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Janczewska M., Szkop M., Pikus G., Kopyra K., Świątkowska A., Brygoła K., Karczmarczyk U., Walczak J., Żuk M.T., Duszak J., Ciach T., PSMA targeted conjugates based on dextran,
Lisowski P.,Glinicki M., Novel Processing Methods of Low-Clinker Multi-Component Cementitious Materials—A Review,
APPLIED SCIENCES, 14(2), 899, 1-28, 2024
Kupikowska-Stobba B.,Domagała J.,Kasprzak M., Critical Review of Techniques for Food Emulsion Characterization,
APPLIED SCIENCES, 14, 3, 1069--, 2024
Dolega-Dolegowski D.,Dolega-Dolegowska M.,Pręgowska A.,Malinowski K.,Proniewska K., The Application of Mixed Reality in Root Canal Treatment,
APPLIED SCIENCES, 13(7), 4078, 1-18, 2023
Vaitkunas T., Griskevicius P., Adumitroaie A., Peridynamic Approach to Digital Image Correlation Strain Calculation Algorithm,
APPLIED SCIENCES, 12, 13, 6550-1-21, 2022
Cacko D., Lewandowski M., Shear Wave Elastography Implementation on a Portable Research Ultrasound System: Initial Results,
APPLIED SCIENCES, 12, 12, 6210-1-24, 2022
Zhang Q., Xu D., Hou J., Jankowski Ł., Wang H., Damage identification method using additional virtual mass based on damage sparsity,
APPLIED SCIENCES, 11, 21, 10152-1-19, 2021
Kośny Jan, Miller William Anthony, Yarbrough David, Kossecka Elżbieta, Biswas Kaushik, Application of Phase Change Materials and Conventional Thermal Mass for Control of Roof-Generated Cooling Loads,
APPLIED SCIENCES, 10(19), 6875, 1-28, 2020
Hou J., Wang H., Xu D., Jankowski Ł., Wang P., Damage identification based on adding mass for liquid-solid coupling structures,
APPLIED SCIENCES, 10, 7, 2312-1-20, 2020
Hou J., Wang S., Zhang Q., Jankowski Ł., An improved objective function for modal-based damage identification using substructural virtual distortion method,
APPLIED SCIENCES, 9, 5, 971-1-17, 2019
Marszałek Adam, Burczyński Tadeusz, Modeling of limit order book data with ordered fuzzy numbers,
Zawidzki M., Szklarski J., Effective Multi-objective Discrete Optimization of Truss-Z Layouts Using a GPU,
APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, 70, 501-512, 2018
Huang T.X., Ayuningtyas Y.I., Wang C.H., Krajewski M., Lin J.Y., Polyvinylpyrrolidone-assisted sol–gel synthesis of efficient Li2TiSiO5/C composite anodes for Li-Ion batteries,
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 676, 160914, 1-8, 2024
Czwartos J., Zaszczyńska A., Nowak-Stępniowska A., Fok T., Budner B., Bartnik A., Wachulak P., Kołbuk D., Sajkiewicz P., Fiedorowicz H., The novel approach to physico-chemical modification and cytocompatibility enhancement of fibrous polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds using soft X-ray/extreme ultraviolet (SXR/EUV) radiation and low-temperature, SXR/EUV induced, nitrogen and oxygen plasmas,
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 606, 154779-1-12, 2022
Levintant-Zayonts N., Starzyński G., Kucharski S., Effect of N ion implantation on tribological properties of spring steels,
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 591, 153117-1-13, 2022

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