, including a comparison to the global energy-based control strategy. Finally, results of experimental study, conducted on a structure analogous to the one from numerical simulations, will be demonstrated. Keywords:Vibration damping, Smart structures, Semi-active control, PAR strategy, Decentralized damping strategy Affiliations:
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5. | Mróz A.♦, Holnicki-Szulc J., Sekuła K.♦, Prestress Accumulation-Release (PAR) for damping of free vibrations in frame structures. Experimental study of a lab-scale demonstrator with piezo-actuated semi-active nodes, SMART 2017, 8th Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2017-06-05/06-08, Madrid (ES), pp.145-156, 2017![]() Abstract: This paper presents results of experimental tests of a demonstrator structure equipped with variable stiffness nodes for suppression of free vibrations. So called Prestress Accumulation-Release (PAR) strategy for on-off control of these nodes is utilized. The obtained system is semi-active. The core of the controllable nodes are linear piezo-actuators. Keywords:Adaptive Structures, On-Off Control, Variable Stiffness Joint Affiliations:
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6. | Jankowski Ł., Holnicki-Szulc J., Mróz A.♦, A new strategy for adaptive impact absorption (AIA), SMART 2015, 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2015-06-03/06-05, Ponta Delgada (PT), pp.1-17, 2015![]() Abstract: This contribution presents and overviews a new class of strategies for Adaptive Impact Absorption (AIA) and illustrates a selected strategy in a numerical example. The proposed strategies are based on a challenging approach of a semi-active management and dissipation of structural kinetic and potential energy. The entire process of AIA is considered, including its two main phases: semi-actively controlled reception of an impact and semi-actively controlled damping of the resulting structural vibrations. Management and redistribution of impact energy seems to be one of the most promising and challenging problems in the field of AIA, which requires a substantial theoretical progress in semi-active control strategies and in structural optimization, besides a technological progress in semi-active actuators. Keywords:Adaptive impact absorption, smart structures, adaptive structures, impact energy management, bilinear control, switched systems Affiliations:
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7. | Mróz A.♦, Holnicki-Szulc J., Biczyk J.♦, Prestress Acumulation-Release for Damping of Impact-Born Vibrations. Numerical Analysis of Simple Frame Structures, 6WCSCM, 6th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 2014-07-15/07-17, Barcelona (ES), pp.1868-1876, 2014![]() Abstract: In this paper a numerical study is presented, witch tailors so-called Prestress Accumulation-Relase (PAR) Strategy to mitigate free vibrations of frame structures. First, the concept of proposed semi-active technique is outlined and possible applications are specified. In the second part of the work a parametric study is discussed, which illustrates the potential of the method for mitigation of free vibrations induced by impact or other initial load scenarios. Special attention is given to the energy balance including all relevant contributions to the total energy of the considered dissipative system. The proposed technique shows a very high potential in mitigation of free vibrations, exceeding 99% of the reference amplitude after 5 cycles of vibration. Affiliations:
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8. | Holnicki-Szulc J., Graczykowski C., Grzędziński J., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Pawłowski P., Wiszowaty R., Adaptive Impact Absorption - the concept, simulations and potential applications, 4th International Conference on Protection of Structures Against Hazards, 2012-11-15/11-16,, pp.1-16, 2012![]() Abstract: Adaptive Impact Absorption focuses on adaptation of energy absorbing structures to actual dynamic loading by using system of sensors detecting and identifying impact in advance and semi -active dissipaters with controllable mechanical properties which enable change of system dynamic characteristics in real time. The article present s a review of research conducted at the Department of Intelligent Technologies of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research dedicated to applications of systems for Adaptive Impact Absorption. Wide range of presented examples covers pneumatic landing gears, bumpers for offshore towers, wind turbine blade-hub connections and d protective barriers for automotive applications. Keywords:adaptive impact absorption, safety engineering, smart structures, optimal control Affiliations:
