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Ziółkowski A., Parametrization of Cauchy Stress Tensor Treated as Autonomous Object Using Isotropy Angle and Skewness Angle, ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS (ROZPRAWY INŻYNIERSKIE), 70, 3, 239-286, 2022 |  |
Niemczyk-Soczyńska B., Gradys A., Kołbuk D., Krzton-Maziopa A., Rogujski P., Stanaszek L., Lukomska B., Sajkiewicz P., A methylcellulose/agarose hydrogel as an innovative scaffold for tissue engineering, RSC ADVANCES, 12, 41, 26882-26894, 2022 |  |
Nosewicz S.,Jurczak G.,Chromiński W.,Rojek J.,Kaszyca K.,Chmielewski M., Combined EBSD and Computer-Assisted Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Spark Plasma Sintering Parameters on the Structure of Porous Materials, METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 53, 4101-4125, 2022 |  |
Ostrowski M., Błachowski B., Żarski M., Wójcik B., Tauzowski P., Jankowski Ł., Comparison of the accuracy of computer vision-based methods for estimation of structural displacements using synthetic video data, EACS 2022, 7TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURAL CONTROL, 2022-07-10/07-13, WARSZAWA (PL), 66-67, 2022 |  |
Jankowski Ł., Popławski B., Ostrowski M., Jedlińska A., Mikułowski G., Błachowski B., Pisarski D., Wiszowaty R., Mróz A., Orłowska A., Hou J., Holnicki-Szulc J., Semi-active mitigation of free and forced vibrations by means of truss-frame nodes, CMM-SOLMECH 2022, 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER METHODS IN MECHANICS; 42ND SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2022-09-05/09-08, ŚWINOUJŚCIE (PL), 1-2, 2022 |  |
Ostrowski M., Błachowski B., Mikułowski G., Jankowski Ł., Identification of dynamic characteristics of uncertain bolted connections in a frame structure, CMM-SOLMECH 2022, 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER METHODS IN MECHANICS; 42ND SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2022-09-05/09-08, ŚWINOUJŚCIE (PL), 1-2, 2022 |  |
Czwartos J., Zaszczyńska A., Nowak-Stępniowska A., Fok T., Budner B., Bartnik A., Wachulak P., Kołbuk D., Sajkiewicz P., Fiedorowicz H., The novel approach to physico-chemical modification and cytocompatibility enhancement of fibrous polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds using soft X-ray/extreme ultraviolet (SXR/EUV) radiation and low-temperature, SXR/EUV induced, nitrogen and oxygen plasmas, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 606, 154779-1-12, 2022 |  |
Postek E., Pietras D., Guhathakurta J., Sadowski T., Numerical model of impact and fragmentation of interpenetrated composite, ICCSE, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONS FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2022-08-30/09-02, RIMINI (IT), 24-24, 2022 |  |
Postek E., Sadowski T., Numerical Modelling of Influence of Interface Properties on the Performance of Interpenetrated Composites, WCCM-APCOM YOKOHAMA2022, 15TH WORLD CONGRESS ON COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS AND 8TH ASIAN PACIFIC CONGRESS ON COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, 2022-07-31/08-05, JOKOHAMA (JP), 1457-1457, 2022 |  |
Kovalchuk V., Mladenov I.M., λ-spheres as a new reference model for geoid: explicit solutions of the direct and inverse problems for loxodromes (rhumb lines), MATHEMATICS, 10, 18, 3356-1-3356-10, 2022 |  |
Kosińska A., Jagielski J., Bieliński D.M., Urbanek O., Wilczopolska M., Frelek-Kozak M., Zaborowska A., Wyszkowska E., Jóźwik I., Structural and chemical changes in He+ bombarded polymers and related performance properties, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 132, 074701-1-18, 2022 |  |
Haghighat Bayan M., Rinoldi C., Nakielski P., Pierini F., Stimuli-responsive face mask-based on electrospun nanofibers, ESB 2022, 32ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMATERIALS, 2022-09-04/09-08, BORDEAUX (FR), 195-, 2022 |  |
Mines R.C., Lipniacki T., Shen X., Slow nucleosome dynamics set the transcriptional speed limit and induce RNA polymerase II traffic jams and bursts, PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 18, 2, e1009811-1-35, 2022 |  |
Grabowski F., Kochańczyk M., Lipniacki T., The Spread of SARS-CoV-2 Variant Omicron with a Doubling Time of 2.0–3.3 Days Can Be Explained by Immune Evasion, VIRUSES, 14, 2, 294-1-13, 2022 |  |