Socha G., Dietrich L., Evolution of damage for p91 steel under cyclic load, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 169-170, 2014 |  |
Rutecka A., Grzywna P., Metal matrix composites under fatigue conditions, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 167-168, 2014 |  |
Widłaszewski J., Application of the inherent strain method in modeling of laser thermal forming, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 147-148, 2014 |  |
Szymczak T., Kowalewski Z.L., Analysis of tensile force variation due to application of cyclic torsion for a range of frequency levels, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 143-144, 2014 |  |
Sadowski P., Stupkiewicz S., Estimation of the effective properties of composites with inclusions of diverse shapes and properties, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 139-140, 2014 |  |
Oliferuk W., Maj M., Energy storage rate components, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 137-138, 2014 |  |
Makowska K., Kowalewski Z.L., Microstructural assessment and magnetic structuroscopy of middle-carbon steel after simulated creep, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 131-132, 2014 |  |
Nowak Z., Grosman F., Lumelskyy D., Nowak M., Pęcherski R.B., Rojek J., Tkocz M., Metal cup deep drawing processes – numerical simulation and experimental verification, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 47-48, 2014 |  |
Lumelskyy D., Rojek J., Pęcherski R., Grosman F., Tkocz M., Numerical investigation of influence of friction on strain distribution and forming limit curve in Nakazima formability test, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 45-46, 2014 |  |
Lengiewicz J., Sadowski P., Stupkiewicz S., Finite element modelling of elastohydrodynamic lubrication in the finite deformation regime, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 43-44, 2014 |  |
Nalepka K., Pęcherski R.B., Plastic flow and failure of solids. Modelling across scales, SOLMECH 2014, 39TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2014-09-01/09-05, ZAKOPANE (PL), 25-26, 2014 |  |
Kukla D., Grzywna P., Karczewski R., Ocena rozwoju uszkodzenia zmęczeniowego na podstawie zmian odkształcenia i parametrów prądowirowych w kolejnych cyklach obciążenia, PRZEGLĄD SPAWALNICTWA, 5, 23-31, 2014 |  |
Kiełczyński P., Szalewski M., Balcerzak A., Wieja K., Malanowski A., Kościesza R., Tarakowski R., Rostocki A.J., Siegoczyński R.M., Determination of physicochemical properties of diacylglycerol oil at high pressure by means of ultrasonic methods, ULTRASONICS, 54, 8, 2134-2140, 2014 |  |
Kukla D., Kowalewski Z., Grzywna P., Kubiak K., Assessment of fatigue damage development in power engineering steel by local strain analysis, KOVOVE MATERIALY-METALLIC MATERIALS, 52, 5, 269-277, 2014 |  |
Ranachowski Z., Pawełek A., Drzymała P., Bonarski J., Lewandowski M., Ozgowicz W., Light alloys for application as engine parts – comparison of properties of three materials, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE / AKADEMIA MORSKA W SZCZECINIE, 39, 111, 128-132, 2014 |  |