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9. | Holnicki-Szulc J., Graczykowski C., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Ostrowski M., Wiszowaty R., Adaptive impact absorption for safety engineering, 9th International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures, 2011-11-16/11-18, Fukuoka (JP), pp.373-385, 2011![]() Abstract: Adaptive Impact Absorption focuses on active adaptation of energy absorbing structures to actual dynamic loading by using system of sensors detecting and identifying impact in advance and controllable semi-active dissipaters with high ability of adaptation. The article presents a review of research carried out in the Department of Intelligent Technologies of Institute of Fundamental Technological Research dedicated to applications of systems for adaptive impact absorption. Wide range of presented examples covers pneumatic landing gears, adaptive crashworthy structures, wind turbine blade-hub connections and flow control based airbags for maritime and aeronautical applications. Keywords:smart structures, adaptive structures, Adaptive Impact Absorption, crashworthiness, safety engineering Affiliations:
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Conference abstracts
1. | Wiącek D., Sekuła K., Biczyk J.♦, Mróz A., Gołębiowski J.♦, Wiszowaty R., Badania Eksperymentalne Modelu Kompozytowego Podwozia Lotniczego, Kompozyty 2024, XXI Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: Polimery i Kompozyty Konstrukcyjne, 2024-10-22/10-25, Wisła (PL), pp.84-84, 2024![]() Abstract: Kompozytowe podwozie samolotu Skyleader GP ONE poddane zostało obciążeniom symulującym warunki przyziemienia podczas lądowania samolotu, a także próbie niszczącej. Zweryfikowano możliwość wskazania lokalizacji obszarów maksymalnej koncentracji naprężeń zredukowanych przy zastosowaniu uproszczonego modelowania, wykonanego przy założeniu izotropowości materiału podwozia. Do przeprowadzenia testów laboratoryjnych posłużyło unikalne stanowisko z wieżą zrzutową, posiadające pionowy i poziomy układ łożysk liniowych. Keywords:zrzutownik, podwozie samolotu ultralekkiego, model izotropowy Affiliations:
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2. | Jankowski Ł., Popławski B., Ostrowski M., Jedlińska A., Mikułowski G., Błachowski B., Pisarski D., Wiszowaty R., Mróz A., Holnicki-Szulc J., Semi-active damping of structural vibrations using controllable truss-frame nodes, 8WCSCM, 8th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 2022-06-05/06-08, Orlando, Florida (US), pp.1, 2022![]() Abstract: This contribution reviews a recently proposed semi-active control approach based on the Prestress-Accumulation Release strategy, which aims at damping of structural vibrations by promoting vibration energy transfer from lower- into higher-order modes that have significant material damping. Unlike typical semi-active control, which focuses on local dissipation in actuators, the aim is to trigger natural global damping mechanisms. The actuators are controllable truss-frame nodes: lockable hinges that can change their mode of operation from a frame node (locked hinge) into truss node (free rotation). Sudden removal of such a kinematic constraint releases the accumulated bending energy into high-frequency quickly damped local vibrations. Two formulations are reviewed: decentralized with local-only feedback, and global, which aims at a targeted energy transfer between specific modes. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness using free, forced harmonic and random vibrations. Affiliations:
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3. | Jankowski Ł., Popławski B., Ostrowski M., Jedlińska A., Mikułowski G., Błachowski B., Pisarski D., Wiszowaty R., Mróz A., Orłowska A., Hou J.♦, Holnicki-Szulc J., Semi-active mitigation of free and forced vibrations by means of truss-frame nodes, CMM-SolMech 2022, 24th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics; 42nd Solid Mechanics Conference, 2022-09-05/09-08, Świnoujście (PL), pp.1-2, 2022![]() Abstract: This contribution reviews a recently proposed control strategy for mitigation of vibrations based on the Prestress-Accumulation Release (PAR) approach [1]. The control is executed by means of semi-actively controllable truss-frame nodes. Such nodes have an on/off ability to transfer bending moments: they are able to temporary switch their operational characteristics between the truss-like and the frame-like behaviors. The focus is not on local energy dissipation in the nodes treated as friction dampers, but rather on stimulating the global transfer of vibration energy to high-order modes. Such modes are high-frequency and thus highly dissipative by means of the standard mechanisms of material damping. The transfer is triggered by temporary switches to the truss-like state performed at the moments of a high local bending strain. A sudden removal of a kinematic constraint releases the locally accumulated strain energy into high-frequency and quickly damped vibrations.
