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Maździarz Marcin, PhD
Department of Information and Computational Science
position: Assistant Professor
room: 417
e-mail: mmazdz
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.321

Prof. Meissner Mirosław, PhD, DSc
Department of Intelligent Technologies
position: Associate Professor
room: 434
e-mail: mmeissn
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.317

Mirajkar Harish Nagaraj, PhD
Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
position: Assistant Professor
room: 322
e-mail: hmirajka
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.421

Misztal-Faraj Beata, PhD, DSc
Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
position: Assistant Professor
room: 210
e-mail: bfaraj
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.209

Mościcki Tomasz, PhD, DSc
Department of Experimental Mechanics
position: Associate Professor
room: 033
e-mail: tmosc
web site:
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.231