Michał Petaś, MSc

Recent publications
1.Petaś M., Mróz K., Doliński K., Damage modeling in graded layer system, ACTA MECHANICA ET AUTOMATICA, ISSN: 1898-4088, DOI: 10.2478/ama-2013-0018, Vol.7, No.2, pp.99-106, 2013

The simplified approach to the modelling of low cycle fatigue (LCF) of functionally graded materials (FGM) based on the continuum mechanics is presented. The fatigue damage model takes into account the mechanical part of the load and a constant service temperature. The concept of FGM as a particle-reinforced metal-matrix composite with gradual change of the reinforcement fraction is used. The FGM is considered as a material consisting of homogeneous layers containing different volume fractions of the reinforcement. The variation of the reinforcement fraction changes the material properties for each layer. The different material properties are obtained according to modified rule of mixture. Since the fatigue damage of metal matrix composites is strongly influenced by the inelastic deformation of the metallic matrix, the constitutive equations of LCF damage model are taken into consideration. The combined isotropic/ kinematic hardening model with linear behaviour of isotropic and kinematic parts of hardening is adopted. The damage scalar parameter is associated with the plastic energy dissipation which is used to update the material properties. The fatigue damage model presented in this paper is applied to the fatigue damage analysis of the cooling channel of thruster used in space shuttles and rockets.


Fatigue Damage, Low Cycle Fatigue, Functionally Graded Materials, Layers

Doliński K.-IPPT PAN