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4. | Poplawski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A., Jankowski Ł., Semi-active vibration mitigation of 2D frames by means of local nodal reconfiguration, EACS 2022, 7th European Conference on Structural Control, 2022-07-10/07-13, Warszawa (PL), pp.26-27, 2022 | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. | Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Wiszowaty R., Jankowski Ł., Controllable transmission of moments for semi-active damping of structural vibrations, RANM2019, Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics, 2019-05-07/05-10, Łódź (PL), pp.1-2, 2019![]() Abstract: In the recent decades, a significant stream of research in structural control has focused on semi-active control approaches. The two constitutive characteristics of a semi-active system are its low consumption of energy and the capability of smart self-adaptation. The inspiration can be traced back to Nature, where dynamic and energy-efficient self-adaptation to varying external conditions is a ubiquitous mode of operation. These ideas are fundamentally different from the paradigms behind the active control (active counteraction) and the passive approaches (passive absorption). In applications to mitigation of vibrations in structural control, within the spectrum of the semi-active techniques, there are two basic approaches that can be identified as: 1) stimulation of local dissipation in actuators, which basically amounts to maximization of the local force--displacement loops, and 2) local triggering of the global material dissipation mechanisms, which is called the prestress accumulation--release (PAR) control strategy. This contribution reports on a specific control technique from the second group. Affiliations:
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6. | Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Sekuła K.♦, Jankowski Ł., A decentralized strategy of structural reconfiguration in mitigation of vibrations, EURODYN 2017, X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2017-09-10/09-13, Rome (IT), pp.114-114, 2017 | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7. | Holnicki-Szulc J., Jankowski Ł., Mróz A.♦, Mitigation of impact-born vibrations, Euromech Colloquium [562] – Stability and Control of Nonlinear Vibrating Systems, 2015-05-24/05-28, Sperlonga (IT), pp.28-29, 2015 | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8. | Pawłowski P., Graczykowski C., Ostrowski M., Sekuła K.♦, Mróz A.♦, Controllable high performance valves for improved crashworthiness of inflatable structures, PETER 2015, Annual International Workshop on Dynamic Behaviour of Structures and Materials, Interaction and Friction Across the Strain Rates, 2015-08-26/08-28, London (GB), pp.52-53, 2015![]() Keywords: adaptive inflathigh performance valves, adaptive inflatable structures Affiliations:
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9. | Holnicki-Szulc J., Faraj R., Graczykowski C., Jankowski Ł., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Ostrowski M., Pawłowski P., Wiszowaty R., Adaptive impact absorption - potential applications for safety engineering, SMART 2015, 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2015-06-03/06-05, Ponta Delgada (PT), pp.1-2, 2015![]() Keywords: Smart And Adaptive Structures, Adaptive Impact Absorption, Safety Engineering Affiliations:
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Filing No./Date Filing Publication | Autor(s) Title Protection Area, Applicant Name | Patent Number Date of Grant | |
414374 2015-10-14 BUP 09/2017 2017-04-24 | Mróz A.♦, Biczyk J.♦, Holnicki-Szulc J. K.Sterowalne sprzęgło oraz jego zastosowaniePL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Adaptronica sp. z o.o. | 230890 WUP 12/2018 2018-12-31 | ![]() ![]() |
411237 2015-02-11 BUP 17/2016 2016-08-16 | Holnicki-Szulc J., Mróz A.♦, Faraj R.Tłumik bezwładnościowy drgańPL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Adaptronica sp. z o.o. | 227058 WUP 10/2017 2017-10-31 | ![]() ![]() |
410275 2014-11-27 BUP 12/2016 2016-06-06 | Holnicki-Szulc J. K., Faraj R., Mróz A.♦Opakowanie amortyzujące uderzeniaPL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Adaptronica sp. z o.o. | 225398 WUP 04/2017 2017-04-28 | ![]() ![]() |
407763 2014-04-01 BUP 21/2015 2015-10-12 | Holnicki-Szulc J. K., Mróz A.♦, Biczyk J.♦Półaktywny węzeł zwłaszcza do tłumienia drgańPL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Adaptronica sp. z o.o. | 228141 WUP 02/2018 2018-02-28 | ![]() ![]() |
398448 2012-03-14 BUP 19/2013 2013-09-16 | Mróz A.♦, Grzędziński J. M.Sposób zabezpieczenia mechanizmów turbiny wiatrowej przed skutkami nagłych, nadmiernych obciążeń i układ do zabezpieczenia łopat turbiny wiatrowej.PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Adaptronica sp. z o.o. | 221129 WUP 02/2016 2016-02-29 | ![]() ![]() |
387534 2009-03-18 BUP 20/2010 2010-09-27 | Graczykowski C., Mikułowski G., Mróz A.♦, Sekuła K.♦Sposób dyssypacji energii uderzenia obiektu i absorber pneumatycznyPL, Adaptronica sp. z o.o. | 214845 WUP 09/2013 2013-09-30 | ![]() |