Attention: Monographs not analysed
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Postek E., Sadowski T., Temperature effects during impact testing of a two-phase metal-ceramic composite material,
MATERIALS, 12, 10, 1629-1-13, 2019
Dunić V., Pieczyska E.A., Kowalewski Z.L., Matsui R., Slavković R., Experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical and thermal effects in TiNi SMA during transformation-induced creep phenomena,
MATERIALS, 12, 6, 883-1-13, 2019
Ranachowski Z., Ranachowski P., Dębowski T., Gorzelańczyk T., Schabowicz K., Investigation of structural degradation of fiber cement boards due to thermal impact,
MATERIALS, 12, 6, 944-1-14, 2019
Nosewicz S., Rojek J., Chmielewski M., Pietrzak K., Discrete element modeling of intermetallic matrix composite manufacturing by powder metallurgy,
MATERIALS, 12, 2, 281-1-18, 2019
Li Z., Qu H., Chen F., Wang Y., Tan Z., Kopeć M., Wang K., Zheng K., Deformation behavior and microstructural evolution during hot stamping of TA15 sheets: experimentation and modelling,
MATERIALS, 12, 2, 223-1-14, 2019
Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka D., Glinicki M.A., Gibas K., Baran T., Alkali-Silica Reactivity of High Density Aggregates for Radiation Shielding Concrete,
MATERIALS, 11, 2284, 1-15, 2018
Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Golasiński K., Staszczak M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Thermomechanical Studies of Yielding and Strain Localization Phenomena of Gum Metal under Tension,
MATERIALS, 11, 567, 1-13, 2018
Maździarz M., Mrozek A., Kuś W., Burczyński T., Anisotropic-Cyclicgraphene: A New Two-Dimensional Semiconducting Carbon Allotrope,
MATERIALS, 11, 3, 432-, 2018
Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka D., Jaskulski R., Glinicki M.A., Application of Image Analysis to Identify Quartz Grains in Heavy Aggregates Susceptible to ASR in Radiation Shielding Concrete,
MATERIALS, 9, 4, 224-1-14, 2016
Glinicki M.A., Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka D., Gibas K., Dąbrowski M., Influence of Blended Cements with Calcareous Fly Ash on Chloride Ion Migration and Carbonation Resistance of Concrete for Durable Structures,
MATERIALS, 9, 1 (Special Issue: Utilisation of By-Product Materials in Concrete), 18-1-15, 2016
Marks M., Glinicki M.A., Gibas K., Prediction of the Chloride Resistance of Concrete Modified with High Calcium Fly Ash Using Machine Learning,
MATERIALS, 8, 12, 8714-8727, 2015
Takeda K., Matsui R., Tobushi H., Pieczyska E.A., Transformation-Induced Relaxation and Stress Recovery of TiNi Shape Memory Alloy,
MATERIALS, 7, 1912-1926, 2014
Takeda K., Tobushi H., Pieczyska E.A., Transformation-Induced Creep and Creep Recovery of Shape Memory Alloy,
MATERIALS, 5, 909-921, 2012
Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka D., Antolik A., Assessment of highway pavement concrete suffering from alkali-silica reaction: case study,
Ranachowski Z., Schabowicz K., Gorzelańczyk T., Kudela Jr S., Dvorak T., Visualization of Fibers and Voids Inside Industrial Fiber Concrete Boards,

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