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Tabakoğlu Sahranur, MSc
Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
position: PhD Student
room: 335
e-mail: stabakog
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.337

Tabin Jakub, PhD
Department of Experimental Mechanics
position: Assistant Professor
room: 539
e-mail: jtabin
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.407

Prof. Tahani Masoud,
Department of Information and Computational Science
room: 409
e-mail: mtahani
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.183

Tarsała Mateusz, Eng
Department of Experimental Mechanics
position: Senior Lab Technician
room: -110
e-mail: mtarsala
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.340

Tasinkiewicz Jurij, PhD, DSc
Department of Ultrasound
position: Assistant Professor
room: 521
e-mail: yurijtas
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.285

Tauzowski Piotr, PhD
Department of Information and Computational Science
position: Research Specialist
room: 414
e-mail: ptauzow
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.420

Tokarzewski Stanisław, PhD, DSc
Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
position: retiree
room: 323
e-mail: stokarz
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.227

Trawiński Zbigniew, PhD
Department of Ultrasound
position: retiree
room: 517
e-mail: ztraw
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.297

Trots Ihor, PhD
Department of Ultrasound
position: Main Specialist
room: 521
e-mail: igortr
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.285

Tymkiewicz Ryszard,
Department of Ultrasound
position: Specialist
room: 520
e-mail: rtym
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.172