The ceremonial Jubilee Celebration on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Professor Michał Kleiber was held on January 25, 2016 at the Auditorium of IPPT PAN.

The ceremony was honored by the presence of many distinguished representatives of the Polish researchers community. Among many congratulation letters received there was also one from the Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Science and Higher Education Mr Jarosław Gowin.

The guests were greeted by Professor Tadeusz Burczyński, Director of IPPT PAN.

The Director presented the Jubilarian’s profile and achievements, paying him deep respect and esteem on behalf of the Scientific Board and the whole Institute community for 44 years of Prof. Kleiber’s creative and devoted work at the Institute.

All the invited guests had then the opportunity to listen to speeches given by former and current collaborators of Prof. Kleiber, including Professor Jerzy Kleer (Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences), Edwin Bendyk (Polityka – a highly respected weekly magazine), Professor Piotr Kowalczyk (IPPT PAN) and Professor Jerzy Rojek (IPPT PAN). A film “Restless minds” featuring Professor Kleiber was shown followed by his festive lecture on the role of scientific research in facing global societal and economic challenges.

At the end of the ceremony numerous representatives of institutions with which the Jubilarian cooperated for many years congratulated him on his scientific accomplishments.

Biography of prof. MICHAŁ KLEIBER

Restless minds