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Chudziński P., Aulbach J., Schäfer J., Claessen R., Partial gap in two-leg ladders with Rashba effect and its experimental signatures in Si(553)-Au,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 104, 205407-1-15, 2021
Chudziński P., Parameters of Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in a quasi-one-dimensional material with Coulomb interactions,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 103, 155122-1-12, 2021
Querales-Flores J.D., Aguado-Puente P., Dangić D., Cao J., Chudziński P., Todorov T.N., Grüning M., Fahy S., Savić I., Towards temperature-induced topological phase transition in SnTe: a first-principles study,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101, 235206-1-10, 2020
Kursa M., Bajer K., Lipniacki T., Cascade of vortex loops initiated by a single reconnection of quantum vortices,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 83, 014515-1-5, 2011
Sznajder Paweł, Zdybel Piotr, Liu Lujia, Ekiel-Jeżewska Maria L., Scaling law for a buckled elastic filament in a shear flow,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 110, 2, 025104-1-12, 2024
Gabriele V.R., Shvonski A., Hoffman C.S., Giersig M., Herczynski A., Naughton M.J., Kempa K., Towards spectrally selective catastrophic response,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 101, 062415-1-6, 2020
Słowicka A.M., Stone H.A., Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Flexible fibers in shear flow approach attracting periodic solutions,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 101, 2, 023104-1-14, 2020
Żuk P.J., Kochańczyk M., Lipniacki T., Sampling rare events in stochastic reaction-diffusion systems within trajectory looping,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 98, 022401-1-10, 2018
Gruca M., Bukowicki M., Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Periodic and quasiperiodic motions of many particles falling in a viscous fluid,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 92, 023026-1-10, 2015
Szymańska P., Kochańczyk M., Miękisz J., Lipniacki T., Effective reaction rates in diffusion-limited phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycles,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 91, 022702-1-15, 2015
Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Class of periodic and quasiperiodic trajectories of particles settling under gravity in a viscous fluid,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 90, 043007-1-10, 2014
Jaruszewicz J., Kimmel M., Lipniacki T., Stability of bacterial toggle switches is enhanced by cell-cycle lengthening by several orders of magnitude,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 89, 2, 022710-1-26, 2014
Szczytko J., Vaupotic N., Madrak K., Sznajder P., Górecka E., Magnetic moment of a single metal nanoparticle determined from the Faraday effect,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 87, 3, 033201-1-6, 2013
Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Wajnryb E., Lifetime of a cluster of spheres settling under gravity in Stokes flow,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 83, 067301-1-4, 2011
Abade G.C., Cichocki B., Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Nägele G., Wajnryb E., Dynamics of permeable particles in concentrated suspensions,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 81, 020404-1-4, 2010

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