Partner: Krystyna Pietrzak |
Recent publications
1. | Rutecka A.♦, Kursa M., Pietrzak K.♦, Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Makowska K.♦, Wyszkowski M., Damage evolution in AA2124/SiC metal matrix composites under tension with consecutive unloadings, ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1644-9665, DOI: 10.1007/s43452-020-00134-x, Vol.20, No.4, pp.135-1-18, 2020![]() Abstract: Nonlinear properties of metal matrix composites (MMCs) are studied. The research combines results of loading-unloading tensile tests, microstructural observations and numerical predictions by means of micromechanical mean-field models. AA2124/SiC metal matrix composites with SiC particles, produced by the Aerospace Metal Composites Ltd. (AMC) are investigated. The aluminum matrix is reinforced with 17% and 25% of SiC particles. The best conditions to evaluate the current elastic stiffness modulus have been assessed. Tensile tests were carried out with consecutive unloading loops to obtain actual tensile modulus and study degradation of elastic properties of the composites. The microstructure examination by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed a variety of phenomena occurring during composite deformation and possible sources of elastic stiffness reduction and damage evolution have been indicated. Two micromechanical approaches, the incremental Mori–Tanaka (MT) and self-consistent (SC) schemes, are applied to estimate effective properties of the composites. The standard formulations are extended to take into account elasto-plasticity and damage development in the metal phase. The method of direct linearization performed for the tangent or secant stiffness moduli is formulated. Predictions of both approaches are compared with experimental results of tensile tests in the elastic–plastic regime. The question is addressed how to perform the micromechanical modelling if the actual stress–strain curve of metal matrix is unknown. Keywords:metal matrix composites, tension with unloadings, damage, microstructure, non-linear effective properties Affiliations:
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2. | Rutecka A., Kowalewski Z.L., Makowska K.♦, Pietrzak K.♦, Dietrich L., Fatigue damage of Al/SiC composites – macroscopic and microscopic analysis, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, DOI: 10.1515/amm-2015-0016, Vol.60, No.1, pp.101-105, 2015![]() Abstract: The results of comparative examinations of mechanical behaviour during fatigue loads and microstructure assessment before and after fatigue tests were presented. Composites of aluminium matrix and SiC reinforcement manufactured using the KoBo method were investigated. The combinations of two kinds of fatigue damage mechanisms were observed. The first one governed by cyclic plasticity and related to inelastic strain amplitude changes and the second one expressed in a form of ratcheting based on changes in mean inelastic strain. The higher SiC content the less influence of the fatigue damage mechanisms on material behaviour was observed. Attempts have been made to evaluate an appropriate fatigue damage parameter. However, it still needs further improvements. Keywords:fatigue, damage, metal matrix composites, microstructure Affiliations:
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3. | Rutecka A., Kowalewski Z.L., Pietrzak K.♦, Dietrich L., Rehm W.♦, Creep and Low Cycle Fatigue Investigations of Light Aluminium Alloys for Engine Cylinder Heads, STRAIN, ISSN: 0039-2103, DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-1305.2010.00779.x, Vol.47, No.Suppl. 2, pp.374-381, 2011![]() Abstract: An influence of the chemical composition, porosity and ageing on mechanical behaviour of light, multifunctional aluminium alloys (AlSi8Cu3 and AlSi7MgCu0.5) subjected to creep and low cycle fatigue (LCF) was investigated. The materials were tested to verify their applicability as the cylinder heads in car engines. During creep tests, a strain response of the materials was observed under a range of the step-increased stresses and different temperatures. The LCF tests were carried out under strain control in three blocks of 100 cycles each with a constant strain amplitude. The results of creep and LCF tests were analysed with regard to chemical composition, type of porosity and ageing of the materials tested. An influence of porosity on the creep resistance and lifetime was considered. The results of the LCF tests were compared for the materials in the as-received state and after ageing. An experimental evaluation of cyclic behaviour because of the LCF was carried out to check whether the hardening or softening effects can be observed in the materials. Taking into account the various history of loading, a stress response of the materials was investigated. Keywords:creep, cylinder heads, fatigue, light alloys Affiliations:
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4. | Rutecka A., Kowalewski Z.L., Pietrzak K.♦, Dietrich L., Makowska K.♦, Woźniak J.♦, Kostecki M.♦, Bochniak W.♦, Olszyna A.♦, Damage development of Al/SiC metal matrix composite under fatigue, creep and monotonic loading conditions, Procedia Engineering, ISSN: 1877-7058, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.04.236, Vol.10, pp.1420-1425, 2011![]() Abstract: A consolidation of powders using the KOBO method at elevated temperature was elaborated for production of Al/SiC metal matrix composite (MMC). The observations of the mean strain and inelastic strain range during the force controlled high cycle fatigue (HCF) tests identified the ratcheting mechanism combined with mechanism characterized by cyclic plasticity. Damage parameters were calculated on the basis of strain signal acquisition during fatigue tests. Fatigue properties, creep resistance and life time of Al/SiC MMC were gradually improved with the increase of the SiC particles content. The microstructural observations of the material before and after tests were also performed. Keywords:MMC, KOBO method, fatigue, creep, monotonic loading, microstructure, damage Affiliations:
