1. Opening of the Academic Year – IPPT PAN, October 26 th, 2015

    The event took place at Auditorium of IPPT PAN.

    The PhD students and invited quests listened to speech by prof. Tadeusz Burczyński, the Director of IPPT PAN, speech by prof. Maria Ekiel-Jeżewska, the Head of the Commision for Education of the Scientific Council, and the inauguration lecture by prof. Michał Kleiber, titled in Polish “How to face global challenges – science at a premium”.

  2. Opening of the Academic Year – OCHOTA BIOCENTRE, November 4 th, 2015.

    The event took place at Auditorium & Exhibition hall of the Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAN, Ks. Trojdena 4.

    The guests were greeted by prof. Adam Szewczyk, Director of the Nencki Institute. Prof. Stefan Malepszy and prof. Paweł Rowiński, Vice-Presidents of PAN, prof. Marcin Pałys, Rector of UW, prof. Nadzieja Drela, Director of the Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology UW, prof. Zbigniew Brzózka, Dean of the Chemical Faculty TUW, and Directors of Institutes forming the Consortium were in attendance.

    Then Directors of Consortium Institutes presented the most interesting results obtained in the last year in their institutions and, together with prof. Stefan Malepszy, awarded the best PhD thesis defended in the last academic year with diplomas and statuettes.

    Among the honored was Joanna Jaruszewicz-Błońska from the IPPT PAN (PhD thesis, titled "The influence of noise characteristics on the relative stability of attractors in bistable biochemical systems"; supervisor: prof. Tomasz Lipniacki).

    After the end of the ceremony, the assembled guests heard the lecture by prof. Jerzy Vetulani from the Institute of Pharmacology PAN, entitled: “Neurobiology of dying and near death experience”.