Partner: Li Chuan-Feng

Recent publications
1.Miller M., Kang-Da W., Scalici M., Kołodyński J., Guo-Yong X., Chuan-Feng L., Guang-Can G., Streltsov A., Optimally preserving quantum correlations and oherence with eternally non-Markovian dynamics, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, ISSN: 1367-2630, DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac6820, Vol.24, pp.1-14, 2022

We demonstrate, both analytically and experimentally, the usefulness of non-Markovianity for preserving correlations and coherence in quantum systems. For this, we consider a broad class of qubit evolutions, having a decoherence matrix separated from zero for large times. While any such Markovian evolution leads to an exponential loss of correlations, non-Markovianity can help to preserve correlations even in the limit t → ∞. In fact, under general assumptions, eternally non-Markovian evolution naturally emerges as the one that allows for optimal preservation of quantum correlations. For covariant qubit evolutions, we also show that non-Markovianity can be used to preserve quantum coherence at all times, which is an important resource for quantum
metrology. We explicitly demonstrate this effect experimentally with linear optics, by
implementing the optimal non-Markovian quantum evolution.


non-Markovianity, open systems, quantum info, qubits

Miller M.-other affiliation
Kang-Da W.-other affiliation
Scalici M.-other affiliation
Kołodyński J.-other affiliation
Guo-Yong X.-other affiliation
Chuan-Feng L.-other affiliation
Guang-Can G.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-other affiliation
2.Kang-Da W., Tulja Varun K., Swapan R., Carlo Maria S., Guo-Yong X., Chuan-Feng L., Guang-Can G., Streltsov A., Operational Resource Theory of Imaginarity, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, ISSN: 0031-9007, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.090401, Vol.126, pp.090401-1-090401-7, 2021

Wave-particle duality is one of the basic features of quantum mechanics, giving rise to the use of complex numbers in describing states of quantum systems and their dynamics and interaction. Since the inception of quantum theory, it has been debated whether complex numbers are essential or whether an alternative consistent formulation is possible using real numbers only. Here, we attack this long-standing problem theoretically and experimentally, using the powerful tools of quantum resource theories. We show that, under reasonable assumptions, quantum states are easier to create and manipulate if they only have real elements. This gives an operational meaning to the resource theory of imaginarity. We identify and answer several important questions, which include the state-conversion problem for all qubit states and all pure states of any dimension and the approximate imaginarity distillation for all quantum states. As an application, we show that imaginarity plays a crucial role in state discrimination, that is, there exist real quantum states that can be perfectly distinguished via local operations and classical communication but that cannot be distinguished with any nonzero probability if one of the parties has no access to imaginarity. We confirm this phenomenon experimentally with linear optics, discriminating different two-photon quantum states by local projective measurements. Our results prove that complex numbers are an indispensable part of quantum mechanics.

Kang-Da W.-other affiliation
Tulja Varun K.-other affiliation
Swapan R.-other affiliation
Carlo Maria S.-other affiliation
Guo-Yong X.-other affiliation
Chuan-Feng L.-other affiliation
Guang-Can G.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-IPPT PAN
3.Kang-Da W., Tulja Varun K., Swapan R., Carlo Maria S., Guo-Yong X., Chuan-Feng L., Guang-Can G., Streltsov A., Resource theory of imaginarity: Quantification and state conversion, Physical Review A, ISSN: 2469-9926, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.103.032401, Vol.103, pp.32401-1-32401-13, 2021

Complex numbers are widely used in both classical and quantum physics and are indispensable components for describing quantum systems and their dynamical behavior. Recently, the resource theory of imaginarity has been introduced, allowing for a systematic study of complex numbers in quantum mechanics and quantum information theory. In this work we develop theoretical methods for the resource theory of imaginarity, motivated by recent progress within theories of entanglement and coherence. We investigate imaginarity quantification, focusing on the geometric imaginarity and the robustness of imaginarity, and apply these tools to the state conversion problem in imaginarity theory. Moreover, we analyze the complexity of real and general operations in optical experiments, focusing on the number of unfixed wave plates for their implementation. We also discuss the role of imaginarity for local state discrimination, proving that any pair of real orthogonal pure states can be discriminated via local real operations and classical communication. Our study reveals the significance of complex numbers in quantum physics and proves that imaginarity is a resource in optical experiments.

