Attention: Monographs not analysed
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Nakielski P., Kowalczyk T., Kowalewski T.A., Zastosowanie materiałów z nanowłókien w inżynierii regeneracyjnej,
Nowicki A., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Introduction to tissue shear wave elastography,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 20, 129-138, 2017
Kujawska T., Dera W., Dziekoński C., Automated bimodal ultrasound device for preclinical testing of HIFU technique in treatment of solid tumors implanted into small animals,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 20, 93-98, 2017
Secomski W., Wójcik J., Klimonda Z., Olszewski R., Nowicki A., Influence of absorption and scattering on the velocity of acoustic streaming,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 20, 1, 159-166, 2017
Johansen K., Postema M., Lagrangian formalism for computing oscillations of spherically symmetric encapsulated acoustic antibubbles,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 197-208, 2016
Wójcik J., Byra M., Nowicki A., A spectral-based method for tissue characterization,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 369-375, 2016
Secomski W., Nowicki A., Generation and measurement of acoustic streaming in limited space,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 361-368, 2016
Piotrzkowska-Wroblewska H., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Litniewski J., Chrapowicki E., Roszkowska-Purska K., Nowicki A., Differentiation of the breast lesions using statistics of backscattered echoes,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 319-328, 2016
Nowicki A., Secomski W., Trawiński Z., Lewandowski M., Trots I., Szubielski M., Olszewski R., Estimation of radial artery reactive response using high frequency ultrasound,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 297-306, 2016
Karwat P., Kujawska T., Secomski W., Gambin B., Litniewski J., Application of ultrasound to noninvasive imaging of temperature distribution induced in tissue,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 219-228, 2016
Gambin B., Wójcik J., Doubrovina O., Differentiation of random structure properties using wavelet analysis of backscattered ultrasound,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 121-128, 2016
Gambin B., Kruglenko E., Byra M., Relationships between Acoustical Properties and Stiffness of Soft Tissue Phantoms,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 111-120, 2016
Tasinkevych Y., Podhajecki J., Wójcik J., Falińska K., Litniewski J., Estimation of layer thickness by the cost function optimization: phantom study,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 18, 161-166, 2015
Wójcik J., Gambin B., Litniewski J., Theoretical results and numerical study on the nonlinear reflection and transmission of plane sound waves,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 18, 181-192, 2015
Gambin B., Kruglenko E., Wójcik J., Relationship between thermal and ultrasound fields in breast tissue in vivo,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 18, 53-58, 2015

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