On September 25-29, 2017, Science Festival took place at IPPT PAN. In the annual event we presented the series of lectures and laboratory presentations for audience of all ages. The objective of the IPPT PAN educational program was to teach young people basic knowledge about the fundamental technological research. We would like to introduce modern science to young people in a friendly way. We were focusing on the selected fields of technology in a way that complements the children’s classroom curriculum and that encourages them to broaden their physics, mathematics, informatics, and bio-informatics interests in the future.


Regeneration of knee ligaments and cartilage using 3D polymer structures – Dorota Kołbuk, PhD, Eng., Olga Urbanek, M.Sc., Eng., Oliwia Jeznach, M.Sc., Eng. , Beata Niemczyk, M.Sc., Eng.


Nano... you CAN touch this - Tomasz Kowalczyk, PhD. Eng.

Porosity in the nature – from atom to bone and concrete - Przemysław Ranachowski, Ph.D., Dr Habil., Ryszard Wojnar, Ph.D., Eng., Daria Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka, Ph.D., Eng.

Macro, micro and nano layers - their role in nature and technology - Grzegorz Starzyński, Ph.D., Eng., Neonila Levintant-Zayonts, Ph.D., Eng., Dariusz Jarząbek, Ph.D., Eng., Cezary Dziekoński, M.Sc., Eng.

The wonderful world of tiny crystals - prof. Paweł Sajkiewicz, Arkadiusz Gradys, Ph.D., Eng., Piotr Denis, M.Sc., Eng.

Can technology be intelligent? - Grzegorz Suwała, Ph.D., Eng., Rafał Wiszowaty, Ph.D., Eng., Andrzej Świercz, Ph.D., Eng., Grzegorz Mikułowski, Ph.D., Eng., Tomasz Zieliński, Ph.D., Eng., Piotr Pawłowski, Ph.D., Eng., Krzysztof Kaźmierczak, Ph.D., Eng., Rami Faraj, M.Sc., Eng., Błażej Popławski, M.Sc., Eng., Łukasz Jankowski, Ph.D., Dr Habil., Eng.

The invisible world: look through the scanning electron microscope - Judyta Dulnik, M.Sc., Eng., (promoter: prof. Paweł Sajkiewicz)

Ultrasounds in medicine - Hanna Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska, Ph.D., Eng., prof. Andrzej Nowicki

Can technology be intelligent? - Additional lessons for the youngest children - Rafał Wiszowaty, Ph.D., Eng., Łukasz Jankowski, Ph.D., Dr Habil., Eng.

Coordinator : Katarzyna Parkitna, IPPT PAN, phone: + 48 22 826 12 81, 234