Partner: Bartosz Regula

Recent publications
1.Ludovico L., Regula B., Streltsov A., No-go theorem for entanglement distillation using catalysis, Physical Review A, ISSN: 2469-9926, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.L050401, Vol.109, pp.L050401-1-L050401-6, 2024

The use of ancillary quantum systems known as catalysts is known to be able to enhance the capabilities of entanglement transformations under local operations and classical communication. However, the limits of these advantages have not been determined and in particular it is not known if such assistance can overcome the known restrictions on asymptotic transformation rates—notably the existence of bound entangled (undistillable) states. Here we establish a general limitation on entanglement catalysis: we show that catalytic transformations can never allow for the distillation of entanglement from a bound entangled state with positive partial transpose, even if the catalyst may become correlated with the system of interest and even under permissive choices of free operations. This precludes the possibility that catalysis may make entanglement theory asymptotically reversible. Our methods are based on asymptotic bounds for the distillable entanglement and entanglement cost assisted by correlated catalysts.

Ludovico L.-other affiliation
Regula B.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-IPPT PAN
2.Kang-Da W., Streltsov A., Regula B., Guo-Yong X., Chuan-Feng L., Guang-Can G., Experimental Progress on Quantum Coherence: Detection, Quantification, and Manipulation, Advanced Quantum Technologies, ISSN: 2511-9044, DOI: 10.1002/qute.202100040, Vol.4, pp.2100040-1-2100040-16, 2021

Quantum coherence is a fundamental property of quantum systems, separating quantum from classical physics. Recently, there has been significant interest in the characterization of quantum coherence as a resource, investigating how coherence can be extracted and used for quantum technological applications. In this work, the progress of this research is reviewed, focusing in particular on recent experimental efforts. After a brief review of the underlying theory, the main platforms for realizing the experiments are discussed: linear optics, nuclear magnetic resonance, and
superconducting systems. Experimental detection and quantification of coherence, experimental state conversion and coherence distillation, and experiments investigating the dynamics of quantum coherence are then considered. Experiments exploring the connections between coherence and uncertainty relations, path information, and coherence of operations and measurements are also reviewed. Experimental efforts on multipartite and multilevel coherence are also discussed.

Kang-Da W.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-IPPT PAN
Regula B.-other affiliation
Guo-Yong X.-other affiliation
Chuan-Feng L.-other affiliation
Guang-Can G.-other affiliation
3.Regula B., Marco P., Marco C., Bromley T., Streltsov A., Gerardo A., Converting multilevel nonclassicality into genuine multipartite entanglement, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, ISSN: 1367-2630, DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/aaae9d, Vol.20, pp.033012-1-033012-13, 2018

Characterizing genuine quantum resources and determining operational rules for their manipulation are crucial steps to appraise possibilities and limitations of quantum technologies. Two such key resources are nonclassicality, manifested as quantum superposition between reference states of a single system, and entanglement, capturing quantum correlations among two or more subsystems. Here we present a general formalism for the conversion of nonclassicality into multipartite entanglement, showing that a faithful reversible transformation between the two resources is always possible within a precise resource-theoretic framework. Specializing to quantum coherence between the levels of a quantum system as an instance of nonclassicality, we introduce explicit protocols for such a mapping. We further show that the conversion relates multilevel coherence and multipartite entanglement not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively, restricting the amount of entanglement
achievable in the process and in particular yielding an equality between the two resources when quantified by fidelity-based geometric measures.


resource theories, quantum entanglement, nonclassicality, quantum coherence

Regula B.-other affiliation
Marco P.-other affiliation
Marco C.-other affiliation
Bromley T.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-IPPT PAN
Gerardo A.-other affiliation
4.Regula B., Ludovico L., Streltsov A., Nonasymptotic assisted distillation of quantum coherence, Physical Review A, ISSN: 2469-9926, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.98.052329, Vol.98, pp.052329-1-052329-8, 2018

We characterize the operational task of environment-assisted distillation of quantum coherence under different sets of free operations when only a finite supply of copies of a given state is available. We first evaluate the one-shot assisted distillable coherence exactly, and introduce a semidefinite programming bound on it in terms of a smooth entropic quantity. We prove the bound to be tight for all systems in dimensions 2 and 3, which allows us to obtain computable expressions for the one-shot rate of distillation, establish an analytical expression for the best achievable fidelity of assisted distillation for any finite number of copies, and fully solve the problem of asymptotic zero-error assisted distillation for qubit and qutrit systems. Our characterization shows that all
relevant sets of free operations in the resource theory of coherence have exactly the same power in the task of one-shot assisted coherence distillation, and furthermore resolves a conjecture regarding the additivity of coherence of assistance in dimension 3

Regula B.-other affiliation
Ludovico L.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-IPPT PAN