The National Centre for Research and Development has announced the winners of the fifth edition of the Lider contest. One of them, Łukasz Nowak, M.Sc. Eng., from Department of Intelligent Technologies IPPT PAN, will receive 1.117.000,00 PLN for realization of the research project „New Methods and Technologies for Acoustic Medical Diagnostics”.

The aim of the project is to develop a new generation of methods and technologies for acoustic medical diagnostics, as well as to construct prototypes and prepare for commercial implementation a new generation of stethoscopes implementing the developed solutions. The project has been planned for three years, starting January 1st, 2015.

The other researchers involved in the project are Hanna Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska, Ph.D., Eng. from IPPT PAN, Department of Ultrasound and Karolina Nowak, M.D. M.Sc., from the Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education in Warsaw.

This is the fourth Lider project at IPPT PAN. The others have been realized by Marcin Lewandowski, Ph.D., Bartłomiej Dyniewicz, Ph.D., Eng., and Piotr Pawłowski, Ph.D., Eng.