- Mission
- Structure
- Board of Directors
- Scientific Council
- Scientific Units
- Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
- Department of Information and Computational Science
- Department of Mechanics of Materials
- Department of Intelligent Technologies
- Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
- Department of Ultrasound
- Department of Experimental Mechanics
- Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
- International Advisory Board
- National Contact Point
- Trade Unions
- Organization Chart
- Contact
- History
- Consortiums
- Contact

Zakład Teorii Ośrodków Ciągłych i Nanostruktur
Pracownia Mechaniki Analitycznej i Teorii Pola
Nazwisko | Imię | Stopień nauk. | Stanowisko | Pokój | Tel. wew. |
Chudziński | Piotr | dr hab. inż. | adiunkt | 224 | 240 |
Grigoryan | Naira | mgr | starszy laborant | 224 | 240 |
Kowalczuk | Wasyl | dr hab. | adiunkt | 114 | 135 |
Larecki | Wiesław | dr hab. inż. | adiunkt | 118 | 175 |
Mandal | Shaswati | doktorant | 116 | 433 | |
Rożko | Ewa | dr hab. | starszy specjalista | 116 | 433 |
Wojnar | Ryszard | dr hab. | emeryt, zlecenie | 116 | 433 |