Golasiński K.,Maj M.,Urbański L.,Staszczak M.,Gradys A.,Pieczyska E., Experimental study of thermomechanical behaviour of Gum Metal during cyclic tensile loadings: the quantitative contribution of IRT and DIC, QUANTITATIVE INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY JOURNAL, 1-18, 2023 |  |
Golasiński K.,Maj M.,Tasaki W.,Pieczyska E.,Kim H., Full-Field Deformation Study of Ti–25Nb, Ti–25Nb–0.3O and Ti–25Nb–0.7O Shape Memory Alloys During Tension Using Digital Image Correlation, METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 1-10, 2024 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Staszczak M., Takesue N., Thermomechanical behavior of gum metal under cyclic compression, PCM-CMM, 4TH POLISH CONGRESS OF MECHANICS, 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER METHODS IN MECHANICS, 2019-09-08/09-12, KRAKÓW (PL), 1-, 2019 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Staszczak M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Takesue N., Analysis of temperature changes of a Ti-based alloy gum metal under selected loadings in the context of its unconventional deformation mechanisms, 8TH WDZYDZEANUM WORKSHOP ON „FLUID – SOLID INTERACTION”, 2020-08-30/09-03, WDZYDZE KISZEWSKIE (PL), 1-1, 2020 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E.A., Mackiewicz S., Staszczak M., Zubko M., Takesue N., Analysis Gum Metal crystallographic texture and misorientation in correlation to its mechanical behavior, CAC, XXIV CONFERENCE ON APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, 2018-09-02/09-06, ARŁAMÓW (PL), OY1-5, 37-38, 2018 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E., Staszczak M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Thermomechanical behavior of gum metal under cyclic loading, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P208, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E., Staszczak M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Infrared thermography applied for experimental investigation of thermomechanical couplings in Gum Metal, QIRT 2016, XIII INTERNATIONAL QUANTITATIVE INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY CONFERENCE, 2016-06-04/06-08, GDAŃSK (PL), 291-296, 2016 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E., Staszczak M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Thermomechanical Investigation of Gum Metal – a New Innovative Titanium Alloy for Biomedical Applications, THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SOCIETAS HUMBOLDTIANA POLONORUM “LONGEVITY - A BLESSING OR A CURSE”, 2016-06-30/07-02, ŁÓDŹ (PL), 43-, 2016 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E., Staszczak M., Cristea M., Experimental investigation of thermomechanical properties of multifunctional materials at IPPT PAN, MACRO IASI, THE XXVI-TH SYMPOSIUM PROGRESS IN ORGANIC AND POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 2017-10-05/10-06, JASSY (RO), 1-1, 2017 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E., Maj M., Staszczak M., Takesue N., Superelastic-like behavior of Gum Metal under compression inspected by infrared thermography, ESOMAT 2018, 11TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON MARTENSITIC TRANSFORMATIONS, 2018-08-27/08-31, METZ (FR), 84-, 2018 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E., Maj M., Staszczak M., Takesue N., Investigation of Gum Metal under compressive cyclic loading, PLASTMET 2016, JUBILEUSZOWE X SEMINARIUM NAUKOWE ZINTEGROWANE STUDIA PODSTAW DEFORMACJI PLASTYCZNEJ METALI, 2016-11-22/11-25, ŁAŃCUT (PL), 41-42, 2016 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E., Maj M., Staszczak M., Świec P., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Investigation of strain rate sensitivity of gum metal under tension using digital image correlation, ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 20, 2, 53-1-14, 2020 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E., Maj M., Mackiewicz S., Staszczak M., Zubko M., Takesue N., Elastic and plastic anisotropy of gum metal investigated by ultrasound measurements and digital image correlation, ISMMS, 10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MECHANICS OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 2019-06-02/06-06, AUGUSTÓW (PL), 43-44, 2019 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E., Maj M., Mackiewicz S., Staszczak M., Kowalewski Z., Urbański L., Zubko M., Takesue N., Anisotropy of gum metal analysed by ultrasonic measurement and digital image correlation, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 36, 9, 996-1002, 2020 |  |
Golasiński K., How do the content of oxygen change superelastic properties of biomedical shape memory alloys?, VIRTUAL HUMBOLDT COLLOQUIUM “BUILDING BRIDGES, MOVING MINDS: THE ROLE OF THE HUMBOLDT-NETWORK IN FOSTERING RESEARCH COOPERATION IN EUROPE, 2021-09-23/09-24, BONN - ON-LINE (DE), 1-1, 2021 |  |