1. | Opiela K.C., Dauchez N.♦, Boutin T.♦, Bécot F.-X., Chevillotte F.♦, Venegas R.♦, Zieliński T.G., Comparison of double-porosity sound absorbers made of sintered or glued powder grains, ISMA2024 / USD2024, 31st International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering / International Conference on
Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2024-09-09/09-11, Leuven (BE), pp.337-346, 2024 Abstract:Selective laser sintering and binder jetting are two additive manufacturing technologies that use loose powder as a feedstock. In the case of binder jetting, the printout walls are essentially permeable and need to be additionally impregnated to be fully air-tight. The permeability of sintered objects, on the other hand, can be controlled to some extent by the amount of laser energy, among other things, provided to the exposed layer. Exploring these two technologies, several single- and double-porosity samples were additively manufactured, examined and acoustically measured in an impedance tube. Moreover, the normal incidence sound absorption spectra resulting from these structures were predicted employing multi-scale methods. The values of porosity and permeability of permeable printed materials were determined and utilised in the applied modelling. It is observed that making the skeleton microporous and permeable enables effective sound absorption even in primitive 3D printed acoustic treatments. Affiliations:Opiela K.C. | - | IPPT PAN | Dauchez N. | - | Sorbonne University Alliance (FR) | Boutin T. | - | Sorbonne University Alliance (FR) | Bécot F.-X. | - | IPPT PAN | Chevillotte F. | - | MATELYS – Research Lab (FR) | Venegas R. | - | MATELYS – Research Lab (FR) | Zieliński T.G. | - | IPPT PAN |
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