Kang-Da W.-other affiliation
Tulja Varun K.-other affiliation
Swapan R.-other affiliation
Carlo Maria S.-other affiliation
Guo-Yong X.-other affiliation
Chuan-Feng L.-other affiliation
Guang-Can G.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-IPPT PAN
4.Kang-Da W., Streltsov A., Regula B., Guo-Yong X., Chuan-Feng L., Guang-Can G., Experimental Progress on Quantum Coherence: Detection, Quantification, and Manipulation, Advanced Quantum Technologies, ISSN: 2511-9044, DOI: 10.1002/qute.202100040, Vol.4, pp.2100040-1-2100040-16, 2021

Quantum coherence is a fundamental property of quantum systems, separating quantum from classical physics. Recently, there has been significant interest in the characterization of quantum coherence as a resource, investigating how coherence can be extracted and used for quantum technological applications. In this work, the progress of this research is reviewed, focusing in particular on recent experimental efforts. After a brief review of the underlying theory, the main platforms for realizing the experiments are discussed: linear optics, nuclear magnetic resonance, and
superconducting systems. Experimental detection and quantification of coherence, experimental state conversion and coherence distillation, and experiments investigating the dynamics of quantum coherence are then considered. Experiments exploring the connections between coherence and uncertainty relations, path information, and coherence of operations and measurements are also reviewed. Experimental efforts on multipartite and multilevel coherence are also discussed.

Kang-Da W.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-IPPT PAN
Regula B.-other affiliation
Guo-Yong X.-other affiliation
Chuan-Feng L.-other affiliation
Guang-Can G.-other affiliation
5.Yuan Y., Zhibo H., Jun-Feng T., Streltsov A., Guo-Yong X., Chuan-Feng L., Guang-Can G., Direct estimation of quantum coherence by collective measurements, NPJ Quantum Information, ISSN: 2056-6387, DOI: 10.1038/s41534-020-0280-6, Vol.6, pp.1-5, 2020

The recently established resource theory of quantum coherence allows for a quantitative understanding of the superposition principle, with applications reaching from quantum computing to quantum biology. While different quantifiers of coherence have
been proposed in the literature, their efficient estimation in today’s experiments remains a challenge. Here, we introduce a collective measurement scheme for estimating the amount of coherence in quantum states, which requires entangled measurements on two copies of the state. As we show by numerical simulations, our scheme outperforms other estimation methods based on tomography or adaptive measurements, leading to a higher precision in a large parameter range for estimating established coherence quantifiers of qubit and qutrit states. We show that our method is accessible with today’s technology by implementing it experimentally with photons, finding a good agreement between experiment and theory.

Yuan Y.-other affiliation
Zhibo H.-other affiliation
Jun-Feng T.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-other affiliation
Guo-Yong X.-other affiliation
Chuan-Feng L.-other affiliation
Guang-Can G.-other affiliation
6.Kang-Da W., Thomas T., Guo-Yong X., Chuan-Feng L., Guang-Can G., Plenio M., Streltsov A., Quantum coherence and state conversion: theory and experiment, NPJ Quantum Information, ISSN: 2056-6387, DOI: 10.1038/s41534-020-0250-z, Vol.6, No.22, pp.1-9, 2020

The resource theory of coherence studies the operational value of superpositions in quantum technologies. A key question in this theory concerns the efficiency of manipulation and interconversion of the resource. Here, we solve this question completely for qubit states by determining the optimal probabilities for mixed-state conversions via stochastic incoherent operations. Extending the discussion to distributed scenarios, we introduce and address the task of assisted incoherent state conversion, where the process is enhanced by making use of correlations with a second party. Building on these results, we demonstrate experimentally that the optimal state-conversion probabilities can be achieved in a linear optics setup. This paves the way towards real world applications of coherence transformations in current quantum technologies.

Kang-Da W.-other affiliation
Thomas T.-other affiliation
Guo-Yong X.-other affiliation
Chuan-Feng L.-other affiliation
Guang-Can G.-other affiliation
Plenio M.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-IPPT PAN