Partner: T. Karakostas |
Recent publications
1. | Dimitrakopulos G.P.♦, Kalesaki E.♦, Kioseoglou J.♦, Kehagias T.♦, Lotsari A.♦, Lahourcade L.♦, Monroy E.♦, Häusler I.♦, Kirmse H.♦, Neumann W.♦, Jurczak G., Young T.D., Dłużewski P., Komninou Ph.♦, Karakostas T.♦, Morphology and strain of self-assembled semi-polar GaN quantum dots in (1112) AlN, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 0021-8979, DOI: 10.1063/1.3506686, Vol.108, pp.104304-1-9, 2010![]() Abstract: GaN quantum dots (QDs) grown in semipolar (11-22) AlN by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy techniques. The embedded (11-2)-grown QDs exhibited pyramidal or truncated-pyramidal morphology consistent with the symmetry of the nucleating plane, and were delimited by nonpolar and semipolar nanofacets. It was also found that, in addition to the (11-22) surface, QDs nucleated at depressions comprising {10-11} facets. This was justified by ab initio density functional theory calculations showing that such GaN/AlN facets are of lower energy compared to (11-22). Based on quantitative high-resolution TEM strain measurements, the three-dimensional QD strain state was analyzed using finite-element simulations. The internal electrostatic field was then estimated, showing small potential drop along the growth direction, and limited localization at most QD interfaces. Keywords:Quantum dots, Transmission electron microscopy, III-V semiconductors, High resolution transmission electron microscopy, Epitaxy Affiliations:
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Conference papers
1. | Jurczak G., Maździarz M., Dłużewski P., Dimitrakopulos G.P.♦, Komninou Ph.♦, Karakostas T.♦, On the applicability of elastic model to very thin crystalline layers, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, ISSN: 1742-6588, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1190/1/012017, No.1190, pp.012017-1-5, 2019![]() Abstract: Elastic model of continuum material is often used to simulate the relaxation of crystalline heterostructures. There are many reports on the successful application of the theory of elasticity to nano-sized crystalline heterostructures, even if the continuum condition for them is hardly fulfilled. On the other hand, progress in epitaxial growth allows for the preparation of stable ultra-thin layers with thickness of few monolayers. For such ultra-thin layers, results provided by continuum model and molecular statics/dynamics calculations become diverging. The key problem seems to be located at the modelling of the interface between layers, which is problematic in the continuum approach. By applying a step-wise substitutive compositional interfacial function, it is possible to obtain good agreement with molecular dynamics calculations, even for a single monolayer heterostructure. We propose another approach that uses composition as an extra parameter during finite element calculations, along with classical nodal displacements. Such an approach creates a chemo-elastic coupling that allows to interpolate the composition much like in the case of atomistic calculations. Keywords:ultra-thin layers, elastic relaxation, molecular statics, finite elemenet modelling Affiliations:
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Conference abstracts
1. | Jurczak G., Maździarz M., Dłużewski P., Dimitrakopulos G.♦, Komninou Ph.♦, Karakostas T.♦, On the Applicability of the Theory of Elasticity to Very Thin Layers, EDS2018, 19th International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors, 2018-06-24/06-29, Thessaloniki (GR), pp.1, 2018![]() Abstract: Theory of elasticity, a continuum model of a macroscopic material is commonly used to model a relaxation of a crystalline heterostructures. There are many reports on the successful application of theory of elasticity to nanometer crystalline heterostructures, even if the continuum condition for these structures is hardly fulfilled. On the other hand progress in epitaxial growth techniques allows to prepare the stable ultra thin layers with the thickness about a single monolayer. For such extremely thin layers the theory of elasticity seems to fail in describing the relaxation process. The results provided by theory of elasticity and experimental measurements or molecular statics/dynamics become diverging. The key problem in that case seems to be located at the interface between layers and related to composition change, which is problematic in classic, elastic approach. By applying a "substitutive" composition of the interface layers which is just an interpolation, it is possible to obtain a good agreement with molecular statics, even for 1 monolayer heterostructure. Instead of classic approach to the composition within the theory of elasticity, we propose another approach which takes into account the composition as an extra degree of freedom along with classical displacement. Such approach creates a chemo-elastic coupling with composition interpolated by use of the Vegard's law. This allows to take into account a composition changes at the interface and avoid mesh refining necessary at the classic approach. Keywords:theory of elasticity, semiconductor, monolayer, relaxation Affiliations:
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