Partner: Jan Kołodyński

Recent publications
1.Miller M., Kang-Da W., Scalici M., Kołodyński J., Guo-Yong X., Chuan-Feng L., Guang-Can G., Streltsov A., Optimally preserving quantum correlations and oherence with eternally non-Markovian dynamics, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, ISSN: 1367-2630, DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac6820, Vol.24, pp.1-14, 2022

We demonstrate, both analytically and experimentally, the usefulness of non-Markovianity for preserving correlations and coherence in quantum systems. For this, we consider a broad class of qubit evolutions, having a decoherence matrix separated from zero for large times. While any such Markovian evolution leads to an exponential loss of correlations, non-Markovianity can help to preserve correlations even in the limit t → ∞. In fact, under general assumptions, eternally non-Markovian evolution naturally emerges as the one that allows for optimal preservation of quantum correlations. For covariant qubit evolutions, we also show that non-Markovianity can be used to preserve quantum coherence at all times, which is an important resource for quantum
metrology. We explicitly demonstrate this effect experimentally with linear optics, by
implementing the optimal non-Markovian quantum evolution.


non-Markovianity, open systems, quantum info, qubits

Miller M.-other affiliation
Kang-Da W.-other affiliation
Scalici M.-other affiliation
Kołodyński J.-other affiliation
Guo-Yong X.-other affiliation
Chuan-Feng L.-other affiliation
Guang-Can G.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-other affiliation
2.Kołodyński J., Swapan R., Streltsov A., Entanglement negativity as a universal non-Markovianity witness, Physical Review A, ISSN: 2469-9926, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.020303, Vol.101, pp.020303-1 -020303-5, 2020

In order to engineer an open quantum system and its evolution, it is essential to identify and control the memory effects. These are formally attributed to the non-Markovianity of dynamics that manifests itself by the evolution being indivisible in time, a property which can be witnessed by a nonmonotonic behavior of contractive functions or correlation measures. We show that by monitoring directly the entanglement behavior of a system in a tripartite setting it is possible to witness all invertible non-Markovian dynamics, as well as all (also noninvertible) qubit evolutions. This is achieved by using negativity, a computable measure of
entanglement, which in the usual bipartite setting is not a universal non-Markovianity witness. We emphasize further the importance of multipartite states by showing that non-Markovianity cannot be faithfully witnessed by any contractive function of single qubits. We support our statements by an explicit example of eternally non-Markovian qubit dynamics, for which negativity can witness non-Markovianity at arbitrary timescales.

Kołodyński J.-other affiliation
Swapan R.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-IPPT PAN