1. | Figurska M., Stańczyk M.♦, Kulesza K., Humans cannot consciously generate random numbers sequences: polemic study, MEDICAL HYPOTHESES, ISSN: 0306-9877, DOI: 10.1016/j.mehy.2007.06.038, Vol.70, pp.182-185, 2008 Abstract:It is widely believed, that randomness exists in Nature. In fact such an assumption underlies many scientific theories and is embedded in the foundations of quantum mechanics. Assuming that this hypothesis is valid one can use natural phenomena, like radioactive decay, to generate random numbers. Today, computers are capable of generating the so-called pseudorandom numbers. Such series of numbers are only seemingly random (bias in the randomness quality can be observed). Question whether people can produce random numbers, has been investigated by many scientists in the recent years. The paper “Humans can consciously generate random numbers sequences…” published recently in Medical Hypotheses made claims that were in many ways contrary to state of art; it also stated far-reaching hypotheses. So, we decided to repeat the experiments reported, with special care being taken of proper laboratory procedures. Here, we present the results and discuss possible implications in computer and other sciences. Affiliations:Figurska M. | - | IPPT PAN | Stańczyk M. | - | other affiliation | Kulesza K. | - | IPPT PAN |
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2. | Figurska M., Stańczyk M.♦, Milošev I.♦, Cör A.♦, Wear polyethylene particles in failed total hip replacements, ACTA OF BIOENGINEERING AND BIOMECHANICS, ISSN: 1509-409X, Vol.8, pp.97-101, 2006 |  |
3. | Figurska M., Święszkowski W.♦, Telega J.J., Influence of wear debris on behaviour and biomechanical properties of bone-implant interface, Russian Journal of Biomechanics, ISSN: 1812-5123, Vol.9, No.2, pp.20-32, 2005 Abstract:The aim of this paper is to describe the effects of wear particles, generated during articulation of the bearing surfaces of the total joint prosthesis on bone-implant interface. Submicron particles migrate into effective joint space and stimulate cells present in the fibrous tissue to release molecular signal. Cytokines activate the osteoclasts and in consequence bone loss may result. It weakens the bone-implant fixation and may cause aseptic loosening of the prosthesis. Keywords:wear debris, bone–implant interface, total joint replacemtnt Affiliations:Figurska M. | - | IPPT PAN | Święszkowski W. | - | other affiliation | Telega J.J. | - | IPPT PAN |
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