Grzędziński Janusz, PhD, DSc |
Department of Intelligent Technologies
position: retiree
room: 441 |
e-mail: jgrzedz
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/jgrzedz
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.345
Grzywacz Hubert, MSc |
Department of Mechanics of Materials
position: PhD Student
room: 239 |
e-mail: hgrzywa
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/hgrzywa
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.434
Hańczur Paweł, MSc |
Department of Intelligent Technologies
position: PhD Student
e-mail: phanczur
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/phanczur
Haponova Oksana, PhD, DSc |
Department of Experimental Mechanics
position: Assistant Professor
room: 033 |
e-mail: ohaponova
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/ohaponova
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.231
Hassanizadeh Parisa, MSc |
Department of Information and Computational Science
position: PhD Student
room: 412 |
e-mail: phassani
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/phassani
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.422
Hassanpour Akbar, |
Department of Mechanics of Materials
position: PhD Student
room: 145 |
e-mail: ahassan
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/ahassan
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.438
Hat-Plewińska Beata, PhD |
Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
position: Research Specialist
room: 326 |
e-mail: bhat
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/bhat
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.411
Hoffman Jacek, PhD, DSc |
Department of Experimental Mechanics
position: Assistant Professor
room: 030/034 |
e-mail: jhoffman
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/jhoffman
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.236/235
 | Prof.
Holnicki-Szulc Jan, PhD, DSc |
Department of Intelligent Technologies
position: Professor
room: 430 |
e-mail: holnicki
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/holnicki
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.355
telephone: (+48) 22 828 74 93
Hołobut Paweł, PhD |
Department of Mechanics of Materials
position: Senior Specialist
room: 109 |
e-mail: pholob
web site: www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/pholob
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.195