Klimonda Z., Litniewski J., Nowicki A., Correcting for bounded bandwidth when estimating tissue attenuation from mean frequency downshift, IUS 2012, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2012-10-07/10-10, DRESDEN (DE), 1647-1650, 2012 | |
Litniewski J., Wójcik J., Nowicki A., Contribution of multiple scattering to the trabecular bone backscatter - dependence on porosity and frequency, IUS 2012, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2012-10-07/10-10, DRESDEN (DE), 1-4, 2012 | |
Piotrzkowska H., Litniewski J., Nowicki A., Szymańska E., Basal Cell Carcinoma Lesions Characterization With Ultrasound, IUS 2012, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2012-10-07/10-10, DRESDEN (DE), 1-6, 2012 | |
Kiełczyński P., Szalewski M., Balcerzak A., Rostocki A.J., Measurements of the viscosity of liquids in function of pressure and temperature using SH surface acoustic waves, IUS 2011, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2011-10-18/10-21, ORLANDO (US), 535-538, 2011 | |
Litniewski J., Cieślik L., Lewandowski M., Tymkiewicz R., Zienkiewicz B., Nowicki A., Bone scanner for examination of deeply located trabecular bones, IUS 2011, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2011-10-18/10-21, ORLANDO (US), 486-489, 2011 | |
Piotrzkowska H., Litniewski J., Szymańska E., Nowicki A., Skin lesions assessment using attenuating and statistical properties of the backscattered ultrasound, IUS 2011, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2011-10-18/10-21, ORLANDO (US), 1368-1371, 2011 | |
Kotopoulis S., Wang H., Cochran S., Postema M., Lithium niobate ultrasound transducers for high-resolution focused ultrasound surgery, IUS 2010, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2010-10-11/10-14, SAN DIEGO (US), 1, 72-75, 2010 | |
Kiełczyński P., Szalewski M., Inverse determination of thickness and elastic properties of thin layers and graded materials using generalized Love waves, IUS 2010, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2010-10-11/10-14, SAN DIEGO (US), 1, 2235-2238, 2010 | |
Lewandowski M., Klimonda Z., Karwat P., Sęklewski M., Nowicki A., Bassi L., Tortoli P., Comparison of different schemes of synthetic transmit aperture using an ultrasound advanced open platform (ULA-OP), IUS 2010, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2010-10-11/10-14, SAN DIEGO (US), 1, 1988-1991, 2010 | |
Litniewski J., Cieślik L., Wójcik J., Nowicki A., Statistical properties of trabecular bone backscatter: experimental and simulations results, IUS 2010, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2010-10-11/10-14, SAN DIEGO (US), 1, 2155-2158, 2010 | |
Kiełczyński P., Szalewski M., Rostocki A.J., Zduniak M., Siegoczyński R.M., Balcerzak A., Investigation of High-Pressure Phase Transitions in Vegetable Oils by Measuring Phase Velocity of Longitudinal Ultrasonic Waves, IUS 2009, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2009-09-20/09-23, RZYM (IT), 1563-1566, 2009 | |
Lewandowski M., Walczak M., Nowicki A., Compact modular Doppler system with digital RF processing, IUS 2009, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2009-09-20/09-23, RZYM (IT), 1848-1851, 2009 | |
Kotopoulis S., Schommartz A., Postema M., Safety radius for algae eradication at 200 kHz - 2.5 MHz, IUS 2008, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2008-11-02/11-05, BEIJING (CN), 1, 1706-1709, 2008 | |
Kiełczyński P., Szalewski M., Rostocki A.J., Gładysz J., Investigation of High-Pressure Phase Transitions in Castor Oil Using SH Surface Acoustic Waves, IUS 2008, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2008-11-02/11-05, BEIJING (CN), 1, 2154-2157, 2008 | |
Mleczko M., Postema M., Schmitz G., Identifying nonlinear characteristics for the bulk response of ultrasound contrast agent, IUS 2006, IEEE ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2006-10-02/10-06, VANCOUVER (CA), 1, 1369-1372, 2006 | |