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Herczyński A., Herczyński R., Kozłowski A., Determination of the differential cross section for a realistic intermolecular potential,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 51, 1, 266-272, 1995
Maździarz Marcin, Comment on “Effects of shear methods on shear strengths and deformation modes of two typical transition metal carbides and their unification”,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 108, 21, 216101-1-216101-3, 2023
Aguado-Puente P.,Chudziński P., Thermal topological phase transition in SnTe from ab-initio calculations,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 106, L081103, 1-7, 2022
Chudziński P., Aulbach J., Schäfer J., Claessen R., Partial gap in two-leg ladders with Rashba effect and its experimental signatures in Si(553)-Au,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 104, 205407-1-15, 2021
Chudziński P., Parameters of Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in a quasi-one-dimensional material with Coulomb interactions,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 103, 155122-1-12, 2021
Querales-Flores J.D., Aguado-Puente P., Dangić D., Cao J., Chudziński P., Todorov T.N., Grüning M., Fahy S., Savić I., Towards temperature-induced topological phase transition in SnTe: a first-principles study,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101, 235206-1-10, 2020
Kursa M., Bajer K., Lipniacki T., Cascade of vortex loops initiated by a single reconnection of quantum vortices,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 83, 014515-1-5, 2011
Cantor D., Wojtacki K., Effects of Friction and Spacing on the Collaborative Behavior of Domino Toppling,
PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 17, 064021-1-6, 2022
Lami L., Regula B., Streltsov A., No-go theorem for entanglement distillation using catalysis,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 109, L050401-1-L050401-6, 2024
Halder S., Streltsov A., Banik M., Identifying the value of a random variable unambiguously: Quantum versus classical approaches ,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 109, 052608-1-052608-11, 2024
Miller Marek, Scalici Manfredi, Fellous-Asian Marco, Streltsov Alexander, Power of noisy quantum states and the advantage of resource dilution,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 109, 022404-1-022404-13, 2024
Orthey Jr.A.C., Angelo R.M., Quantum realism: Axiomatization and quantification,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 105, 052218, 1-15, 2022
Takahashi Masaya, Rana Swapan, Streltsov Alexander, Creating and destroying coherence with quantum channels,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 105, L060401-1-L060401-5, 2022
Naseri Moein, Kondra Tulja Varun, Goswami Suchetana, Fellous-Asiani Marco, Streltsov Alexander, Entanglement and coherence in the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 106, 062429-1-062429-13, 2022
Wu Kang-Da, Kondra Tulja Varun, Rana Swapan, Scandolo Carlo Maria, Xiang Guo-Yong, Li Chuan-Feng, Guo Guang-Can, Streltsov Alexander, Resource theory of imaginarity: Quantification and state conversion,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 103, 32401-1-32401-13, 2021

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