Attention: Monographs not analysed
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Klepaczko J.R., Rusinek A., Rodriguez-Martinez J.A., Pęcherski R.B., Arias A., Modelling of thermo-viscoplastic behavior of DH-36 and Weldox 460-E structural steels at wide ranges of strain rates and temperatures, comparison of constitutive relations for impact problems,
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS, 41, 5, 599-621, 2009
Kleveta G., Borzęcka K., Zdioruk M., Czerkies M., Kuberczyk H., Sybirna N., Sobota A., Kwiatkowska K., LPS induces phosphorylation of actin-regulatory proteins leading to actin reassembly and macrophage motility,
Klimiec E., Zachariasz P., Kaczmarek H., Królikowski B., Mackiewicz S., Elasticity investigation of thin cellular structure films for piezoelectric sensors,
SENSOR REVIEW, 42, 2, 204-213, 2022
Klimonda Z., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Karwat P., Litniewski J., Quantitative Ultrasound of Tumor Surrounding Tissue for Enhancement of Breast Cancer Diagnosis,
IWBBIO 2018, 6TH INTERNATIONAL WORK-CONFERENCE, 2018-04-25/04-27, GRANADA (ES), 10814, 186-197, 2018
Klimonda Z., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Tymkiewicz R., Litniewski J., Ultrasound attenuation imaging of tumor tissue,
OSA 16, LXIII OTWARTE SEMINARIUM Z AKUSTYKI, 2016-09-13/09-16, BIAŁOWIEŻA (PL), 619-620, 2016
Klimonda Z., Karwat P., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Litniewski J., On the assessment of local tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy,
Klimonda z., Karwat P., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Litniewski J., Assessment of breast cancer response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy based on ultrasound backscattering envelope statistics,
MEDICAL PHYSICS, 1, 1-8, 2022
Klimonda Z., Karwat P., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Litniewski J., Assessment of a breast cancer response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy using backscatter ultrasound statistics,
2019 ICU BRUGES, 2019 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ULTRASONICS, 2019-09-03/09-06, BRUGES (BE), 38, 1, 020003-1-5, 2019
Klimonda Z., Karwat P., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Litniewski J., Breast-lesions characterization using quantitative ultrasound features of peritumoral tissue,
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9, 7963-1-9, 2019
Klimonda Z., Karwat P., Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Litniewski J., Ultrasound scattering statistics predicts the result of neoadjuvant chemotherapy of breast tumors at an early stage of treatment,
IUS 2019, IEEE, INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2019-10-06/10-09, GLASGOW (GB), 1512-1514, 2019
Klimonda Z., Lewandowski M., Nowicki A., Trots I., Lewin P.A., Direct and post-compressed sound fields for different coded excitations - experimental results,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 30, 4, 507-514, 2005
Klimonda Z., Litniewski J., Karwat P., Nowicki A., Spatial and Frequency Compounding in Application to Attenuation Estimation in Tissue,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 39, 4, 519-527, 2014
Klimonda Z., Litniewski J., Karwat P., Secomski W., Nowicki A., Tissue attenuation imaging - Synthetic Aperture Focusing versus Spatial Compounding,
IUS 2012, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2012-10-07/10-10, DRESDEN (DE), 2361-2363, 2012
Klimonda Z., Litniewski J., Nowicki A., Compounded plane wave technique applied to imaging attenuation of ultrasound in tissue structures,
FA2014, 7TH FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014, 2014-09-07/09-12, KRAKÓW (PL), SS27_1, 1-5, 2014
Klimonda Z., Litniewski J., Nowicki A., Correcting for bounded bandwidth when estimating tissue attenuation from mean frequency downshift,
IUS 2012, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2012-10-07/10-10, DRESDEN (DE), 1647-1650, 2012

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