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5. | Kaczmar J.W.♦, Granat K.♦, Pietrzak K.♦, Naplocha K.♦, Grodzka E.♦, Manufacturing and microstructure of MMC based on CuZn38Al2Mn1Fe brass strengthened with δ-alumina fibres, ARCHIVES OF FOUNDRY ENGINEERING, Vol.10, No.1, pp.411-414, 2010 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6. | Kowalewski Z.L., Mackiewicz S., Szelążek J., Pietrzak K.♦, Augustyniak B.♦, Evaluation of damage in steels subjected to prior deformation - destructive and nondestructive techniques, Journal of Multiscale Modeling, ISSN: 1756-9737, Vol.1, pp.479-499, 2009 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7. | Rudnik D.♦, Kowalewski Z.L., Pietrzak K.♦, Wojciechowski A.♦, An influence of selected mechanical parameters of MMC on the thermal shock resistance, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B, ISSN: 0217-9792, Vol.22, pp.5807-5812, 2008 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8. | Pietrzak K.♦, Klasik A.♦, Kowalewski Z.L., Rudnik D.♦, Quantitative relationships between microstructural and mechanical parameters of steels with different carbon content, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B, ISSN: 0217-9792, DOI: 10.1142/S0217979208051224, Vol.22, pp.5819-5824, 2008![]() Abstract: The steels of different carbon content were tested with respect to their microstructural and selected mechanical parameters variations. The original combinatorial method, based on the phase quanta theory, was applied in the quantitative metallographic assessment. Hence, the adequate geometrical parameters of steel microstructure were possible to be determined. Moreover, the selected mechanical parameters of the materials were evaluated using non-destructive and destructive methods. The results enabled to formulate some significant quantitative relationships between microstructure and mechanical parameters. Keywords:Steel, phase composition, quantitative metallography, mechanical behaviour Affiliations:
List of chapters in recent monographs
1. 227 | Wojciechowski A.♦, Kowalewski Z.L., Pietrzak K.♦, Darłak P.♦, Rudnik D.♦, Lasota P.♦, Klasik A.♦, Innowacje w odlewnictwie, rozdział: Wybrane charakterystyki materiałowe nowoczesnych tworzyw z przeznaczeniem dla przemysłu motoryzacyjnego, Instytut Odlewnictwa (Kraków), Sobczak J. (Ed.), 2, pp.249-257, 2008 |
Conference papers
1. | Kowalewski Z.L., Szymczak T.♦, Makowska K.♦, Pietrzak K.♦, Damage Indicators During Fatigue of Metal Matrix Composites, 4th International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013-06-19/06-22, Sevastopol (UA), pp.1-6, 2013![]() Abstract: Selected damage measures applied for degradation description of engineering materials subjected to fatigue loading conditions are presented. In addition to well - known measures the new concepts of fatigue damage development are discussed using known mechanisms of cyclic plasticity and ratcheting. Their usefulness was studied on the basis of experimental results for modern metal matrix composites commonly applied in many branches of the industry. Keywords:Damage, fatigue, composites Affiliations:
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Conference abstracts
1. | Kowalewski Z.L., Rutecka A., Pietrzak K.♦, Makowska K.♦, Woźniak J.♦, Kostecki M.♦, Bochniak W.♦, Olszyna A.♦, An influence of SiC content at Al (AlMg) matrix composites on creep characteristics, 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2012-06-24/06-29, Wenecja (IT), No.1, pp.1-7, 2012![]() Abstract: Creep tests under a range of step-increasing tensile stresses were carried out on the AlMg/SiC composites produced by means of the KOBO method. The content of reinforced phase was equal to 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10%. The AlMg/SiC creep characteristics were compared to those of the Al/SiC composites. Structural assessments of materials in the as-received state and after creep were carried out. Keywords:metal-ceramic composites, KOBO method, creep, silicon carbide (SiC) Affiliations:
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2. | Rutecka A., Kowalewski Z.L., Pietrzak K.♦, Dietrich L., Makowska K.♦, Grzywna P., Woźniak J.♦, Kostecki M.♦, Bochniak W.♦, Olszyna A.♦, Damage analysis of Al(Mg)/SiC composites under fatigue conditions, 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2012-06-24/06-29, Wenecja (IT), No.1, pp.1-6, 2012![]() Abstract: Fatigue tests and microstructural observations were carried out to perform damage analysis of Al/SiC and AlMg/SiC metal matrix composites ( MMCs ). The materials were manufactured using a KoBo method. Ratcheting was the dominant damage mechanism for Al/SiC and damage parameter on the basis of mean inelastic strain was calculated. For AlMg/SiC, in most cases, cyclic softening followed by hardening during subsequent cycles were noticed. Microstructural observations identified existence of SiC concentrations which influenced the volumetric fraction of defects after fatigue tests Keywords:metal matrix composites, fatigue damage, microstructure, KoBo method Affiliations:
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3. | Kowalewski Z.L., Rutecka A., Makowska K.♦, Pietrzak K.♦, Fatigue damage of Al/SiC composites – macroscopic and microscopic analysis, 29th Danubia-Adria-Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 2012-09-26/09-29, Belgrad (XS), Vol.1, No.1, pp.90-91, 2012 | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. | Rutecka A., Kowalewski Z.L., Pietrzak K.♦, Dietrich L., Makowska K.♦, Woźniak J.♦, Kostecki M.♦, Bochniak W.♦, Olszyna A.♦, AlMg/SiC metal matrix composites under fatigue and creep conditions, SolMech 2012, 38th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2012-08-27/08-31, Warszawa (PL), pp.146-147, 2012 | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. | Moćko W., Pietrzak K.♦, Kowalewski Z.L., Stoberska K.♦, Sienicki E.♦, An analysis of mechanical behaviour of tantalum over a wide range of strain rate, SolMech 2010, 37th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2010-09-06/09-10, Warszawa (PL), pp.200-201, 2010 |